The old man was in trouble.

The bad luck trigger is really useful.

Huang Sheng estimated that he had never used this thing before they gave it to him. After all, this thing doesn't look like a lucky thing, and no one is idle enough to try its power.

The trigger range is within the entire copy. Not to mention that the gang outside is unlucky one by one, Huang Sheng himself is not immune.

Just now, he moved a little too much, and a shovel that fell silently almost cut his leg.

Bad luck is unreasonable. After all, things that common sense should not cause injuries to people are hard to say in the face of bad luck.

This shovel looked ordinary and had no attack power, but he had no doubt that it would seriously injure him if it fell down!

The one who bit Xue Zhefei was a highly poisonous creature that he had spent a lot of energy to create.

It was just such a coincidence that he had just watched his companion being killed by a nail falling on his head, and then this person slapped the poisonous insect that "happened" to stroll here, and naturally bit it.

At this time, Xue Zhefei fell to the ground with foam at the mouth in a short time, and he couldn't even hold on until he took out the detoxification capsule from the space.

It was Ma He who stuffed the only detoxification capsule he gave him into the other party's mouth, and the other party's worsening symptoms were controlled.

"Let's go, we can't stay in this building!"

Xue Zhefei came to his senses and hurriedly climbed up with difficulty, and a group of people ran out in a hurry.

And the others were not necessarily lucky.

The white-skinned man who was coming down from the second floor of the department store with his men, who had nothing to gain, was about to go out and ask the group of Earth Evolvers downstairs what happened, when he suddenly heard a scream from the back of the team.

The last female Evolver missed a step, then waved a sickle-like weapon in her hand and fell down the stairs in a panic.

Some people below reached out to help each other, some stopped their hands in advance with a smirk, and some subconsciously dodged.

Then there was a clang, and screams came one after another, from different people.

When the group rolled down from the upper flight of stairs and all stopped at the corner, there were already three more bodies at the scene.

Only the woman who missed a step at the beginning held a bloodstained sickle weapon in her hand, looking at the scene in front of her with a numb face...

Everyone in the department store escaped.

Judging from the situation in the guardhouse opposite, it was probably similar. There was a lot of noise and cursing from there.

Song Ting and her group ran back to their yard in panic.

As a result, the old woman who had sprinkled caltrops on the ground before leaving, I don’t know if her eyesight was not good, she stepped hard on the outermost one with a flashlight!

The old woman screamed in pain and jumped up on the spot.

Originally, this kind of thing hurts the sole of the foot. You don’t jump around and just go back and deal with it carefully.

As a result, there was only a puff sound, and the other party’s sole was injured again.

The rural woman standing behind her was originally waiting for the other party to lead the way through the "hidden weapon array".

Because she was too surprised, she reached out to help her a step too late, and watched the old woman in severe pain fall headfirst on the caltrops all over the ground.

Puff, puff, puff——

The other party didn't know how many moves he had in an instant. When they dragged him out, he was already dead.

Song Ting and Dong Liu were trembling with fear. They subconsciously leaned against each other and looked at the world around them in horror.

No, the victory of the three-legged man was also an F-level copy. Shouldn't it be about the same difficulty? Why did things turn out like this?

Song Ting was scared to death at this moment. Didn't the injury she suffered before seem light?

Xue Zhefei was spitting white foam and brought a group of people with brooms to sweep all the caltrops on the ground together and piled them in the corner.

The remaining three people dared to go back to their rooms. Otherwise, no one could guarantee that they would be like that great man, who was playing himself to death in public with such a big flashlight.

Not to mention the three women who were already scared, Xue Zhefei was taking clean water and detoxification drugs from the gift and storage box after returning.

After taking two needles of black blood from his bite wound, Xue Zhefei's face turned red again.

Ma He trembled beside him: "

I said, Brother Fei, why don't we retreat? This place is too weird. "

Brother Huang, I really want to thank you for eight generations. I thought you introduced me here to learn experience, but you brought me here to die!

It was okay during the day, and there seemed to be no abnormality here.

As soon as it got dark, a lot of people died immediately. Can you believe that they went out for more than ten people, and when they came back, they were already one-quarter less?

"I haven't even spent the first night and I'm retreating. This is not my style!"

Although Brother Fei's mouth is still foaming, his temper is very tough.

"You will know when you play two more copies in the future. You may encounter some fatal events suddenly. When you become an evolver, you must have the awareness of an evolver and face difficulties head-on."

"Run away when you encounter a little setback. When you can't run away one day, you don't even have the experience to deal with it, and you can't even struggle! "

Xue Zhefei took out a rubber elastic rope and put it around his waist first, then said to the remaining people in the room: "You all get in, we'll tie it together, and it should be guaranteed that no more bad luck will happen."

"This is a prop for sharing fortune. Unless several of us encounter a fatal disaster at the same time, otherwise the bad luck will be shared and we can always survive."

Several people are squeezed in this elastic rope, so what should everyone do with eating, drinking, defecating and urinating next?

To pee together, to squat together, to sleep in a "zhou" shape, and one person pokes another's butt?

"Don't worry about it, it's all a small matter in front of saving your life. I'm very tired now, I'll take a nap first, you move all the luggage to the front, so that you don't have to get out of the elastic rope to get anything. "

As soon as Xue Zhefei finished speaking, he leaned against the wall and fell asleep.

The remaining few people did not dare to move. After eating something, they checked Zhang Zuoren's resume information under the light.

One person asked: "Could this Zhang Zuoren be the boss in the dungeon? There will be such a similar character in many dungeons, and it must be more difficult. Which of the two tasks do you think is easier to do?"

"The resume says that he only knows a little fighting. Otherwise, after we find him, we will go up and kick him with a straight kick and a backhand five-whip to deal with him?"

"You dare to believe this?"

"This person is a night watchman. I guess he only comes out at night. The last two tasks have to be done at night. Damn, I dare not go out in the dark."

"Let's listen to the movement outside first and wait for Brother Fei to wake up. "

The group of people finally discussed to no avail, and then looked at Xue Zhefei who was sleeping like a dead person.

From the other party's state, this sleep will either not wake up, or at least sleep until midnight. Objective ② requires survival outside the building from 6 pm to 6 am, which is definitely impossible to complete today.

As for the so-called two small buildings in the copy warning that only one of them is safe at night.

What's the point of saying this? It was even daytime just now, and they still escaped in a hurry. How dare they go there at night?

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