As the charity ball came to an end, time was getting late, and the town should have welcomed the end of the day.

But no one could have imagined that the town after the ball would be in chaos for a whole night, and it didn't calm down until dawn!

There are many evolvers, and their energy is also very strong.

Under the pressure of clearing the dungeon and artificially created by Ade Company, everyone had to run around on the first day, so they naturally wouldn't be idle.

At the same time as the virus was sprayed at the ball, in a shopping mall in the south of the town, people wearing chemical protective suits also sprayed green mist-like viruses on a large scale into the crowd.

After the players failed to capture or contact the flat-headed supervisor and Mor, the two took a short rest and led their subordinates to hunt the evolutionists at night.

Regardless of faction or target, they would directly attack any foreign tourists!

At the same time, the search and search for Alhut never stopped.

The evolutionists who had been doing this turned the town upside down and broke into countless residents' homes. If they did not cooperate, they might face a bloody disaster.

All these situations increased the urgency of evacuating the townspeople in advance.

After Gaudi and Emile joined, the team size is now close to 20 people, and the manpower is no longer so stretched.

After getting a few vehicles, everyone split into two groups.

One group took Kyle's social relationship as the center and sent the townspeople to the suburbs one by one.

The second group was to forcibly capture some townspeople who looked more honest in the southern and southwestern suburbs of the town, which were far away from the town and had the lowest probability of being infected by the virus.

But unfortunately, there were constant conflicts and exchanges of fire throughout the night. The transfer of the townspeople undoubtedly caused a fundamental conflict of interest with the destructive evolutionists, and the effect was not ideal!

"Damn it, this car is doomed again!"

At this time, Xue Zhefei stood on the roof of the van, cursing loudly, his face extremely ugly.

Although there was no large-scale union among the players, there were many scattered destructive evolutionists who kept a close eye on the town to prevent someone from secretly transferring.

These people did nothing, hiding in the dark and monitoring the surroundings.

Conflicts and battles had nothing to do with them, but as long as it was a vehicle transporting people, they would definitely rush up to check.

From the first time Huang Sheng and others came back from the northern suburbs to now, after safely transporting four vehicles and about 35 people, the subsequent operations were no longer smooth.

This van originally started from the southwest of the town, and was targeted not long after it left.

There were prop attacks and vehicle chases, forcing the car to go all the way to the country dirt road and escape to the unknown west in the dark.

The people responsible for transporting the townspeople were Xue Zhefei, Amir, and two Shaki people. At this time, there were two cars chasing behind.

This path was difficult to walk, with many turns and various hills along the way.

The driver was an outsider, Amir. In the case of unknown road conditions, this van could rush into a dead end among many branches at any time, so several people were very nervous.

"My brother Huang means to keep sending people out!" Xue Zhefei contacted Huang Sheng and then said to everyone.

"No matter where you send people, as long as they don't stay in Helin Town, these people should be able to survive in the end. Amir, you keep driving, and the three of us will be responsible for stopping the two cars behind!"

Xue Zhefei suggested, but was immediately questioned by his companions.

There were a total of six evolvers in the two cars behind. It might be difficult to stop them with just the three of them. After all, no one present had the confidence to fight several alone.

Xue Zhefei chuckled: "It's okay. My brother Huang gave me two cards, a dart card and a binding card. We'll make a surprise attack later. As long as we can kill two or three people suddenly, we'll be safe."

"Emile, keep pressing the accelerator. As long as these grandsons see that they can't catch up, they will leave by themselves!"

There was almost no time for them to prepare. After a big turn, Xue Zhefei and the other two got out of the car secretly.

Emile pressed the accelerator hard. The sudden acceleration of the motor made the two cars behind chase eagerly, and they also turned at the fastest speed.

As soon as the front of the first car came out, three grenades were thrown at it from several directions.

Due to the lack of effective vision in the dark, people didn't react until the grenades hit the car body and the ground car.

In an instant, the two car doors were violently removed, and two figures, one on the left and one on the right, rolled and fell into the grass on the side of the road.

The grenade exploded with a loud bang, and in the reflection of the light and heat

The rear of the car in front lifted up and rolled forward!

The driver was swallowed by the flames before he could open the door, and his screams were swallowed by the explosion!

Three flashlights shone on the two bushes on the left and right, and two guns were fired wildly to the left. Gravel and stones were hit and flew up in clusters, mixed with a stream of blood. With a muffled groan, a bright light slashed through the bushes!

After firing, the two men threw away their guns and took out their defensive props.

A nunchaku was held by two hands, and the iron chain in the middle was hit by the bright light. The man holding the nunchaku flew out, and the nunchaku was almost knocked out of his hand.

The other man saw that the attack was not directed at him, but he had thrown away the gun, so he simply unscrewed a grenade and smashed it again.

In another explosion, a man was blown away and died instantly.

At the same time, there was a rapid sound of breaking through the air, and a bunch of darts whizzed forward, instantly beating the other person into a sieve.

The wooden shield prop raised by the opponent exploded with a bang after only four or five hits by the flying knife.

Accompanied by screams of pain, the opponent whose prop was destroyed immediately lay on the ground and stopped moving.

Puff puff puff - the flying knives kept stabbing into the body of the next car that drove in, but the remaining three people in the car had already rolled off the car in advance, and in an instant, three or four offensive props rushed towards the three people!

One of the red streamers that could be clearly seen in the night sky was the most eye-catching.

It quickly approached several people in the air, and at a speed faster than the eye's reaction, it suddenly wrapped around the man who had just thrown the grenade.

Crunch -

As the streamer shrank violently, a bunch of blood splashed on the ground, and the battle ended in an instant.

Xue Zhefei and the man with the nunchaku fled into the grass separately, but the light and shadow transformed by the dart card was still aimed at several people and violently attacked.

The darts were fired left and right at an unreasonable speed, and their dense and powerful lethality also made the three opponents suffer.

They didn't even care about continuing to control the props they shot out, hiding behind the car with defensive props, not daring to stick their heads out at all.

Both sides dared to defend and not pursue, while groping in the dark and madly fleeing in the grass.

After a round of exchange of fire, no one dared to contact the other side again, and watched the distance between the two sides getting farther and farther.

"What should we do, should we chase?"

When the dart card was finally finished, the light and shadow disappeared, and the three people gathered again, looking at the bodies of the three people in the front car scattered everywhere, they were shocked. At this moment, they hated this copy clearance mission.

"Who to chase? It's too late to chase that car, and it's completely meaningless to chase those two people."

"Look for any props left by the four dead people. It's not a loss if you can pick them up. Anyway, there are only six or seven people in a car. Just let them go. It won't affect the overall situation."

The three people were unwilling to give up, but there was nothing they could do. They searched around the bodies of their three companions. After a long time, someone smiled happily and drove back the same way.

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