The doctor said that the patient was lying on the ground.

She stretched out her hand and tried to move it in the space of her wrist, and soon a white medical instrument appeared.

Its main body was like a propped-up coat rack, and a disc-shaped terminal was lifted up by the upward slanting support frame.

Hu Jialin was sitting on a chair with the help of two little nuns, and the medical instrument was standing beside her.

The terminal was covering her head, and strands of milky white light poured down like tassels, covering her completely.

"Huh... I'm finally alive."

After being irradiated for a few minutes, she let out a long breath, her complexion had improved significantly, and the whole person seemed to be completely alive.

"You can find me even in this situation. It seems that I, Hu Jialin, am not destined to die!"

She looked at the people in front of her with a smile, feeling peaceful and happy, but also with a sense of fear after surviving a disaster.

Si Qinxue couldn't help but ask, "Sister Hu, how is my master?"

Hu Jialin was also very comforted when she saw Si Qinxue, who had almost recovered to normal. Thinking of her previous tragic situation of being shot by a heavy machine gun and almost being broken into pieces, she had to say that everyone in the team was really lucky.

"Don't worry, I covered Mammy to take the soul energy restart liquid, and injected her with a poison needle. When the drug took effect, she was seriously injured by the people of Ade Company and taken away."

"But it won't be long before she dies of the poison. She won't fall into their hands. You can see her after the copy is over."

The little nuns breathed a sigh of relief and were overjoyed.

Huang Shengze looked at Shaji. Unlike other people who were lucky, the few evolvers he had won over in this world were almost all lost.

The two sides exchanged information.

It turned out that when Hu Jialin and the middle-aged nun were caught in a battle with a huge disparity between the enemy and the enemy, she felt that she was almost at her limit, so she sent the middle-aged nun away and used a special item.

This special item can trigger life protection after the user is attacked by death, and randomly teleport the user to the most sparsely populated and remote location one hundred kilometers away.

"It's really a good thing."

Huang Sheng couldn't help but think of his own life-saving rags. The mechanisms of the two are essentially similar. Of course, that rag is far from comparable to the opponent's teleportation item.

"I didn't expect you to destroy the headquarters of Ade Company. I don't know how much exploration points you will get now."

Hu Jialin was a little happy and envious, but also a little depressed:

"At that time, the opponent had more than a dozen evolvers, four biological beasts, and a steady stream of brown bear commandos and a new batch of evolvers to reinforce."

"Especially that group of brown bears. I couldn't fight them or not fight them. It really pissed me off."

"I really couldn't kill a few of them. I was so unlucky that I almost couldn't use my life-saving props. In the end, I had to run away."

"All kinds of consumable props were used up. I should have been injured in this battle. It's not enough to just heal the wound. I can only rest next."

She spread her hands, indicating that she couldn't help him contain the bald supervisor and provide him with a card-making opportunity.

"You should take good care of yourself. I'll look for opportunities later. There are still three days left, and there are many variables."

After comforting him, Huang Sheng also went to work. Now that everyone's situation has entered a stable stage, he is going to start making cards.

At that time, the cards will be distributed to everyone to recover some black money, and other evolvers can be contacted for trading.

At present, the two evolvers will not fight on a large scale, and it is time to trade and make money.

Gaudi dragged Xue Zhefei and Emil to discuss things, wanting to get a batch of gunpowder and other materials for making bombs in this world.

The power of the bomb card far exceeded his expectations. Gaudi was itching to make another wave of bomb cards before the end of the copy.

Huang Sheng naturally agreed with this, and also told them to mention the card trading when they met other evolvers outside.

After the group left, Hu Jialin and the code-named Binglan got to know each other.

Then he said to Si Qinxue: "Xiaoxue, I will mail you a sightseeing ticket after I return. You should bring enough black money. There are a lot of technology and props in Twin Cities that can be purchased, which will be of great help to you."

