After taking a hot bath and eating something, Huang Sheng fell into a deep sleep.

Hu Jialin and the others had no news, and Huang Sheng didn't want to face a group of sad little nuns in the manor, so he simply went out early in the morning with codenames Binglan and Xue Zhefei to get the props in the city that Alhut mentioned.

"This is the energy crystal, a common and rare energy battery."

Binglan did not disappoint Huang Sheng. Not only did he know about this thing, he just happened to have it in his hand, and he also gave it to him.

Common means that this thing can be purchased normally and sold publicly in some civilizations, and rare means that its production is not large and the price is relatively high.

Playing with the crystal-like blue crystal in his hand, Huang Sheng's thoughts flew to Changbai City.

According to the news sent back this morning, Ade Company seems to have completely given up resistance. After withdrawing all those who can be withdrawn and sacked, they let the evolvers go.

But there is a problem.

Flat-headed supervisor, Moore and other company executives have never shown up.

According to Alhut, not only these two people, but most of the other company executives are also powerful evolvers.

If this group of people were there last night, I am afraid that I would not be able to do bad things and get away so leisurely like now, and visit other cities like a vacation in the early morning.

It has been more than two years since the octopus first appeared.

Let's say it's two and a half years, that's thirty months.

If the flat-headed supervisor and others have been evolvers for more than two years, even if they have experienced fewer dungeon events, I am afraid they are not something I can deal with.

Must-reach tickets, that is, tickets that must arrive at the corresponding dungeons and events within the deadline, each evolver will get at least one ticket every month.

When a must-reach ticket is used within the month, the deadlines of all other must-reach tickets will be automatically increased by one month.

In other words, once you become an evolver, you must enter the dungeon at least once a month.

If you don't go, you will face severe punishment from the system.

If the situation is too serious, you may even be forced to be sent by the system, and then you will be very likely to be sent to a dangerous dungeon far beyond your level, and your end will almost certainly be death.

How many dungeon events has he experienced so far?

The Caida event, the initial train, Dongsheng Square, and this one can't be counted now because I didn't get the reward.

Anyway, it's too much worse than the accumulation of up to thirty months.

Even if the dungeons of these people are not rated high every time, even if they are a pile of rubbish, the threat to him is fatal if there are more of them.

Simply put, Ade Company is far from being destroyed.

These high-level executives disappeared mysteriously. Maybe they took advantage of the past few days to do dungeons together, or to deal with other important matters.

Therefore, we cannot be so optimistic about the situation. We should try not to go out in the last three days.

In addition, Hu Jialin was not there, and there was no hope of using the flat-headed supervisor to make cards. Huang Sheng shook his head.

Arriving at the designated bank, Huang Sheng took the note to pick up something, and finally successfully got a metal black box.

After leaving the bank with the metal black box, he opened the box in the car and found that it was a bronze mirror the size of a human face.

There is a base with a groove behind the bronze mirror. The energy crystal was inserted into it and it just fit tightly.

As a faint light appeared on the mirror, words suddenly appeared on the top of the bronze mirror, indicating that its prop identity was activated.

Point to the bronze mirror, effect: If it is a stupid question like "Magic mirror, magic mirror, tell me, who is the most beautiful woman in the world", please don't open your mouth. This is a pointing prop, which is only good at pointing the way.

It turned out to be such a prop. Huang Sheng stared at the large bronze mirror and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"Magic mirror, magic mirror, tell me, where is my companion Hu Jialin now?"

With the sudden flash of light on the mirror, a red cursor arrow suddenly appeared above the bronze mirror!

The arrow pointed to the southeast, and a distance information was displayed on it in the form of a gingko tree: 55.91km.

"Fuck!" Huang Sheng was shocked.

Xue Zhefei shouted loudly, and codename Binglan also looked confused.

"Hu Jialin is not dead yet? Did this guy defect and leave the team?"

Huang Sheng scratched his head and thought to himself that it was impossible. He did not let her down. He did not take advantage of her or take advantage of her props.

Xue Zhefei stepped on the accelerator hard,

The car crossed the city and drove forward in the direction of the cursor arrow.

"Don't you have similar props in your civilization?"

Huang Sheng asked Binglan, who was also surprised.

She shook her head: "We mainly have technological items there, and the props are very ordinary."

More than 50 kilometers away, an hour later, the three left the car and walked into a huge and dense grassland.

As the distance got closer, the color of the red arrow gradually changed to green.

This is an uninhabited area, and there are no traces of human beings around.

And it may be because of the light rain before, the ground is wet, and the mud is a little sticky in some places.

Following the guidance of the cursor arrow, they kept adjusting the direction.

Finally, when the distance on the arrow was only a dozen meters, the three saw a figure lying on the ground not far away.

Hu Jialin curled up on the ground with his knees hugged, his face was as pale as gold paper, and he was injured in many places. The blood that flowed out had already coagulated. Who else could this be but Hu Jialin? !

Huang Sheng rushed over, used his spear to pick up a small snake crawling on her body, and cut it in half in mid-air.

After driving away and killing several other insects crawling and biting on her body, the three of them got the seriously injured and unconscious Hu Jialin into the car.

He put a blood-making bracelet on her and put a replenishment ring on her finger.

As the owner of the props, he chose to use it directly, and the vitality he had accumulated for three days was replenished from the ring to the other party's body.

"Who of you has props to save people?"

Huang Sheng asked. Whether it was Qingmu Card or Qingmu Ju Casting Paper, he and the little nuns had no one in their hands. If it was really impossible, they could only send her to the hospital.

Xue Zhefei shook his head, and codename Binglan took out an item.

Passive medical bandage, this is a kind of technological item, a transparent item like a belt, with some green liquid in the center.

"After tying it around the waist or the corresponding injured part, the medical bandage will continuously transfer a medical liquid into the patient's body through contact filtration and at the same time emit medical magnetic field waves, which has a good effect."

Huang Sheng and Xue Zhefei looked at each other. As natives of the earth, this was really disturbing. They didn't even dare to think about this kind of thing.

Unexpectedly, during the day of disappearance, the other party actually appeared here from the battle position of Helin Town, which was two hundred miles away.

Huang Sheng couldn't figure out what happened inside.

You said she was being chased, why didn't she even call when she ran here?

If she wasn't being chased, how did she appear here?

He wanted to check the information of the middle-aged nun, but he didn't seem to know her name. Usually everyone called her Mama, so it seemed that he could only wait for Hu Jialin to wake up.

He opened the trauma butler and treated several minor injuries on her body. This medical tool is very good at treating minor injuries. The more serious the injury, the worse the effect. There are five treatment opportunities every day.

After returning last night, he also treated himself. The gunshot wound on his back is no longer a problem.

The car returned to the city where they started. Just when they were about to take each other to the hospital, Hu Jialin finally regained consciousness.

"Don't go to the hospital, go back first."

She spit out a few words and fell asleep again.

Huang Sheng guessed that she might have some secrets that were not convenient for local hospitals to know, or she might have some medical tools.

So the three of them bought some vegetables and food on the way, and bought some things that might be used at the pharmacy, and drove back.

At about one o'clock in the afternoon, Hu Jialin finally woke up.

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