The ground was broken, and the ground was broken.

Crack --

The school gate and many walls were flattened by bulldozers.

The first few figures were incredibly fast and flashed by.

Some extraordinary figures followed behind, and finally a large number of soldiers with live ammunition rushed in and quickly rushed to all sides of the campus!

Huang Sheng looked closely at the bottom, and after the fog dissipated, he finally saw the full picture of the strength of ordinary lantern-carrying people in this period.

I saw that the speed of the lantern-carrying people was so fast that the lanterns in their hands were actually spinning around their bodies!

I don’t know how much stronger their strength was than when I last contacted them!

But at this time, they were suffering from crazy slaughter.

One after another, incredibly fast figures flashed by, and all the lantern-carrying people along the way were cut in two, and scattered all over the ground before they could react!

The troops' armored vehicles, light and heavy firepower concentrated fire one by one, and they were shot into sieves one after another, and fell to the ground one by one, without any power to fight back!

The two mutated lantern-carrying people were being besieged by those figures at this time, and a very fierce battle broke out between the two sides.

"Moves, props, abilities..."

Huang Sheng identified the various attack methods that appeared in them, and found that they were very rich and dazzling. Only then did he know that the high-end military power in the world had reached this point.

"We are saved!"

A helicopter flew straight towards the two of them.

Bai Mengxue kept waving to the sky, and then hugged him tightly with unbearable excitement, and domineeringly pressed Huang Sheng's head with her hand to make him bow his head, and kissed him like raindrops on his face.

How could Huang Sheng waste this God-given opportunity!

Subconsciously, he looked for the other's lips and kissed her head with his hands in his hands amid her rapid breathing.

It was not until the helicopter landed completely that he pushed away the confused Bai Mengxue slightly to remind her that someone was coming.

Bai Mengxue's legs were weak and her face was flushed. After she came to her senses, she walked towards the soldiers who were approaching hurriedly with him.

"Hello comrade, we are members of the Tsunami Squadron of the Sky Shield Rapid Response Brigade. Are you all okay?"

The middle-aged captain in full gear asked the two.

"We are fine." Huang Sheng shook his head. At this time, he actually had a lot of questions in his heart, but he also knew that it was not the right time.

"Little brother, have you fought with the Lantern Man?"

Looking at the weapon in Huang Sheng's hand, the captain asked again. Huang Sheng noticed a different emotion flashing in the other's eyes.

Before Huang Sheng could answer, Bai Mengxue, who was in a state of excitement, could not help but proudly said, "He not only fought those monsters, but also killed many of them, at least a dozen!"

"A dozen?" Several soldiers looked at each other and could not help but laugh and stopped talking about it.

The plane sent the two to the street outside the school, which had temporarily become a landing field.

After saying that they did not need any help, the two, especially Bai Mengxue, hurriedly left the school area and took Huang Sheng to a small apartment she bought near the school.

Bai Mengxue had to run away quickly, because this uniform was too embarrassing for her, even though she was wearing clothes outside.

It would be fine if she was only in front of Huang Sheng, but there were many people everywhere on the street at this time, so she didn't dare to stay any longer.

After returning.

Bai Mengxue first made many phone calls to report that she was safe.

Although she was frightened last night, she rested well. After taking a hot bath and changing clothes, she left the apartment and rushed back to school after surviving the disaster.

As a counselor, she didn't know how many things she would face next.

Huang Sheng got the key to this apartment, and Bai Mengxue told him to live here in the future.

Huang Sheng felt that this didn't seem right. What kind of thing was it for a female teacher and a male student to live in the same room? Who would be responsible if someone died after a long time?

After taking a shower, she sat at the table in a bathrobe, with all her gains tonight in front of her.

A total of 59 denominations of black bills, and she earned 20 in just four battles in the parking lot.

She took a pill to replenish her physical strength in the office, and there were three physical strength capsules left.

The black gloves, the ring of awakening, and a total of three bottles of soul energy restart liquid.

One of the bottles was exploded by him earlier, and the latter two were exploded when he was fighting with Bai Mengxue. As the lantern man became stronger, the probability of exploding good things also increased.

He planned to keep two bottles of soul energy restart liquid and give the third bottle to Bai Mengxue.

If her attributes had not been weakened, the final battle might not have been easy. I might have been injured or even defeated. This was what the opponent deserved.

He was waiting, waiting for the end of this F-level sudden crisis.

The class group was now counting the number of people.

There were 49 people in total, and two people were killed and several were injured. This made Huang Sheng feel relieved for Bai Mengxue.

According to the tragic situation on campus last night, especially the two dormitory buildings were attacked by dozens of people with lanterns, the school suffered a lot of casualties.

Although they didn't know the exact number, their class was lucky, and it was definitely far below the average.

Before he rushed to Bai Mengxue's office last night, she couldn't read the group messages at all because of panic, and couldn't take on responsibilities like other counselors sitting at home. The situation improved after the two met.

So the casualties were actually figured out last night, and this morning they just did the final statistics to facilitate submission to the relevant departments.

Of course, this is still a tragic loss, and many students who survived the disaster are mourning for the victims.

"Where are you? I'm coming to find you! I can't stay in this dormitory anymore. I have a fear of school now!"

Mach sent a message.

Huang Sheng sent the address of the apartment and asked him to bring breakfast on the way, with extra tofu, pickled mustard and chili, plus two baskets of steamed buns.

He continued to pay attention to the situation in the school. The military and police and other departments were still gradually clearing out the remaining lantern bearers in the school. Some classmates were broadcasting the progress in the group.

Some things are now very clear.

Yes, this dark red sun did appear on the earth two years ago, and with it came strange things such as disasters, agricultural production reduction, animal suicide, and abnormal migration.

But no one said that a crisis like the University of Finance and Economics only appeared today for the first time!

Whether it was the skilled combat response of the military and police departments after they rushed into the campus, or the strong men who showed strong combat effectiveness in fighting against the mutant lantern bearers, it all showed that they had considerable experience and were definitely veterans!

It's just that today's incident should be particularly large and cannot be concealed from the outside world at all.

You have to know that this is a university! Even if it is a social science school, the number of people involved, the area occupied, and the influence of radiation are unimaginable!

During the whole incident, not only were the electricity and the Internet normal, but as far as he knew, the authorities did not control and block the news too much.

He admitted that it might be because of his unlucky constitution as a time traveler that the school suffered, but it should be an indisputable fact that the authorities tried to gradually expose the public to crises and disasters.

After today, the news will spread quickly. I don’t know what kind of impact it will bring, whether it is a blessing or a curse!

It can only be said that the authorities know much more than he imagined, and they must have made various preparations for this.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Huang Sheng now. He is more concerned about how he can become stronger...

[This F-level sudden crisis is over, you successfully survived, and you permanently obtained the identity [Card Maker]]

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