After all, the two sides have been very close.

It must be said that this is a fair, open transaction in which one party has been bribed in advance and both parties feel satisfied.

At the fair price of 50 black notes per card, Huang Sheng sold a total of ten cards of various types to the middle-aged nun in a friendly manner.

And agreed to continue the transaction if there are no accidents in the next few days of the copy clearance.

Of course, Huang Sheng’s request is that the unilateral bribery must continue. After all, the knowledge of the secrets of the human body is so profound and profound, and he has to discuss it with the beautiful girl Si Qinxue. They are all good children who love to learn.

The middle-aged nun understood it immediately and didn’t say anything.

At this moment, Huang Sheng suddenly became curious about what they were repairing?

Could it be that the monasteries in Middle-earth are not so serious?

If so, I have to learn more about it, and I may find a chance to go there later.

After the transaction was completed, Si Qinxue suddenly had an idea: "Brother Huang, when we use the spell paper, can you make our skills into cards?"

Huang Sheng's mind moved. He had actually thought about this idea a long time ago.

On the initial train, he was thinking about the talisman paper of the middle-aged man in black, and whether it could be imprinted by himself when used.

But it turned out that it didn't work. After the talisman paper took effect, the card he drew did not react.

He summarized that the reason might be that the effect of the opponent's talisman paper was mainly reflected in the "invisible" aspect, such as various gains such as light body and steel body, which are difficult to draw on the surface.

In this way, the card picture cannot be expressed specifically, and the imprinting will also be a problem.

If it is to enlarge the fireball, he feels that it should be no problem.

"Let's try it."

Huang Sheng smiled at Si Qinxue with appreciation. The good girl reminded him in time.

You have to know that things like Fireball are not seen in the normal world. This thing is very explosive, and it will instantly cause huge explosions and flames, shock wave damage, and divine damage of fire attributes.

If it can be made into a card, the power will continue to increase, which is of great significance to him.

Si Qinxue smiled shyly, but it is definitely not possible to use such a deadly thing as Fireball in this experimental building. They plan to try it with the gentler Qingmushu casting paper.

Qingmushu is a healing and recovery skill, and its price is much more expensive than regular casting paper.

It just so happens that many people have some injuries of varying sizes in the past two days. Using a Qingmushu casting paper, regardless of whether the card can be successfully cast, is not a waste.

Huang Sheng made the card in advance, and at the same time carefully understood the scene when this skill appeared. After the modifications and adjustments pointed out by several women, the pattern of Qingmushu on the card appeared roughly.

As the misty green light appeared in the air, green branches spread in all directions, emitting light to wrap the wound of an injured nun.

Because treatment takes time, this is also a rare continuous effect card in Middle-earth.

Huang Sheng looked at the scene in front of him and continued to modify and outline the image of Qingmu Shu.

The green light in the room began to dim, and as the skill was about to end, finally, the card drawn by Huang Sheng also bloomed with a dazzling light.

Deep blue with purple, this "Qingmu Card" has actually reached the extreme of blue quality and touched the edge of purple quality!

As the light fell, a cold and heavy card fell into Huang Sheng's hand.

It was surrounded by layers of green leaves and twigs entangled with each other.

Not only was the skill picture on the card green, but in the light, some subtle and regular unknown patterns could be seen on the surface of the card, which was not seen on other cards!

"It actually worked!"

Amid the cheers of a group of young nuns in the room, Huang Sheng was overjoyed and his heart was pounding.

He has always attached great importance to life-saving things. Thanks to the magic paper, he has even made medical cards, and judging from its quality, the healing ability is definitely not bad!

"What should we do? It seems that none of us are seriously injured. Who should we find to try the effect of this card?"

Huang Sheng was naturally a little anxious at this moment. He was eager to see the ability of this card so that he could have a clear idea of ​​it.

As for the target of use, it must be a medium or seriously injured person, and it is best to have more than one person, otherwise it may not be able to fully reflect the effect.

The middle-aged nun was traveling with a group of young girls, and she was ready to use it.

He prepared a lot of spell papers, and there were four Qingmu spells alone.

Now that one was used, there were still three left. He could make three more Qingmu cards. When the time came, he would give one to the other party as a reward, and then he would have two more life-saving trump cards!

He soon thought of a good place, that is, the hospital.

Even though it was late at night, a place like a hospital gathered more than half of the illnesses and sufferings in the world, and there was no shortage of people who were born, aged, sick and died even at this time.

However, he couldn't be anxious at this time. He had to wait for Hu Jialin and the others to come back, otherwise there would not be enough people left in the laboratory building, and he was worried about any accidents.

Then he waited for another two hours.

The person in charge of the laboratory building was successfully dealt with by Hu Jialin, who took the money in a low-key manner and said that the laboratory building would be temporarily closed to the public before they left tomorrow, and their privacy would be fully guaranteed.

"This guy has a big appetite. He asked for one million. Fortunately, we brought enough money from the town, otherwise it would be really troublesome."

Hu Jialin gritted her teeth when she came back, half because she was tired and half because she was upset by the person in charge. Obviously, the communication between the two sides was not smooth.

The next step was to prepare various missing experimental items and instruments according to Alhut's requirements.

In addition, Hu Jialin, regardless of fatigue, put on a lab coat and acted as Alhut's assistant throughout the whole process, while also monitoring him to avoid any possibility of failure in the mission.

In the second half of the night, the laboratory building finally returned to peace.

Huang Sheng and the middle-aged nun took Si Qinyue and Si Qinxue out of the university and drove to the nearest surgical hospital.

At the emergency center of the surgical hospital, they saw a group of gangsters with broken hands and feet and weapons on their bodies. They were covered in blood and cried for their parents in pain.

They were happy to chop people for a while, but ended up in the crematorium afterwards.

Before the gang entered the hospital, Huang Sheng directly pointed a gun at their heads and forced the three people who were supporting each other, one with a torn thigh, one with a cut wrist, and one with blood on both legs, to the back wall of the hospital.

As the card floated in the air, it emitted beautiful and crisp green light, which turned into tassels, covering the three gangsters and eventually spreading to the wounds.

The card spun in the sky, and after a few minutes, it gradually turned into light spots and dissipated in the night sky.

The injuries of the three people were greatly improved!

The wounds with rolled skin and flesh not only stopped bleeding, but also began to heal gradually.

Even some of the minor injuries had blood scabs, and the physical and mental state of the three people had also recovered incredibly, which was completely different from the embarrassed look of crying for their parents just now!

Facts have proved that this Qingmu card is not only amazingly effective, but also has a group range of action. If this is not awesome, there are probably no cows in this world.

"Remember, don't tell anyone what happened today, otherwise."

Huang Sheng showed the yellow and orange bullets in front of the three people, then pulled the bolt with a click, pointed the gun at the three people, and scared the three people to death. The wound that had just improved was almost broken again.

"We are from Ade Company. The experiment we asked you to do today is to cure diseases and save lives. But if what happened today is known to others, you will have to lie on the operating table next time. I will cut open your stomach without anesthesia!"

Huang Sheng threatened viciously and took a photo of them with his mobile phone.

The three people huddled in the corner and shivered constantly. When they saw that the group of people who looked like angels in front and demons in the back had completely gone away by car, they breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed at the back wall of the hospital, almost unable to get up.

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