The weather was very bad, but the weather was very bad.

Soon he met several evolvers who arrived here yesterday and formed a temporary team.

The leader was a tall white man with a cold face. The weapons of several people were mainly guns and crossbows.

Just when he brought the white man Shaji and his four companions back to the residence and prepared to introduce them to several companions, the copy information suddenly appeared!

[Five hundred passengers have been detected to enter Helin Town, and the prelude to the E-level copy virus has begun]

[With the frequent travel of trains carrying foreign tourists to this planet, the tranquility here has been broken. The backward civilization and boring life made many bigwigs who had seen the tip of the iceberg of the prosperous world unable to sit still. They longed for more changes and the power of this world to become stronger quickly.

[The H1 biological agent developed by Ade Company is transmitted through body fluids and close contact. It aims to provide data support for further biological agent development. The specific harm is not yet known. After Alhut, a former researcher of Ade Company, noticed that the agent was abnormal, he fled to Helin Town with samples and top-secret information.

[Due to the arrival of a large number of foreign tourists, the public security situation in the town has been severely challenged. The Brown Bear Commando was ordered to come from the city two days ago.

[Requirements for passing the copy: complete the following Any two goals will be completed]

[①: Ensure Alhut's personal safety within 48 hours and provide him with basic research conditions]

[②: Prevent the spread of H1 biological agents]

[③: The number of survivors in Herlin Town exceeds 100 people]

[The mission time limit is 7 days. Please note that under the temptation of money and the colorful world, not all residents of the town are completely resistant to the emergence of this biological agent]

[Task reminder: At 9 o'clock tonight, the Gathering Hotel in the center of the town will hold a large charity ball, and the Brown Bear Commando will personally serve as the security force]

The task prompt disappeared quickly. Looking at the text message in the interface, several people looked at each other for a while.

However, Huang Sheng was not calm at this time. No matter which of the three mission goals, it seemed that they, the participants of the copy, would be reluctant to complete it.

But the copy told them that there were already 500 evolvers gathered here. What does this mean?

It means that the copy tasks of the participants are not the same!

There must be some people whose tasks are completely opposite to theirs!

Otherwise, with the power of five hundred evolvers, if the target is the same, any resistance in the whole town can be swept away.

"What is your mission?" Huang Sheng asked directly while the few people may not have figured out the meaning.

"Protect Alhut, prevent the spread of the drug, and protect the residents of the town."

Before Shaki spoke, a thin white man in the team said that the faces of the few people were normal, and it seemed that they all had the same mission.

Huang Sheng was slightly relieved. At this time, he saw Hu Jialin coming back, so he took a few people into the house.

The four people in the team had the same mission. Shaki contacted several friends he met yesterday through the communicator and learned that they had the same mission.

At this time, Shaki and others, who had already realized that the evolvers should not be in the same camp, felt a little strange. The tasks of the people they knew were the same, so who received the opposite mission?

"It could be passengers who arrived a few days earlier, or it could be that the villains are just a few people hiding among us."

Huang Sheng said solemnly, if a few people mixed in the crowd suddenly turned against the mission at a critical moment, the situation would be very dangerous and the losses would be huge.

In this way, the evolvers would definitely be suspicious of each other, and the further the copy progressed, the harder it would be to trust others.

"Take your time, don't rush."

Although Shaji is a 1.9-meter-tall muscular man with a lot of flesh, he advised everyone not to rush and asked: "I feel that we need some firepower in this situation. How about we split up and get some arms while you get more information, especially about the charity ball tonight."

Huang Sheng and the other four naturally nodded in agreement. After watching the other party's backs going away, Hu Jialin asked: "Do you think they are trustworthy? Are they in the same group as us?"


Huang Sheng replied: "I asked them the first time after quickly reading the mission information. The mission content they gave is exactly the same as ours."

"This little time is not enough for them to think more, such as what undercover identity the system assigns them.

Well, my guess is that the evolvers on the same train should all belong to the same camp. "

"Otherwise, if the camps are randomly divided, the situation of 500 people will be too complicated."

"No team can guarantee that all members are performing the same task. When a random bullet may kill a person, the difficulty of this copy is comparable to climbing to the sky."

"Your analysis is very good, I think so too." Hu Jialin smiled sweetly, obviously very satisfied with the ability of her teammates.

Then she said: "Just now, after testing, I found that there was still no suspicious virus in the crowded area, but I found a strange catalytic enzyme in the air, which appeared in the center of the crowd and was very abnormal."

"Did someone deliberately put it in the air?" Huang Sheng asked, Huanli and Li Xiang listened silently, and couldn't get a word in.

"Yes, there is only this explanation, but after the enzyme is exposed to normal temperature air, it will generally be inactivated in 30 minutes, so someone must be frequently putting it in the air. If it has nothing to do with H1, I will just take a shower upside down. "

Hu Jialin said with certainty.

"But according to the copy information, H1 is transmitted through body fluids and contact, not directly through the air. Isn't it strange that the catalytic enzyme appears in the air? What does it catalyze?"

Huang Sheng raised an objection.

Hu Jialin said seriously: "As long as a certain virus is spread everywhere in the air, they have a chance to enter the human body through human activities and react in the body. When the time comes, someone starts to release H1 into the air, and a small number of people may be infected outside the conventional transmission route, further increasing the speed of infection. "

Huang Sheng nodded silently. It sounds serious, but the mask can be taken off.

Because the transmission route of the virus is now known, and it is a small probability event to be infected through air transmission. It is not too late to take protective measures when the situation shows signs of deterioration.

"Time is precious, let's assign tasks now. "

Huang Sheng said that the duration of this dungeon actually reached seven days, which means that they need to prepare more supplies, and there are many other things.

"Hu Jialin, go and find out about the charity ball. Li Xiang will take the money to reserve more local supplies for us, including food and clean water, and even tents. It must be the kind of unopened purified water."

"Huanli, you stay at home. It's best to pay attention to Kyle and Cage. If you have a chance, talk to them and see their attitude towards H1."

"As for me, continue to contact the evolvers around us. We have too few people and will suffer in such a large-scale dungeon operation. "

Hu Jialin is from Twin Cities. She may not have experienced more dungeons than them, but the information, ability and vision she has mastered are more in line with Huang Sheng's expectations of ordinary people in a large site.

It should be no problem for her to be responsible for the more important charity ball information gathering work.

Huanli and Li Xiang are not very sensitive and capable, so they are assigned some simple tasks.

Make the best use of people and things.

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