The enemy was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

"Retreat, retreat, turn back!"

Unlike Xue Zhefei and Emil, who were only being hunted down, the situation on the north road, which Huang Sheng and Hu Jialin were personally responsible for, was even worse.

In addition to worrying about being intercepted and hunted down.

Since the north of the town is the direction leading to Changbai City, the large number of vehicles and people attracts a lot of attention, and it has also become the main direction for the opposition to smuggle townspeople out and be intercepted, so the situation is naturally the most complicated.

Not to mention the attacks, the evolvers encountered along the way are completely untrustworthy.

Some people disguised themselves as their own camp and killed them at critical moments. Even if they couldn't kill the evolvers, they killed the ordinary people in the whole car.

There were even more unscrupulous people. The evolvers on both sides disguised themselves as ordinary townspeople, and when they attracted the saboteurs to attack or the opposition to come to support, they suddenly launched a surprise attack.

Faced with this situation, Huang Sheng simply did not intend to fight to the death here.

After transporting this car of townspeople back to a certain place in the town to hide, Huang Sheng directly handed this group of people over to Xue Zhefei and Amir who had already driven back, and then they continued to transport them to the west on a small road.

The three people over there brought good news. After running west on the dirt road for a while, there was a very secret abandoned village where people could be settled.

And later on, the village could be moved further away from Helin Town.

This place is obviously also suitable for settling townspeople. When it is impossible to go to the north of the town, we can only hope to transport two more cars of people here.

The target of 100 people cannot be guaranteed. Huang Sheng now hopes that they can protect at least 50 to 60 people. The rest are really helpless, and can only rely on other oppositions to give more strength.

"Why is there still no news about Alhut?"

After hiding the man, Huang Sheng and Hu Jialin returned to Kyle's house, leaving Shaki and the middle-aged nun to protect and support him.

"The copy was triggered at noon, but it is already more than two o'clock in the middle of the night of the next day, fourteen hours have passed, and nearly one-third of the forty-eight hours of protection time has passed."

The current location of Kyle's house is not safe, but there is nothing to be afraid of for the two of them to be alone, Huang Sheng frowned and thought.

Hu Jialin said: "He will appear tomorrow, no, today during the day."

"Otherwise, if it is later, this goal will not be achieved. We have no time to prepare for providing him with basic research conditions."

"Maybe he is already in the town now. Do you expect us to find him somewhere else?"

The two did not turn on the lights. He sat on the sofa and Hu Jialin sat on the chair next to him, supporting the back of the chair with his elbow and his chin in his hand.

"By the way, I have something to ask you."

Huang Sheng asked: "Do you want to complete the basic clearance task, or do you want a higher evaluation?"

Huang Sheng would not ask others this question. The strength gap between the evolvers is too big. For people like Xue Zhefei, it is very difficult to fight against the majority with a small number. It is normal to be killed by others if they are not careful.

But he can kill the majority with a small number, and Hu Jialin thinks he has such ability.

If they are so strong, they only complete the basic dungeon clearance conditions like ordinary evolvers, which is a huge waste.

Hu Jialin smiled: "I am a citizen of Twin City. I am very confident. Of course, I can't pass the clearance conditions."

She felt very excited. She didn't expect that a companion she met on the train was not only a good person, but also a good one.

In this way, the two can cooperate to explore the dungeon for the purpose of obtaining a higher evaluation.

"After this dungeon is over, you are welcome to visit our Twin City!"

Hu Jialin said that the Twin City is prosperous and hospitable, and it welcomes those who are strong and capable with open arms.

Huang Sheng said speechlessly: "It's useless for you to welcome me. I don't even know how to get there."

If you want to leave the earth and go to various civilizations and worlds, you must have a ticket, but the ticket ends at the dungeon. If you want to travel without dungeons, it seems that you are thinking too much.

Hu Jialin smiled: "Give me an address, and I will mail you a sightseeing ticket to the Twin Cities after I go back. In this way, you can come to me directly from your world even if you don't do dungeons."

"It just so happens that there are some interesting permanent events and dungeons in our Twin Cities, some of which I haven't even explored. After the tour, we can continue to explore and don't let you return empty-handed."

Hearing Hu Jialin say this, Huang Sheng couldn't help but smile with yearning.

"Now we have a few things to prepare in advance

. "

But it is still important to do business now. He said: "First, after finding Alhut, how to provide him with basic experimental conditions?"

"It is obviously impossible in the small town. The only pharmaceutical center was burned down early in the morning. We may have to go to Changbai City, which is the headquarters of Ade Company and the official power will be stronger. "

"This is indeed a trouble. What about the second thing?" Hu Jialin asked, while looking at the watch on her left hand.

She released several mechanical bugs, which were lying motionless on the roof to monitor the surrounding movements. She could receive the messages they conveyed from her mind and monitor them in real time through this watch.

"What kind of pathology will occur in the infected body of H1?"

"The third thing is what kind of transformation the brown bear commandos have undergone. In fact, I still want to contact the flat-headed supervisor or Moore again, but I can't take care of so much for the time being. ”

Now that the third objective of the copy is halfway completed, the two of them are temporarily free, and these plans can be considered as soon as possible.

Hu Jialin said: "From the development of this world, the conditions for biological experiments are still quite harsh."

"Maybe even the laboratory conditions in the university are relatively barely enough, and even in Changbai City, there is not much room for us to choose."

"The situation of the infected person cannot be rushed. H1 is definitely a chronic infection. I mean relatively chronic. The incubation period of the virus is not as short as a few hours or a dozen hours."

"Okay, it's decided. Let's take a break and catch two brown bears in the early morning to study them carefully. "

After Hu Jialin's voice fell, the two of them finished their discussion and took the opportunity to rest while there was no big movement around.

In the west of the town, a van was filled with people.

Amir was driving again. This time, Shaji took everyone in another car and cooperated with Xue Zhefei to escort along the way. The middle-aged nun and others were responsible for the safety of vehicles within the edge of the town.

Now thirty-six townspeople have been transferred from the abandoned tunnel in the north, and are being watched by Huanli, Li Xiang and others.

As long as they can successfully transport two more cars of people, the number of survivors will reach about sixty, which is basically their limit.

"Hurry up, the Brown Bear Commando is chasing a group of evolvers and is coming to us! "

Suddenly, a nun on guard said hurriedly.

Everyone did not dare to neglect and started the car immediately. Fearing that the noise was too loud, they dared not step on the accelerator to the bottom, and the car headed straight to the west.

Emile looked back from the rearview mirror and saw a group of brown bear commandos who had unloaded their heavy and numerous equipment. At this time, they were very agile and climbed over a wall, surrounding a group of unknown evolvers from multiple directions.

"What is that?"

Emile's heart moved, and suddenly she felt as if she had seen an incredible scene.

But at this time, the car had turned and could not see the scene behind. She also wondered if she had seen it wrong.

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