The old man was buried in a graveyard, and the old man was buried in a graveyard.

"It is this small chip that acts directly on the superficial cortex through nerve transmission, subtly changing the thinking and obedience of the human brain."

"It only takes such a small piece, plus the cooperation of the unique product, to make them willingly make disposable consumables for Ade Company."

Huang Sheng watched Hu Jialin seal up the small chip and keep it for safekeeping, and couldn't help thinking of the brown bear commandos who stayed up all night last night and chased the evolvers like mad dogs.

No wonder these people are so desperate, it turns out that the battery life is limited, and once it starts, it can't be stopped.

Calculating the time, this group of people should have been injected with drugs at the latest at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Now, those who are not dead should have been gathered together by Ade Company for treatment, because the sequelae can no longer be suppressed.

"So the Brown Bear Commando will always exist. When a group of people die, they will replace them with the second group."

Huang Sheng was silent. This was undoubtedly bad news for them.

Fortunately, they did not have a trace of luck and did everything they should do in a hurry. After that, with the gradual decrease in the number of evolvers, it was difficult to do anything in Helin Town.

Forty-eight hours is very short. The deadline is 12 noon tomorrow.

It is not difficult to protect the other party's life and safety. What needs to be done now is to provide the other party with experimental conditions.

"What kind of research conditions do you need?"

Huang Sheng frowned. Judging from the other party's expertise, this guy will not ask for something like a level 3 laboratory, right?

Then just shoot him, the mission will fail anyway.

Level 3 biological laboratories usually require negative pressure systems, independent gas supply systems and high air tightness requirements, and are engaged in research on high-risk pathogens, biological toxins and corrosive chemical reagents.

Judging from its conditions alone, let alone this backward world, it is very rare even on the current Earth.

It is not clear how many P3-level laboratories there are on Earth in this world, but there will not be more than on Huang Sheng's original Earth.

There are only dozens of them in all of China.

On average, one province can only be allocated one. How can he find one for him in this world that is 20 to 30 years behind Earth?

Even if this thing exists, it is a national treasure-level laboratory in Nanshan Country. If you dare to break in, the government will dare to take your life!

"I'm just a little sewer rat who discovered their secrets and was hunted down. What experiment or research do I have to do?"

Alhut said self-deprecatingly, but his hand holding the suitcase tightened unnaturally.

The suitcase is likely to contain samples of H1 biological agents and related information, which is informed in the copy information.

Huang Sheng and Hu Jialin must of course find out about this.

Hu Jialin said: "The task we received is to provide you with basic research conditions. Don't worry, as long as you are not a crazy anti-human element who uses those living people for experiments, we are on your side."

"For your world, we are just passers-by. The so-called H1 is just like that in our world, so you don't have to be on guard against us."

Hu Jialin did ideological work for the other party, completely appeased the other party, and guarded against this old man who didn't look like an honest man in case of any small actions caused by misunderstandings.

"I understand, I understand. Although I was in Heqi Town before, I know everything about Helin Town. I know you are on my side, haha."

Alhut quickly said that he was very sensible, and then said: "But it's late, why don't we take a rest and talk about it tomorrow?"


Si Qinxue said unhappily: "Our mission will end at twelve o'clock tomorrow. Who knows if one morning is enough? What if we don't have time to find a laboratory site? The mission will fail."

"If the mission fails, I will stuff this thing into your mouth and pull the trigger hard."

Huang Sheng took out the AK308 and fired at a nearby house. The house was riddled with holes in the deafening gunfire, and the smoke and flying brick and tile debris flew far away.

Alhut wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "So... shall we leave now? Changbai City is not an option, as that is the company's headquarters and all laboratories are under their surveillance."

Around ten o'clock in the evening, the team gathered all the vehicles and transferred the thirty-six people in the abandoned tunnel.

The destination of the transfer is the neighboring city Z.

Since none of the three goals have been completed, the evolvers on both sides have a crazy trend, and the entire northern suburbs of the town are becoming more and more dangerous.

They did not leave here blindly. Some people had already explored the direction of Z city during the day.

Z city and Changbai city are neighboring cities, but the relationship between the two cities is relatively tense, whether in terms of public opinion or official power.

The destination of the transfer is the western suburbs of Z city, which is separated from Changbai city and Helin town by the entire urban area of ​​Z city and the eastern suburbs and the western suburbs of Changbai city. The distance is relatively far, and it is considered a relatively safe place.

In the car, Hu Jialin and Alhut have been communicating intermittently.

Alhut does not have high requirements for experimental conditions.

This time they went to the biological laboratory of Z city university. Due to the limited faculty of the school, the investment in the laboratory is small, and the technology level is low and the attention is not enough, its level is not even P2.

Since they will use it until tomorrow noon, they not only have to take over the laboratory, but also contact the person in charge of the laboratory in advance.

Not only do they need the other party to cooperate in providing the necessary supplies and medicines, but they also need to obtain the legitimate right to use the laboratory building and keep the information confidential, so for safety reasons, they cannot occupy it by force.

The people split into two groups, one of which transported the residents of the town along the suburban road to the western suburbs for resettlement.

They took Alhut to the University of Z City and hid in the Department of Biomedicine. After opening the door of the laboratory building, they found an empty classroom to prepare for the night.

It was still Hu Jialin who brought some people to do the most important work tonight.

Including obtaining the identity information, contact information and address of the person in charge of the laboratory, and inviting the other party to open the right to use their laboratory through telephone communication and physical door-to-door.

By the way, we also need to understand the basic situation of Z City, such as the transportation network, police station strength, etc.

Hu Jialin has a large amount of currency in this world, which they got in Helin Town during the chaos before, which can be used to bribe the other party. The problem of the laboratory will not be too big.

Tonight is destined to be another night of continuous rotation.

Emil, Xue Zhefei, Li Xiang and others worked hard to transfer the people in the abandoned tunnel, and they had to transfer the people who were placed in the western suburbs of Helin Town overnight.

Others were carefully guarding and monitoring the situation around the university.

After all, Z City University is located in the city, and it would be very troublesome if there was any danger.

Huang Sheng was communicating with the middle-aged nun at this time.

The little white rabbit could not be eaten for free. Since he had eaten it, he had to show his appreciation. Huang Sheng was talking to the other party about the card.

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