The whole process was a long journey, but the whole process was very complicated.

Hu Jialin did not hide anything during the whole process, and told Huang Sheng what she was doing, what instruments she was using, and what they were used for.

Huang Sheng tried his best to memorize and learn. After being busy for about two hours, the two began to wait for several important extraction and resolution results.

The new tumor, because it had not been restricted for a long time, had now completely grown into a spherical bulge.

A bulge slightly smaller than an apple, growing from nothing, how will it plunder a person's life energy?

Huang Sheng did not dare to think about it, and at this time he felt his scalp tingling when looking at this thing.

The two stood silently in the distance and dealt with all the things that needed to be cleaned up and dealt with.

During this period, Xue Zhefei and others called from time to time.

In an abandoned village not too far from here, they fought with wits and courage last night, used all kinds of means, worked hard all night, and successfully transferred four cars and thirty people in total.

Adding the thirty-six people in the tunnel, the record of sixty-six people is also beyond expectations. They have completed two-thirds of the entire dungeon goal three.

There will be an equally severe test next. So many people need a lot of supplies to support their eating, drinking, and defecation.

Soon, no matter what the situation in the town is, the other group of evolutionists who also want to destroy goal three will frantically search the nearby area to prevent more than one hundred survivors in the town.

So they have to further transfer people.

It was purely helpless to place the two groups of people in two directions yesterday. Later, the two groups of people will be concentrated together to save manpower.

But where to transfer still needs to be considered. It is best to refer to the ideas of these town residents themselves. After all, their lives are their own, and they should pay more attention to them.

"Do a good job of their ideological work, tell them the situation in the town, and don't let our protection of them become our wishful thinking, but both sides should cooperate."

Huang Sheng hung up the phone, and Hu Jialin had already detected the final results.

"Many biological inhibitory enzymes and expression enzymes in this person's body are abnormal, the DNA structure has been violently destroyed, and the genetic information of RNA viruses has been greatly enhanced. In addition, this person's immune system is also different from that of ordinary people, but it is in a very excited abnormal state for a short period of time."

"Its muscle strength, heart pumping force, and nerve reaction speed are far beyond the level of normal people at this stage. Even the bones are affected by something and become harder than normal."

"In this sarcoma, I extracted a set of DNA information that is related to this person to a certain extent, but completely different. Do you know what this means?"

Hu Jialin said solemnly.

Huang Sheng nodded, indicating that another life form already exists in this person's body. If the sarcoma is allowed to continue to grow, terrible things may happen later.

In nature, two sets of DNA information will not appear in one body, except for very few biological phenomena.

"This is a world that is 20 to 30 years behind our Earth. How dare these people do this?"

Huang Sheng gently rubbed his forehead. There are obviously many ways to overtake on the curve.

Since we have already come into contact with other civilizations, developing science and technology and industry is naturally the fastest and most convenient development model, but there are lunatics who have set their sights on such a crazy direction.

If this behavior is not stopped, in a few years, this world may end up being buried with these lunatics!

"Do you think these biological agents were developed by Ade Company itself, or with the help of others?"

Huang Sheng asked a topic of concern.

Hu Jialin curled her lips: "With their level of technology, how could they possibly research such a virus?"

"The problem of food and clothing has not been solved. In terms of life sciences and medicine, they have only just started, so there is at least a 99% probability that they have been influenced by outsiders."

The two retreated far away and observed the situation of the team members on the bed in the room from the car.

Hu Jialin's tone was a little solemn: "With the emergence of the Evolutionary Game more than a hundred years ago, there was a connection between civilizations, and various criminal activities became more extreme, more terrible and more difficult to prevent."

Huang Sheng felt something was wrong as he listened. Damn, more than a hundred years ago?

More than a hundred years ago, the rich people on their Earth were still drinking radium water collectively and proud of wearing and collecting radioactive minerals. You are not radioactive enough and you can't sell it.

Sorry to bother you, this is double

The first-mover advantage of the sub-city, it is worthy of being a large site.

"So it is normal for some civilizations to be contacted by these people and thus embark on an unpredictable path. We will see more in the future."

Hu Jialin did not say much. The two observed for a while and gradually could not wait any longer.

Hu Jialin left a mechanical bug to monitor and shoot at the selected secret fixed position. The two drove away temporarily to meet Xue Zhefei and Amir.

Prepare to check the nearby resettlement points first, and then transport water, food and other supplies from the town to the outside.

More than 60 people need to eat a lot of food for a meal, and the replenishment of supplies is no joke.

There was a complete chaos in the town. In addition to the fierce exchange of fire between the Evolvers and the officials, the townspeople were also fleeing frantically.

At this moment, Huang Sheng suddenly seriously suspected that this "Tian Xinghe" would not be his mother's reverse role.

Is he really holding the script of the Destructionists?

No one reacted at that time, but now think about it, the other party actually directly exposed the third content of the destruction faction's goal, openly claiming that all the residents of the town would die. Isn't this a pig teammate?

In short, after learning that this group of "tourists" actually wanted to kill all of them, how could the residents still sit still?

They either dragged their families with them, or fled from all directions desperately to the outside of the town with a small group of people.

Many people also chose to hide, or seek shelter from the police and the military government.

This undoubtedly made Ade Company shocked and angry.

After all, Ade Company released the virus to Helin Town with the purpose of turning it into a large test site to observe the virus information through countless samples.

As a result, many people were fleeing after being mixed up like this. How could this work?

For a while, the Brown Bear Commando could not care about exchanging fire with the Evolvers. They called on the people to trust the government and resettle the people they sent.

While contacting more forces to rush to Helin Town, they tried their best to stop some Evolvers from attacking ordinary people.

The evolutionists of the opposition actively helped the townspeople to escape, while the saboteurs began to attack the townspeople on a large scale.

The evolutionists and the local forces could not continue the fight halfway through, and the three forces, each with their own purpose, fought again.

Although Huang Sheng and others drove back and forth in the town, they were not disturbed much because there were no townspeople on the car.

They were busy until the afternoon, and the supplies to the resettlement sites on both sides were transported bit by bit. These food and water are estimated to be enough for about three or four days.

At 1:40 pm, a piece of news that countless people have been waiting for finally appeared.

On a tourist bus from a town called Heqi in the south to Helin Town, someone found the trace of Alhut, a researcher who defected from Ade Company!

Immediately, a group of about twenty or so evolutionists of the saboteurs set out from the town.

They could not mobilize more people. At this time, countless people in the town were running out. Their limited personnel must guard each exit of the town and not let any ordinary person leave, otherwise the target three might fail in an instant!

Although the townspeople fled in large numbers, Ade Company released the virus several times in densely populated areas last night and during the day today, and the rewarding "blood donation" was also circulated on the streets, which made addicts like Cage ecstatic. At this time, it is unknown how many people have been infected with H1.

This makes the goal of completely spreading the non-airborne H1 virus a situation that both sides cannot decide the outcome.

When no one dares to bet on goal two, goals one and three have become the focus of the game.

In terms of manpower, the opposition undoubtedly has a certain advantage at this moment.

Huang Sheng's team, a total of eight people, gathered at this time, led by Kyle, and quickly approached the scene of the incident from a small road in the southwest suburbs of the town to the south!

"Kyle, what is the situation in your country? Can you talk to us?"

In the car, Xue Zhefei was driving, Huang Sheng was sitting in the co-pilot, and Kyle, Huanli and Si Qinxue were sitting in the back. Huang Sheng turned his head and said to Kyle.

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