The lanterns were used to carry lanterns.

Some buildings with few people and no defenses have already been entered by lantern bearers one after another.

As for whether the people inside are playing hide-and-seek, racing or dealing with them in some other way, they can only hope for the best.

But it is certain that there will be few survivors. The lantern bearers have the most say in the changes in their strength. Ordinary people are basically dead in the face of them now.

Under their feet.

The main teaching building has many rooms and complex structures. The remaining students are frantically dealing with several ancillary buildings and nearly 20 floors.

Unlike other buildings, since the space here is large enough, there are many doors and obstacles, as long as you are willing to run, you can still be saved.

Huang Sheng sighed inwardly. It was not that he did not help the dying. He did not see anyone along the way when he came up, otherwise he would have taken them with him.

It was impossible for him to go downstairs to lead people. If he went down, the whole building would probably follow him up. Moreover, if the news spread, everyone would know that someone was watching them die up there. He would not be able to rest in peace on the roof. It was simply digging a hole for himself.

"Brother, where are you now?"

Ma He asked him at this time. Huang Sheng casually said that he was in a safe place and asked about the situation in the dormitory.

"The iron beds and various heavy luggages are piled up tightly down there. Even if those monsters tear down the door, they can't get in!"

Ma He said excitedly: "There are nearly a thousand boys in our building now, and many of them have fought monsters before. We are not afraid of them! Even if they rush in, we will fight them!"

Huang Sheng smiled slightly. This was why he wanted Ma He and his men to go out before. If there was a harvest, it would be a bloody profit, and if there was no harvest, it would also be a courage test!

Ma He and his team were in good spirits and in good condition. As long as there were no major accidents, there should be no problem with nearly a thousand people in the dormitory building.

Although the monster was strong, it was not enough in front of so many prepared and courageous people.

The dormitory building was different from the group of bishops who ran to study and were trapped. The dormitory building had only one entrance and exit, and it was where everyone lived and slept. In this battle, there were many people, many tools, and they were familiar with each other, so the morale was very different.

The outside world at this time...

The police, the military, and some special departments had already surrounded the entire campus like an iron barrel.

The relevant departments of the entire city seemed to have mobilized and tried their best to help the students inside.

Ma He and his team were in their current state, which was also closely related to the encouragement, mobilization, technical guidance and other work of the outside world.

In the latest report, the black curtain that trapped the entire school seemed to have gradually loosened... But it was unknown how long it would take for the black curtain to completely dissipate.

Time passed bit by bit.

The night was getting darker and the weather was getting colder. From time to time, a gust of wind blew, and even Huang Sheng couldn't stand it.

After Bai Mengxue woke up once in the middle of the night, she pulled Huang Sheng's hands to hug her willow waist, and she got into his arms and played with her mobile phone.

The closer distance also made the two more able to resist the cold at night.

As the two talked and chatted, Huang Sheng's hands gradually couldn't help but move.

Bai Mengxue seemed to be unaware, and only when she was about to touch the sensitive area did she hold his arm and cast a reproachful look.

Huang Sheng smiled awkwardly, tightened his arms to embrace the beauty, embarrassed to do anything bad again, and quietly waited for dawn.

Judging from the current situation, it should be a few hours later...

The most likely thing is that morning will come, and after dawn, this crisis will be over.

However, things don't go as planned!


A fierce, unpleasant, but extremely huge and harsh roar suddenly came from somewhere on the campus!

The hazy sleepiness woke up instantly!

Standing up, the two hurriedly ran in the direction of the sound, looking down carefully from the top floor.

The fog was thick, but it also surged with the night wind.

Just as a piece of vision flashed by, he saw through the camera that an unusual lantern-carrying man appeared on the ground!

Its robes were shattered and scattered all over the ground, and its body was taller. The dim and dull skin was clearly visible, covered with black and blue spots!

A pair of bulging eyes were extremely ferocious, panting and looking around.

Soon, it seemed to have found its target, and its legs kicked the ground slightly, and then its figure suddenly disappeared from the spot!

Huang Sheng hurriedly looked for it and found that its figure was like a ghost shuttling through the fog. Through the fog that gathered and dispersed from time to time, he finally came to the conclusion...

This suspected monster

The strange lantern-carrying man should have a terrifying jumping and climbing ability at the same time!

Not only can he move on the ground at a terrifying speed, but he can also easily climb the wall, and he can climb buildings as if on flat ground!

Huang Sheng opened his mouth and shuddered. Is this monster so strong? !

Bai Mengxue's face was also pale. If the monster running on the ground can barely hide and deal with it, what about this one?

This terrifying and comprehensive offensive method, once it is targeted by it, it can be foreseen that its consequences are almost devastating!

"What should we do?" Bai Mengxue looked at him.

"Hush." ​​Huang Sheng raised his finger. He returned to the entrance of the top floor to observe the situation below. Everything was normal. Then he asked Bai Mengxue to take out a new perfume and spray it wildly near the top floor to block their smell.

Especially the place where the two rested was surrounded by the perfume smell, which was extremely pungent. Not to mention Huang Sheng's sensitive nose, even Bai Mengxue, who was used to the smell of perfume, couldn't help sneezing constantly.

"Let's not do anything. Turn off your cell phone, don't make any sound, and don't do anything. Just wait quietly."

The only thing we can pray for now is that this monster won't find them. Once it sets its sights on this place, it's really over!

The two leaned against each other, and could only hear each other's intense heartbeats. Their hearts were filled with anxiety, and they endured the time minute by minute.

The mutant lantern man was raging wildly, and his movements almost never stopped.

The only good news is that it seems that its desire for destruction is stronger than its desire for killing, and it is frantically destroying everything it can see along the way.

At the same time, it is more interested in buildings with few people. Every time it breaks in, the screams inside will last for a long time, and the survivors don't know how they have been tortured by it!


At about four in the morning, the second mutant beast appeared.

At about five o'clock, a student dormitory building was captured by dozens of lantern men, and the monsters rushed into it frantically. The whole world was filled with their heart-wrenching cries and screams!

Soon after, the second building!

Bai Mengxue didn’t know how many tears she shed, not only because of the fear in her heart, but also because of the sorrow and pain for the countless lives lost on campus.

Huang Sheng’s clothes were soaked on his chest, but he sat like an old monk, not saying a word, not speaking a word, and even his heartbeat began to gradually become stable.

He knew that he would probably have to experience the same experience many times in the future.

If he couldn’t keep calm even when hiding, what would he do when it was more dangerous?

It was dawn.

Huang Sheng and Bai Mengxue saw that the darkness that had enveloped the campus for a long time was slowly dissipating, the morning light from the horizon poured down, and the mist was getting lighter and lighter.

Although it was still dark red sunlight, it also represented hope.

As the darkness dissipated faster and faster, they heard many sounds appearing around them, and the whole campus seemed to return to the civilized world.


Helicopter propeller sound!

Loud speaker sound!

The rumbling sound of the armored vehicles passing by!

They saw the red and blue lights of the police sirens flashing outside the campus, and the camouflaged military vehicles were about to drive in!

And the military helicopters rushed into the campus at the first opportunity!

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