The night was full of tears, but Huang Sheng was still asleep.

It was destined to be a sleepless night. Since Hu Jialin and other teammates had their own duties and could not rest, how could Huang Sheng close his eyes?

So he picked up Si Qinxue and opened up a second battlefield in an empty classroom on the top floor of the experimental building.

It must be said that the nun was gentle, like a complaint, like a cry, gently and slowly, and sang a beautiful ballad like a hymn in bliss.

Originally, Huang Sheng could still hold it in, but he felt very excited when he thought of the purple Qingmu card, and Si Qinxue's provocation from time to time, he couldn't help it in the end, and simply stood up and kicked.

Oh oh oh!

Early in the morning, no one in the city had the audacity to raise a rooster, which successfully woke up the people who were a little exhausted and confused in the second half of the night.

Si Qinxue lay on her portable iron bed, unable to open her eyelids.

Huang Sheng washed up in the bathroom and went to find Hu Jialin.

"How was it last night?"

Hu Jialin had two faint dark circles under her eyes, and she looked dull after washing her face.

"It should be okay..." Hu Jialin said. Last night, she insisted on keeping an eye on Alhut to prevent him from falling asleep or doing something else instead of doing scientific research, and she didn't find any accidents.

The other party was doing some research records on proteins.

But she couldn't hold on any longer now, and Huang Sheng came to take over. She casually placed a metal ball in a blind spot in the laboratory, and the mechanical insect slowly poked out a camera from it and aimed it at Alhut.

So Huang Sheng took over the shift and encouraged the wretched old man: "Come on, work until twelve o'clock in one breath. When the mission is successful, we will take you to the club."

Alhut couldn't help but brighten his eyes: "Really?... Ahem, I'm not interested, but I'm just afraid that you can't find the way. I can take you there, of course, I won't go in."

Huanli, Li Xiang, and Amir, plus Shaki's two men, a total of five people, guarded the more than 60 small town residents who were arranged to the western suburbs overnight last night. The others are now in the laboratory building.

As time passed, the campus gradually became lively and the college students began to attend classes.

Fortunately, no one disturbed here in the morning, and in a blink of an eye, it was already more than eleven o'clock in the morning.

"Target 2 failed!"

Huang Sheng's pupils shrank slightly after receiving a call, and then he sighed.

The town has completely lost control. All the people who stayed and did not die were infected with viruses by Ade Company using various methods.

The evolutionists on the side of the destruction faction showed the green completion mark on goal 2 at this time, and soon after, the evolutionists on the opposition faction showed the red failure mark.

It is too difficult to complete the grand slam of achieving all three goals in this copy background.

Fortunately, Huang Sheng did not put his hope on the vague goal 2 from the beginning.

At about 11:40, Hu Jialin woke up, took the mechanical bug and checked the camera screen.

"No, this person is playing tricks!"

She looked for a while, and suddenly her face changed, and she whispered to Huang Sheng.

"He was doing some kind of protein analysis under my supervision last night, but just two or three hours ago, he did some incomprehensible experiments to fool you, and he was organizing his notes and materials. I don't know if this will affect our mission!"

Hu Jialin looked at Alhut's back angrily. At this time, the other party saw her coming and pretended to continue doing last night's experiment.

Huang Sheng couldn't help but feel helpless.

He was also a layman in biochemistry research, and to be honest, he couldn't be blamed for not seeing the problem.

But for goal one, they had done what they were supposed to do, and they did prepare the laboratory according to the other party's requirements. They couldn't be sentenced to death just because the other party didn't do experiments all the time, right?

The mission didn't say that the other party had to do research all the time.

Frowning and worried, the two waited silently.

Finally, the time came to twelve noon.

After seeing that the mission goal one was completed, the two breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, there was a cheer in the laboratory building.

In Helin Town, Changbai City, Z City, Heqi Town, and somewhere else, all the opposition evolutionists saw the information that goal one had been achieved, and they were first in disbelief, and then couldn't hide their excitement!

This is really unexpected!

Yesterday, Alhut and his people didn't find it alive or dead, and everyone was panicked all night.

Seeing that the deadline was about to end at noon today, the news that the second objective had failed came.

Many people were mentally prepared for the failure of this dungeon clearance, but they didn't expect that there would be such a surprise at this time!

There is no doubt that some of them secretly found Alhut, and then secretly moved to a safe place to complete the prerequisites of the goal, and successfully survived the 48-hour task deadline!

Now everyone was lying comfortably, and the deep worries from yesterday to this morning disappeared in an instant, and now the dungeon can continue!

Damn, the Brown Bear Commando, and another group of evolvers, the grandfathers have not settled their accounts yet!

In the laboratory.

Huang Sheng laughed and opened his arms to hug Alhut.

"Congratulations, Mr. Alhut, with your help, our mission was successfully completed. Next..."

Alhut didn't have a happy expression. He stared at Huang Sheng, waiting to hear his next fate.

"What are your plans next?"

Originally, Huang Sheng wanted to say that you are free again, but he changed his words.

This Alhut's status in the dungeon is not ordinary. To be honest, using him to complete his clearance task is just the most basic talent utilization.

They didn't care about the other party's true value before, and if they want a higher dungeon rating in the future, they still have to rely on him.

Alhut couldn't help but laugh at himself, showing an expression of "as expected".

He also knew that the group of evolvers in front of him might really be protecting himself and didn't want him to die, but he probably didn't really want to give him freedom.

"You don't have to look depressed."

Huang Sheng smiled: "As you can see, protecting your safety and confining you to this laboratory is a task we must complete with your help."

"But from now on, we no longer need your mandatory cooperation. Theoretically, you are free."

"But we are still willing to provide you with protection. At the same time, in the next few days, if you have anything you want to do, we are also happy to serve you."

"You don't want to hide here and there anymore, right?"

"Once we leave in a few days, you, an ordinary person, will have no one to help you if you want to do anything. You can think about it carefully."

Huang Sheng did not explicitly say that he would release people. It is impossible to release people.

Of course, if the other party insists on leaving, there is nothing we can do, but they can track them.

An ordinary person without combat ability can't play any tricks in front of so many of them.

Alhut sighed and reached out to mess up the experimental data he had just carefully prepared.

"Let's not talk too much for now. Let's go and have a good sauna first, and then go to a restaurant for a big meal. I've been too nervous recently."

Hearing the other party say this, Huang Sheng couldn't help but smile: "Yes, we also like your suggestion, so let's not talk too much, let's get going now!"

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