The stairs of the two-story building are very strange. They are not in the middle, but on the far left. In other words, if the people in the rightmost room on the second floor want to leave the building, they must walk through the entire second floor and half of the first floor. The white-skinned man and others chose to explore the direction of the stairs, while Xue Zhefei and others walked to the right. From here to the end is a dead end, and there is no staircase going up. "This is a goods storage room, with densely packed shelves inside, but it's empty."

"No, there are many file bags on the bottom shelf. Come on, everyone, help open them and take a look!"

"Don't come in, the room is too small to accommodate them. Look in the other rooms."

The remaining rooms are the food storage room opposite the goods storage room, an empty warehouse on the right side of the goods storage room, and the waste recycling center on the right side of the food storage room. There are no rooms further to the right.

In addition to the file bags on the bottom shelf in the goods storage room, there are also a lot of discarded items in the waste recycling center, and there is nothing in the other two rooms.

Including various wooden tables and chairs, boxes and cabinets, old flashlights, old telephones, shovels, snow shovels, etc., and there are also many old books.

The resume file of the man named Zhang Zuoren is likely to be stuffed in these books, or in some old items, such as the sundries in the box regulations!

Dong Liu and others began to search quickly with nervous anticipation.

They kept in mind the requirements in the copy information and did not dare to destroy the things at hand, even if they were old items.

"Many of them are old books. This novel about the Three Kingdoms is almost half a century old. And this book How the Steel Was Tempered is actually a translation from the 1950s."

"Well, there are also common reader story clubs more than ten years ago. If there is no danger in the copy, these books are worth reading and can kill time."

As a reporter, Dong Liu still likes reading very much.

Suddenly seeing so many old books at this time, she finally found a little confidence. She flipped through each book page by page.

"By the way, can this phone still be used? I see that the telephone line is intact, and there is a socket there."

Song Ting noticed the telephone. She tried to plug in the line and was stunned. The power light of the phone was on!

Everyone in the room came over.

In the middle, someone tried to turn on the light and found that the phone had power, but the light in the room was not on.

A man tried to pick up the phone receiver, but before he could figure out what number to press, a voice came from the other side.

"As long as you kill Zhang Zuoren, or survive one night in the open air tonight without entering any room, then you can leave here immediately."

The voice on the other side was low, and the phone was hung up directly after saying this, and a busy tone came from the receiver.

"What do you mean? Does this mean that I don't need to find Zhang Zuoren's resume, and I can complete the task by completing either target ② or target ③?"

The man couldn't help but feel happy. You know, since target ① is a mandatory task in this dungeon, only ten people can pass it at most.

But there are about forty participants in the dungeon, and there is only a small chance that the ten places will fall on him.

If you can bypass this task with a limited number of people, it will naturally be good news.

"It should be a certain branch task in the dungeon, which is a benefit." The rural woman analyzed next to her.

She asked the other party to hang up the phone, and then picked up the receiver, but there was no sound from the other side.

A group of people tried to dial, but it didn't work no matter what number they dialed. It seemed that except for the man who called at the beginning, this task would not be triggered again.

So everyone continued to search, and at this moment, Song Ting groaned in pain, and a rusty knife piled among the old items cut a long cut on her arm!

Song Ting hurriedly said that she was fine, and then tears welled up in the corners of her eyes, and quickly took out alcohol cotton swabs and other things from the small schoolbag behind her.

Dong Liu hesitated for a moment and put down the things in his hand, took Song Ting to the corridor, shone a flashlight on the other's wound, and helped her clean it.

"Strange, why is it getting dark so quickly? Isn't it just four o'clock now?"

Song Ting looked around to distract the pain in her arm, wondering.

At this time, the corridor was so dark that she had to use a flashlight. Didn't they say that it would be dark here at six o'clock? They just entered the hundred

It was still bright when they went to the grocery store.

Dong Liu guessed: "It gets dark at six o'clock. Maybe this dark only refers to a time period, not that it gets dark only at six o'clock?"

"Anyway, the daytime hours in this place should be very short, and our daytime hours are quite tight."

While the two were talking, a sharp scream suddenly came from the empty warehouse opposite, accompanied by someone yelling inside, and everyone in several rooms was alarmed.

The two women stood outside the door and looked inside, only to see a man lying on the ground with his head sideways, his eyes wide open, his head wet, and a pool of blood on the ground. He looked dead!

"What's going on? What the hell is going on?!"

Xue Zhefei squeezed into the crowd, rushed over to check the body of the man on the ground, and asked solemnly.

"Speaking of which, you may not believe it, there was a nail loose on the ceiling, and it fell and just hit him to death."

A witness pointed to the top of his head with a complicated tone, and then pointed to the man on the ground who died with his eyes open.

The other person was hit on the head by a nail, which penetrated the skull and caused brain death instantly.

"What the hell is this? Is there such a coincidence in the world? A nail happened to fall and hit the head of a person, and the nail happened to be pointed downwards, and it happened to hit the head of a person?"

"Is there a misunderstanding about the hardness of the human skull?"

Xue Zhefei said he would never believe it.

However, there was more than one witness in the room. After repeated confirmation by everyone, everyone had to accept this fact, and at the same time, a sense of absurdity and uneasiness rose in their hearts.

"I found the resume!"

At this moment, a surprised voice suddenly came from the waste recycling center, successfully diverting everyone's attention, and everyone rushed over again.

"This is too cruel, the resume of the character is directly printed on a piece of paper in the old book? If you don't turn the pages one by one, who can find it?"

This resume was found in a book on philosophy research.

If the most boring books in the world are classified into one category, this kind of philosophy book is quite explosive even in this category.

Any normal human being would never look through this thing.

"Zhang Zuoren, male, 44 years old, night watchman at Mingmu Villa, likes reading, knows a little about fighting, and likes to go out at night."

The resume is very simple, with only these few contents, and there is not even a photo.

"So is this a real resume or a fake resume? According to the copy information, there should be more than one resume, and only one is real."

"Why bother so much, just put this thing away, and wait for others to find other resumes, and then compare them and you will know."

"But the resume task can only be completed by ten people at most, and we have more than a dozen people here. If we need to compare resumes with others at that time, how will the people who pass the final level be determined?"

"It depends on your ability. Are we all going to be admitted?"

Xue Zhefei sneered. Since he had found a resume and it was getting dark, he planned to leave the department store and go back first.

After six o'clock in the evening, this copy is expected to change. He needs to stay strategically and observe the situation outside.

He casually stretched the door that was not fully opened, preparing to pass through the door frame.

However, this casual stretch seemed to use too much force, and the door quickly bounced back and hit him hard.

Xue Zhefei seemed to be unsteady, and staggered forward slightly. He subconsciously reached out to the wall across the aisle and looked back at the same time.

Just this support, he immediately felt a sharp pain in his hand!

In pain, he hurriedly looked back and saw an unknown insect quickly crawling away from the wall and disappearing in the dark night in the corner.

Xue Zhefei's hand quickly became red and swollen, and then a black color began to spread on his skin at a fast speed.

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