The train was packed with people.

Many carriages had people getting off the train one after another, so much so that there were nearly a hundred people along the tracks near the stop!

"Damn it, how can this copy accommodate so many people?"

Hu Jialin's face changed slightly, and she was very glad that the four of them had known each other in advance on the train, and had not found any problems with their companions for the time being.

This is a large or medium-sized town that is about 30 years behind the earth.

The people in the town seemed to have no reaction to the train that was speeding past the edge of the town, and only showed some vigilance and surprise when they saw these unfamiliar faces.

The houses in Helin Town are mainly made of wood and brick-wood mixed materials, which are very beautiful. They are mainly two- or three-story buildings, and many houses have brightly colored paint on their walls.

The train stopped at an open area with a few scattered building areas, and a stone cliff on both sides. The further you go, the tighter the cliff becomes.

There are many private cars here, and many participants choose to take the car and take the opportunity to obtain information from the locals.

Huang Sheng and his four companions walked all the way to the direction where the stone cliff tightened. Entering inside is the main part of the town.

"Why hasn't the copy information been triggered yet?" Li Xiang couldn't help asking.

"I don't know, maybe there is a lack of triggering conditions."

Huang Sheng shook his head. There are thousands of types of copies, and there are countless subdivisions. No one knows what the situation is until they are officially contacted.

At this time, he had put on a protective mask and reminded the other people to pay attention.

"Don't worry, let me test the composition in the air first to see if there are any abnormal bacteria and viruses."

Hu Jialin took out a transparent bag and covered the air with a snap, and then tied it to an instrument similar to a syringe, but made of opaque metal and as thick as an arm.

The instrument had lights of various colors on.

Huang Sheng stared at the screen of the syringe instrument. When he found that it was not testing the elements that he could understand, he stopped looking at it and just waited for the news.

"The virus survives in the air for a very short time. Are you sure you can detect it like this?" He couldn't help asking a few minutes later.

Hu Jialin smiled and said, "This is not an uninhabited area. There are also several residential areas near the railway tracks. There are also quite a few people. There is always fresh air exhaled from the human body."

"Through droplets, aerosols and other channels, as long as people pass by frequently, there may be traces of the virus. Our instruments are very advanced and highly sensitive. As long as their number is not negligible, they can be detected."

Soon she looked at the results and said, "Several very common influenza viruses were detected. These are types that are widely spread in various civilizations. They should have nothing to do with this copy."

"Does it mean that you don't need to carry this thing with you at all times?"

Li Xiang asked. The protective mask with a breathing valve protects the mouth very tightly. It is very uncomfortable to wear and very inconvenient to speak.

"Let's wear it for now. I'll test it again when we get to a crowded place in the town. If there's really no problem, we'll take it off."

Hu Jialin put away the instrument and Huang Sheng also put away the mask temporarily, and walked to a middle-aged woman who passed by them and kept looking at them curiously.

The people in Helin Town have Western faces. This is a white aunt.

"Hello, auntie. We are tourists from other places. May I ask you for some information about our Helin Town?"

Huang Sheng said to the other party, and at the same time took out a bag of transparently packaged, very exquisite chocolate candies from his pocket. At first glance, it was expensive, and handed it to the other party.

The auntie was curious about the origins of these people. At this time, she was actively approached and was also happy to take the gift. While introducing them, she invited several people to her home, which was not far away.

"Because the train warned that the town is now influenza-infected, we wear masks. After all, the journey time is limited, and we don't want to drag our sick bodies to sightsee in case we are infected."

Huang Sheng explained the behavior of several people wearing very impolite masks on their faces.

The old lady happily expressed her full understanding.

After arriving at the other party's house, Huang Sheng found that the residents of this small town still lived in a relatively poor life. The furniture and decoration were barely habitable, but basic supplies such as food and drink seemed to be sufficient, but there were no corresponding enjoyment items or luxury goods.

Helin used a local banknote here and did not recognize black notes.

But the locals were very happy with the various foods of foreign tourists.

, snacks, and other items that are not available in the town. They are very interested and highly recommend them.

This made everyone feel relieved. Now they don’t know how long they will stay here, so exchanging local currency is very important.

Huang Sheng and Hu Jialin each contributed some supplies. The aunt was so happy with just a few things that she gave them a lot of local currency, mainly change, and opened up the conversation.

About seven days ago, the Health Bureau of Helin Town issued a flu prevention alert. Of course, no one took it seriously. After all, this is a seasonal disease. Anyone who is a little bit nervous will not take it seriously at all.

Also seven days ago, passengers from other places like them came to the town one after another, looking for a place to stay, and the number of people is increasing.

"Oh, there are really all kinds of people, one-eyed, three-legged, two-meter-tall, very white-skinned, very dark-skinned, and you kids are the most normal people, with good tempers."

"Many tourists are very difficult to deal with. They beat people up when they disagree with each other, and even caused many deaths. The police station has been busy these days. I heard that they applied for a special force from the city to manage the public security of the town. It has been here for two days."

"I heard that many people are looking for a man named Hut, saying that he has some secret documents in his hands. Also, there is a pharmaceutical center in the northernmost part of the town, which seems to have been burned down by you tourists a few days ago."

"Anyway, the town is very lively. Every night, there are sirens everywhere, as well as various fighting sounds and gunshots. We want to see it, but we dare not go over to see it, so we have to hide at home. Fortunately, the TV station sometimes reports news about this."

The auntie chattered, and there was some important information in it, which was silently recorded by everyone.

According to the number of people estimated by the aunt, the total number of tourists in the past few days, including theirs, which should be the last wave, is estimated to be around 500, which is a very large number.

"Aunt, you must stay at home at night. It is really dangerous in the town."

Several people did not stay for long. Huang Sheng reminded them again and again before leaving.

The four people quickened their pace and were a little worried about the accommodation situation.

Entering the town, they found that there were police on duty at every intersection, and even roadblocks were set up, and almost all the hotels were full.

From time to time, a group of policemen would go over with one or two fierce people. The evolutionists who made trouble were very fierce. Even when they were detained, they tried every means to escape and even hurt the police, so that all the police looked at them tourists with a strong sense of unkindness.

After repeated inquiries, a local named Kyle was willing to accept them to live in his home.

No payment was charged, but they needed to exchange the food in their hands and ensure the safety of their family during their stay.

The four of them didn't think much about it, so they nodded and agreed.

The layout of Helin Town is roughly rectangular, with the north-south long and the east-west short. The direction of the railway track is roughly in the south. Kyle's house is in the north of the town, less than 100 meters away from the central road that runs through the town from north to south.

This is a two-story wooden building, where only Kyle and his younger brother Cage live. There is a small yard behind the wooden building.

The entire first floor is a utility room, and the second floor has limited rooms.

Hu Jialin was assigned a room, Huang Sheng and Li Xiang were assigned a room, and as for the ascetic Huanli, he insisted on living in a room on the first floor that was barely habitable.

It was close to noon, and Hu Jialin went to a densely populated area to test the air composition, while Huang Sheng took Li Xiang to contact various evolvers that could be seen around.

There were so many participants in this dungeon, and the dungeon mission might be very unusual. Their team of four was far from enough.

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