"By the way, I will help you heal your injuries and ensure that no scars are left. I will arrange accommodation and treatment for you free of charge."

Si Qinxue nodded, and a sense of expectation surged in her heart.

In the manor, Alhut opened a simple

In Yi Laboratory, Kyle helped him. Kyle had already started working towards becoming an Evolver.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye, and everything was calm.

No more fights between Evolvers were heard, and there was no movement from Ade Company.

The copy seemed to end in such a calm.


In a roar like a storm, a heavy machine gun under Shaji's control fired at the reinforced concrete wall a hundred meters away, smashing the concrete wall into pieces.

The card being drawn suddenly burst into a bright purple light. This is a new card "Steel Storm Card", with a purple quality.

Thanks to the measurement of the power of heavy weapons, after discovering that the circulation of weapons in the underground black market in this world is very active, Huang Sheng commissioned Shaji to get several light and heavy machine guns and a large amount of bullets.

He wanted to use the attack power of light and heavy weapons as a basis to create a super powerful card that could tear everything apart in an instant.

The Steel Rainstorm card will probably be completed when the heavy machine gun fires fifty rounds of bullets, and the effect has been tested.

The firing of this card will last for ten seconds, with a total of eighty rounds of bullets.

The caliber of the heavy machine gun itself is 12.7 mm, and the power of its bullets in the card is close to the lethality of a 20 mm machine gun.

If a bullet from this weapon is hit, if you are lucky, only one arm and one leg will be lost, and if you are lucky, it will directly break the person in the waist.

Ten seconds, eighty rounds, if it shoots at dense enemies, it is hard to imagine what kind of terrible disaster it will create!

For Huang Sheng, this is a taboo card. Other cards can be sold, but in principle he only intends to keep this card for his own use.

Hu Jialin can consider selling two cards, and he can also cooperate with the army after returning to Earth.

The power is so great that the energy drain on him from making it has returned to the time when he just became a card maker. He will be exhausted after a few cards.

After witnessing the power of the Iron Rain card, Hu Jialin finally bought two cards for two thousand black notes.

In addition, Huang Sheng also made a "foreign trade version" of the Iron Rain card with a light machine gun, named "Iron Rain".

This card has a continuous shooting time of 15 seconds and 200 bullets. Its power is much smaller, but it can still be called a killer.

You should know that this thing is compressed in a small card. As long as it is used, it will automatically attack the enemy. It does not need to be operated or carried.

The estimated selling price is 500 black notes per card, and it is not sold to unfamiliar evolvers.

It also takes a lot of energy to make it. It can probably make about ten cards at a time with full energy.

As a reward for getting weapons and cooperating with shooting, Huang Sheng gave Shaji two cards for free, and Hu Jialin bought two more. As for others, they could not take out black notes.

It was dawn, and today was the last day. The copy would be declared over at 12 noon.

The red glow left by the lovemaking last night on the girl's face has not completely dissipated. The sweat on her forehead solidified into a little salt stain, and some of her hair was stuck together due to the evaporating sweat, which showed how tired she was last night.

Huang Sheng was far from having a good time last night because his girlfriend, who he met by chance, was injured and did not go through the whipping. Considering each other, he was far from having a good time.

Although Si Qinxue repeatedly hinted that she had other sisters, she felt sorry for her lover and wanted to bring wealth to other partners, but Huang Sheng did not want to have any accidents and had no intention of causing more trouble in this copy.

Yesterday he made a new batch of bomb cards.

Some of them were finished products made by Gaudi himself with raw materials, and some were mining explosives, plastic bombs, etc. bought on the underground black market, which made him have more bomb cards that he had consumed.

In the past few days, the team has established contacts with more evolution teams, and has sold dozens of cards at third-party locations, earning more than 2,000 black notes.

At this time, he already had more than 9,000 black notes in his hand, and was about to become a millionaire.

Among them, Hu Jialin alone contributed nearly 4,000, including the 3,000 reward from the settlement of the copy he held last time.

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