The two of them were reluctant to leave, but the two of them were still together.

Si Qinxue reluctantly helped the two of them pack up, and walked out of the house out of embarrassment, leaving the two of them in the room with their eyes tied to each other.

Huang Sheng took a look at the progress of the copy and did not find anything unusual.

"Are you Alhut?" he asked suspiciously.

You'd better be, otherwise I would definitely beat you, this wretched old man with a mouthful of teeth!

The old man nodded repeatedly. He looked to be in his forties or fifties. His silver hair made him look older, and his standard Mediterranean hairstyle exposed his scalp in the middle.

He had a unique temperament that showed that he had been dealing with drug experiments for many years.

But his rolling eyes and seemingly shrewd appearance somewhat destroyed the atmosphere.

He was wearing a strange piece of clothing that was stiff and made a sharp sound as he moved.

"It's made of tinfoil, and it's infrared and heat-resistant."

Alhut chuckled and answered Huang Sheng's doubts.

"From your own perspective, you are very cautious and did a good job. If it weren't for your bad luck, no one would find you. But from our perspective, you seem to be too smart and cunning."

Huang Sheng grabbed a manganese steel spear out of thin air and stabbed it on the stone wall.

As the other party shuddered, the metal and stone made a sharp friction sound. A large piece of the wall was pierced on the spot with sparks, and the ground was covered with large and small stones.

"So you'd better be honest and cooperate with us to complete the task."

Although Huang Sheng didn't know what this wretched old man could do to ruin their mission, after all, surviving for forty-eight hours was something that the person involved should be more concerned about.

This person didn't look like he didn't care about his life, otherwise he wouldn't have been discovered by him in such an occasion.

But he just felt that this wretched old man was really not a good person, so he had to make the necessary threats.

"Understand, I will definitely protect my life and not cause any trouble for you!"

Alhut straightened his skinny body, patted his chest and made a bang, making a promise.

Soon he took off the clothes that were in the way, came out with a briefcase, and the three of them went to meet Hu Jialin.

For the sake of confidentiality, Huang Sheng did not tell others about Alhut for the time being, and asked Si Qinxue not to say too much, and first took the man to Hu Jialin to let her verify the authenticity.

It was already dark, and Huang Sheng did not turn on the lights for the sake of caution, but waited at an intersection for Hu Jialin's car, and took the three of them all the way to the abandoned village.

Huang Sheng drove the car, and after a brief exchange with the other party, Hu Jialin confirmed that there should be no problem with the other party's identity.

At this moment, she was both happy and surprised. She was happy that the target seemed to be in her bag, but she was surprised that this thing really required too much luck.

If Huang Sheng had not insisted on continuing to explore, and according to Si Qinxue, the other party was exposed because they had stayed in a room for too long and might not have been able to move their bodies, otherwise this person would not have been discovered at this time tomorrow.

The dazzling light hit the bed in the room directly.

The commando was injected with a large dose of anesthetic and his body is still paralyzed.

But the tumor on his back, which is slightly smaller than an apple, has undergone shocking changes.

It continues to grow today.

At this time, a body about ten centimeters high has grown from its roots, and the tumor has gradually increased to a size that is obviously larger than an apple.

This disgusting thing now looks like a mushroom with a spherical umbrella cap.

The tumor has already possessed certain stress response and biological instincts.

Perhaps because it was afraid of light, it twisted frequently under the glaring light, trying to hide.

As it moved, the flesh and eroded tissue at its root seeped out streams of blood and pus, but in the blink of an eye, it was swallowed up by itself.

Although the commando has not woken up, his body has become thinner, and a large amount of nutrients in the body have been transported to this disgusting organ, which is simply shocking.

Huang Sheng looked back at Alhut, only to see that the other party was very calm, as if he saw a cat or dog on the street.

"Aren't you surprised at all?" Si Qinxue couldn't help but say.

Alhut smiled and said, "Is this surprising?"

"I'm afraid the little girl hasn't seen anything more ruthless. In a few years, the people here may have a second head. When the time comes, you will be surrounded by people.

The only thing that happened to the two little boys and girls was a person and four eyes. "

Si Qinxue's face turned red immediately. This old man, what little boys and girls are having fun, I don't know what you are talking about.

"H1 biological agent is actually the most stable virus in Ade Company with relatively strict requirements in all aspects."

Alhut said: "The complete incubation period alone is 72 hours, but the outbreak is also quite fierce. It can make people unable to get out of the ground in two days, and they are basically dead on the sixth or seventh day."

"What was used on this person?" Hu Jialin asked.

"The single-soldier injection agent code-named Sick Pigeon is a non-spreading virus used to temporarily enhance the combat effectiveness of soldiers."

"One injection, hey, eight hours, that is, it will take effect as soon as you wake up, and the body will begin to rot at the same time. When the person rots beyond recognition and the combat effectiveness begins to degenerate, this life is basically gone. "

"So during this period of time, the combat effectiveness of these soldiers is very strong. Even you evolvers are not opponents. Tsk tsk, judging from your appearance, you must have seen it, right?"

Alhut was relaxed and said cold words, but there was no pressure in his expression and tone.

Huang Sheng frowned and said, "Simply put, these soldiers are disposable consumables? Don't these people know how to resist? After all, they are also flesh and blood. "

"Resist? What can you do to resist in the hands of Ade Company?"

Alhut laughed: "They will first control you with a unique product, and then use brain wave hypnosis to drive you together with the unique product, so that you will work for them obediently under the subtle influence!"

"As for these abscesses and tumors on the back, once the drug takes effect, these people will be like perpetual motion machines, constantly performing tasks under surveillance. Who can take care of them?"

"Brain wave hypnosis? "Huang Sheng asked, is there such a great technology in this place?

"It is a small chip inserted under the superficial cortex of the back of the head. The location is very hidden. It is normal that you did not find it."

As Alhut told her, Hu Jialin had already started to wear a full set of protective clothing.

She shone a flashlight on the mushroom-shaped tumor all the way, watching it struggle desperately from side to side, and walked up to the other party with her lips tightly pursed.

At this time, the stench in the air was already quite strong, and even her equipment could not stop the stench.

She carefully searched on the back of the other party's head, and finally took out a very small chip with tweezers, and retreated all the way.


Huang Sheng sprayed the disinfectant on the other party, including disinfecting the chip, although Alhut told them that this thing would not be spread under normal circumstances.

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