When the clock passes zero, it represents a new day.

At about six in the morning, the sky was just getting light, but the town that had been bustling all night showed no sign of calming down.

"These beasts didn't rest all night yesterday, hunting us everywhere, and now they don't even go back!"

In a courtyard next to them, two people were hiding and whispering. Over the course of a night, the Brown Bear Commando successfully attracted the anger of all the evolvers in the town, making people hate them.

As raiders of the dungeon and invaders of the town world, the evolvers should be the strong side, but judging from the situation last night, the facts are just the opposite.

"Damn it, here they come again. We were trapped in this area last night and still can't get out. Now it's daybreak and it will be more advantageous for them to search. What should we do?"

The two were shocked and angry when they heard the familiar noise nearby.

The two commandos were wearing gray clothes similar to bandages and had taken off all kinds of equipment. At this time, they were climbing walls like monkeys.

Perhaps the noise of their communication spread out, and the two team members actually came straight to them.

As they climbed to the top of the courtyard wall, several attacks sounded in the courtyard at the same time. The evolvers who were blocked inside roared and chose to fight desperately.

A small wooden hammer jumped onto the courtyard wall with a swirl, and with a bang, it collided with a small shield that the commando casually raised.

But the hammer did not hit the other party's body directly, but the commando's movements were completely frozen. With a thud, he flipped over and fell from the courtyard wall, lying straight on the ground.

Two figures rushed out diagonally.

The man collected the hammer that fell with him, thought about it and took out another garbage attack prop, and threw it in the direction of the two people inside the courtyard wall.

Then a rope tied the team member tightly, and the woman took out a handkerchief and stuck it on the other person's mouth. The handkerchief automatically covered his face, and no matter how the other person struggled, he couldn't make a sound.

The two dragged each other forward quickly, and after throwing them into a car, the car made a sharp turn and sped all the way to the west of the town.

At this time, a loud broadcast suddenly sounded somewhere in the town.

The speaker's tone was filled with anger, and he shouted sternly: "Good morning, everyone. I am Tian Xinghe! The mission I received is to kill Alhut, help spread the H1 virus, exterminate Helin Town, and make sure that no more than 100 people survive!"

"Maybe many friends in the town and I have different dungeon missions, but I call on you here, no matter what our purpose is, we must first kill the Brown Bear Commando! Kill Ade Company! Skin and rip off the tendons of Mor who led and contacted our attack and suppression work!"

"Last night, at least hundreds of us were killed and injured at the hands of these people. I heard that there is a famous saying in a civilization, which is that we must first stabilize the country before we can resist foreign aggression!"

"If we don't completely control Helin Town, and don't let the natives of this world see the strength of our evolvers, and let them defeat us one by one, what's the point of dungeons? What rewards can we get?"

The broadcast was transmitted in the huge voice of Tian Xinghe with anger, and the sound was very loud, covering the entire town in an instant.

For a moment, the town seemed to be quiet.

No matter what the townspeople who knew the truth thought at this time, the effect on the evolvers was immediate.

Tian Xinghe's voice had hardly fallen, and a large number of gunshots, attacks, roars, and insults were heard everywhere in the town.

Obviously, many evolvers, no matter which faction they belonged to, also agreed with Tian Xinghe's remarks.

The counterattack of the local forces caused them heavy losses, which undoubtedly greatly angered everyone.

Huang Sheng drove the car in the general direction, drove out of the town road, drove on the dirt road, turned wherever he saw a bend, and drove blindly all the way. Finally, when he came to an unknown abandoned house, he could still hear the huge movement from the town.

The vehicle stopped, and Hu Jialin helped to move people while gloating: "Ade Company and the government here have some headaches."

Huang Sheng nodded, found a broom in the room and swept it roughly, and then spread a white sheet on the bed, and began to take off the clothes of the man in his hand.

The other party's bandage-like thing, at first the two thought it was some kind of unique clothing style.

But as they were removing the bandages, they smelled a faint stench of decay.

The bandages were normal at first, but soon began to be stained with an unknown mucus-like foul-smelling liquid.

The source of the liquid, from its direction

The position is located slightly below the back of the commando's neck.

The two turned each other's body over and began to do self-defense work solemnly.

Huang Sheng acted as an assistant, wearing protective gloves, masks and surgical gowns. As the space increased, he did not waste anything and stuffed a lot of things that were needed and unnecessary into the storage box. There was almost no spare space in the storage box.

Hu Jialin's preparations were obviously more sufficient, or she usually took her own protection very seriously. She almost wore a full set of systematic protective clothes, which did not look bloated. It should be the technology from the Twin Cities.

Take off the bandage completely.

Later, the bandage was stained with large pieces of mucus and unknown rotten meat. The smell could not be blocked even with a breathing valve mask.

Carefully put the bandage into a special pocket, sealed it and threw it aside. Hu Jialin began to take out some extraction and inspection equipment.

The team members who were injected with a large dose of anesthetics and were lying on the bed at their mercy showed a disgusting and frightening ugly appearance on the upper back.

This was a rotten tumor about the size of an apple.

The flesh inside was rotten, and it was difficult to distinguish between blood, muscle and other unknown components of various colors. They could not see it before because they were wearing equipment and clothes, but now it was directly presented in front of the two people.

"Using biochemical agents to train soldiers, and leaving such terrible consequences just from the surface, these people are really crazy."

Huang Sheng murmured, and in his eyes, this eroded tumor was slowly wriggling.

The pus and blood were squeezed out, and there were new pus blocks inside that were turning out.

The new pus blocks did not look too ugly, on the contrary, they looked a little clean and "fresh".

Just after Hu Jialin made all the preparations and performed two or three basic extractions, this new pus block had obviously squeezed out of the previous erosion and mess.

Such a change in a short time is undoubtedly a huge plunder of the life energy of this team member, and it can be concluded that it must be negative.

Otherwise, these people would not have wrapped it up roughly with layers of bandages.

From another perspective, taking such a crude and indifferent way to deal with these pus blocks, the lives of these soldiers are not taken seriously by those who do these things.

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