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“But the deformed monkey with three arms and two heads is a complete hoax.”

“Although this monkey has shown abilities and fighting power far beyond its peers, its life span is very short. And soon, deformed tumors will appear in the body, not only will the person die, but unknown viruses will remain. "

"The octopus took advantage of our fear of drugs and curiosity about the transformation of monkeys, and guided Ade Company to start researching drugs and biological transformation. " "But drug research requires tens of billions of R&D costs and a large number of top pharmaceutical talents. We simply can't produce any results."

"So he began to guide us on a taboo research route, and eventually we began to get involved in stimulating human potential , and life potential agents that ignore various toxic side effects. Since we are also studying the subject of biological modification, the drugs of the former happen to be applicable to the latter. So later, even though the octopus no longer appeared easily, the company's top executives were like crazy. We are going further and further down this road."

"So what are you trying to achieve?" Huang Sheng asked.

"What do we want? We want technology to change our lives, so that our Nanshan country can develop quickly, and we can use all kinds of strange technological products in the future."

"Of course, we are all in the fields of pharmacy and biology. We are not responsible for the changes in people and life through technology. As for the topic of biological modification, many colleagues, including me, were very resistant from the beginning. ”

“But the company became more and more powerful, even threatening us with our families, forcing us to We are going further and further on this road. The sick pigeon injection is our masterpiece. H1 is also from our hands. There are more kinds of drugs and medicines. "

"As for what those big guys want? They want powerful taboos drugs and more stable and reliable biological transformation technology, to form an invincible army, plunder the technology of other civilizations to satisfy their desire for enjoyment..."

"Wait, this is not right, your world is fragmented, with There are so many countries, and there are so many cities in Nanshan alone that govern themselves. Shouldn't the top executives of Ade Company unify the world first? "

Huang Sheng asked curiously.

Generally in various novels and movies, this kind of villain is to conquer of the world.

As long as we can unify human and material resources, wouldn't it be more effective to carry out any conspiracy?

Alhut smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Xiao Huang, let me ask you a question. Would someone who has seen a lion still want to be a wild dog? "

"That's the truth. After seeing the powerful scientific and technological power of the outside world, and even many senior officials personally experiencing the outside world, they no longer look down on the backward countries in this world and don't want to spend energy on hegemony. After all, the conquered territory needs to be governed, and at the same time, it will face resistance from other cities and countries, which is very troublesome. "

"They only want to use Ade Company as a base to realize their own ambitions, and they only have complete control over Changbai City . " "Besides that, they have another purpose, which is to earn a lot of black money by studying a lot of forbidden drugs and biological transformation..."

Huang Sheng couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring: "Earn black money?"

Alhut He smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, you have seen it, haven't you? Ade Company has actually trained many evolvers. Even many of the senior executives are powerful evolvers themselves. In such an era that belongs to evolvers, how could they be willing to do it? An ordinary person? "

Huang Sheng felt that what the other party said was absolutely right. Yes, after seeing the scenery of countless different civilizations, who would still be interested in a backward and poor world? The pursuit of supreme personal strength is the most important thing. .

"After earning a large amount of black money, Ade Company used it to quickly cultivate evolvers. Although I don't know the strength of your evolvers, the company's evolvers, especially the senior executives, are definitely not bad. I don't know Have you ever encountered this before…”

Huang Sheng couldn’t help but think of the grandson of the flat-headed supervisor, and his head began to hurt again.

I had hoped that Hu Jialin would help me get some information and prepare for my plan to use the opponent's attack mark as a card, but something went wrong as soon as a group of people ran over here.

Huang Sheng asked: "There is another question, Shuiqing Capsule What's going on?"

Shuiqing Capsule is said to be a longevity medicine. At the charity ball, he saw the crazy pursuit of this medicine by the rich people in the town.

Alhut smiled bitterly and said, "This thing

It is true that there is a drug with a certain effect of keeping youth, but this thing is a technological drug bought by the company's top management from other civilizations at a sky-high price. Even if they take it, they take it themselves. How could the technology in our world research it? "

Then he talked about the secret of the h1 biological agent.

It turned out that under the continuous crazy research of Ade Company, coupled with the secret support of the octopus, a gradually stable biological agent sample has gradually taken shape.

The efficacy of h1 is stable for a longer time, and the backlash comes later.

Although it does not have combat effectiveness itself, it solves the most important stability problem.

As long as it continues to adjust and optimize its corresponding effects, it is expected to obtain a greatly enhanced version of the "sick pigeon" type biological agent.

This will make the new brown bear commando under Ade Company have a longer standby time and stronger stability, enough to deal with more events, and even cross-border long-term combat, truly becoming a taboo item.

Alhut When the researchers saw that the company was getting more and more crazy, many people resisted in various ways.

Some of them were killed, some were imprisoned, and some were cruelly sent to the operating table.

And he, one of the main researchers who completed the development of h1, could not bear the condemnation of his conscience. He took away some finished products, semi-finished products, and research and development logs and other materials and ran away directly, directly triggering the appearance of the copy of "Virus Prelude"!

Huang Sheng couldn't help but sigh, and could only say that things are unpredictable.

In fact, Alhut's carrying of these so-called samples and documents will not cause any substantial losses to Ade Company.

Judging from the other party's extensive use of h1, it has completely mastered the technology and production of h1. Alhut has not been able to erase the birth of this drug from the source. Life.

No one will come to give justice to ordinary people in this world, and no one who does not belong to this world will even know about this.

But it is precisely because of his actions that the copy event was triggered by chance, and a large number of evolvers from various worlds broke into this world and gathered together.

Under the exploration of everyone, the notoriety of Ade Company will soon be truly widespread.

And those who found Alhut will not use the h1 biological agent samples and technology in the hands of the other party to do evil, but on the contrary, there is a possibility of justice for this world.

The things in the hands of the other party will become a favorable weapon for the outside world to support and sanction Ade Company.

Of course, even with these "evidences", Huang Sheng does not think that anyone will pass Come and give them justice.

But the dramatic thing is that Ade Company wielded the butcher knife against the evolvers and began to seek its own death.

Behind the five hundred evolvers are countless worlds and thousands of their relatives and friends. Moral conscience may not restrain them, but hatred can.

Since this world has officially appeared in front of many civilizations, this door can no longer be closed.

In this dungeon trip, even if Huang Sheng cannot deal a heavy blow to Ade Company, there are still others.

Humans are the most vengeful creatures.

After the end of this dungeon, the number of surviving evolvers should not be too small. They may not be able to take revenge for a while, but they can wait. I just don’t know if Ade Company can withstand everyone’s anger in the future?

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