The two sides of the battle were in chaos.

Alhut finally revealed the location of the other party's laboratory and base camp, which was exactly where he was.

But he knew less about the specific information of the evolvers, and could not use his information to understand the flat-headed supervisor and others. Huang Sheng couldn't help but feel sorry.

"There were not only our group of researchers in the laboratory at that time. I don't know what else they are studying. You have to be careful."

Alhut hesitated for a moment: "If you can destroy or damage this underground base, I have a clue to an important prop to tell you. Although I don't know what level of evolver you are, I guarantee that this prop will be very useful to you."

Huang Sheng hung up the phone and took a breath.

He missed Hu Jialin's paintbrush prop a little. That thing is magical.

A simple drawing on the wall can open the door directly, which is very helpful for his infiltration at the moment.

Huang Sheng checked all his current props and couldn't help but have a headache.

At this time, he already had a lot of props, but it seemed that he lacked one that could deal with the current situation. How to openly break into the opponent's underground base, which must be heavily guarded, from the street is indeed a test.

Violently destroy the basement door and go in directly?

The danger must be great, but at present, this is the only way to rush in.

He took out a bottle of soul energy restart liquid, hesitated for a moment, but still drank it all. Drinking this liquid means that he is ready to die in the battle.

Once he dies, he will be resurrected after the copy is over, but it also means that all his efforts in the copy are in vain.

Although he doesn't need to take this risk at all, after all, the hope of successfully completing the copy is not small, and he will definitely get a high evaluation if he receives the rewards step by step.

But Huang Sheng felt that he was not so easy to die, after all, he also had some self-defense equipment, props and medicines.

In terms of medicine, there is the only remaining cell restart liquid, which he had given to the counselor sister as a reward.

Before departure, the other party had clearly replied to him that after being cracked by a national laboratory, this cell restart liquid is indeed a precious item that can almost bring back the dead.

For this reason, Huang Sheng can also get a full two thousand black notes and a precious item as compensation later. This thing is indeed as he thought when he got the medicine, and it has a high strategic significance.

Because he was in a hurry to catch the train to enter this copy, he had to go back to get the reward.

In terms of equipment and props, there are carbon fiber shields, heart guards, life-saving rags, that is, the strange clothes that can save lives, and plastic forks.

In addition, there are hematopoietic bracelets that have been taken back from Si Qinxue, and rings to make up.

Moreover, he dislikes the people of Ade Company very much. Even if it is to open more copy exploration, he has to come in and see them well.

From another perspective, if he could turn Ade's company upside down, the outside world would be much safer in the next few days, and the completion of the third objective of the copy would be more secure.

Since he had decided, he stopped talking nonsense and directly took out the remote bomb card from the card.

As the card took effect, Huang Sheng prepared to detonate while looking coldly behind the gate of the underground base through the wall-jumping infrared glasses.

Obviously, his whereabouts had been discovered by the other party. It should be a hidden camera. At this time, a group of evolvers had gathered behind the door and were looking at him murderously!

Boom boom boom——

With a terrifying air wave sweeping, the entire underground base gate was instantly blown up in the violent explosion, and the shock wave carried the fragments of the gate and wreckage like raindrops to the space behind.

The evolvers who were ready to go obviously did not expect the power of the explosion to be so terrifying, and they took action to defend themselves amid shouting and cursing.

But it is easy to intercept the flying foreign objects, but it is difficult to defend against the shock wave.

In a moment, three or four players were bleeding from their ears and noses, and their whole bodies were shaking. They had already suffered serious internal injuries.

Huang Sheng smiled, these players from the backward world still underestimated the power of his bomb.

Holding the reading timer in his hand, Huang Sheng raised his shield and gun, and his figure instantly rushed into the thick smoke that was still diffused. When he killed an evolver, he pressed the stopwatch!

The last time he used the reading timer was at the end of the initial train crack incident, when everyone was desperate to get back to the train.

At this time, a familiar and wonderful feeling enveloped him again.

He felt that the flow of time was slowing down, and a feeling of blessing rushed into his mind.

Huang Sheng held

The action of the gun was adjusted subconsciously. During this period of time, the cognition of gun skills, killing consciousness, and combat skills was also newly increased, all active in the brain.


The attacked evolver reacted very quickly, and almost used a defensive prop the moment Huang Sheng rushed out of the smoke with a gun.

An object the size of a handkerchief woven from a straw mat was unfolded in the air.

But it was at this moment that Huang Sheng changed his tactics by chance under the influence of the timer.

After adjusting the action of holding the gun, the tip of the gun was raised a few centimeters just right!

In the other party's unbelievable eyes, the long spear seemed to have eyes and instantly bypassed the other party's defensive props used in seconds, and directly pierced into his neck!

Huang Sheng grabbed the straw mat handkerchief he had just taken out and put it into the space with his backhand.

He dragged the body of the dead evolver along the way as he moved forward rapidly, and turned sharply when two more evolvers reacted to attack him.

After pulling out the spear by inertia, the spear suddenly loosened forward, and the right hand changed from grabbing the middle of the spear to grabbing the tail of the spear, and the long spear swept to the left and right!

The evolver on the left who was using the attack prop was hit and the prop was deflected, and a flash of knife light flashed past Huang Sheng.

The evolver on the right seemed to care more about his life.

It seemed that being hit by the spear shaft would not be a big deal, but the prop attack that he was about to get rid of was still changed to a prop like a broken wooden stick. The moment he held the prop, the spear had already whipped over, and was just blocked by the broken wooden stick.

The broken wooden stick had a huge stickiness, and the two props seemed to stick together.

Letting go of the spear, Huang Sheng took out the AK308 that had been opened and ready for shooting.

Amid the fierce and noisy gunshots, a bunch of bullets swept up and down the opponent's body!

The man with the stick was hit with blood all over his body, and his body flew out like a sieve. His hand also let go of the broken wooden stick, and at the same time, the stickiness on the broken wooden stick disappeared.

Huang Sheng held the gun with one hand, and after shooting the evolver in front of him away, the muzzle quickly turned around, and a volley of bullets ran wildly in the space!

The lethality of large-caliber rifles at such a close distance was terrible, and other evolvers frantically dodged or used props to defend themselves.

Two people who had been bleeding from their ears and noses due to the shock wave reacted two steps slower and were hit immediately.

However, even props may not be able to defend against this kind of gun bullets 100%, just like Huang Sheng’s carbon fiber shield at the beginning, which could not completely defend against bullets.

Some props of too low quality can barely defend against one shot, and the second shot will be directly broken.

Some people who use props such as close-fitting materials, clothes, and bulletproof vests cannot avoid the impact of bullets, and are knocked back against the wall with blood surging!

Huang Sheng put away his gun after the bullets were used up.

He used two guns in turn while reading the timer. The bullets in one clip were so accurate in this strange state that they suppressed the seven or eight people in the room, which had increased to eleven or twelve evolvers at this time, in a short period of time!

Whoosh - the boomerang, officially known as the launcher boomerang, burst out.

A wave of air rolled out from the dart body, aiming at the three evolvers gathered together.

Without stopping, Huang Sheng, holding the launcher, threw out two more cards with his backhand!

The dart card, Liao Xiaolou's light and shadow appeared, and madly fired darts around.

The crossbow card, the light and shadow crossbow can shoot for a full minute at a speed of one shot per second, and the small steel balls fired have a very fast initial velocity and considerable destructive power.

After the shield swayed left and right to block several attacks, Huang Sheng rolled his body to the side to avoid more attacks, picked up a broken wooden stick and threw it into the space, and took out a small wooden hammer with his backhand.

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