The news was a big one, but the news was not good.

"A very powerful evolver suddenly appeared in Ade Company this morning!"

"As soon as they appeared, they scattered and hunted down the evolvers everywhere. A small team in Changbai City has been wiped out!"

Tian Xinghe called urgently.

Huang Sheng and the other party met in the transaction two days ago. Since the other party was well-informed, Huang Sheng asked him to help pay attention to the news of the senior executives of Ade Company or strange and powerful evolvers.

"Are you sure they are scattered?"

Huang Sheng asked. If the senior executives of the other party gathered together, it would be meaningless and he could not go there.

Tian Xinghe confirmed it and pointed out the whereabouts of two of the other party, including the flat-headed supervisor.

The other party came to Z city with a team of seven or eight ordinary evolvers, which can be regarded as a narrow road for enemies.

"Mirror, mirror, tell me, where is the location of Ni Dayong, the flat-headed supervisor of Ade Company?"

Pointing to the bronze mirror, he pointed out the direction and marked the distance. The other party did appear in Z city!

Huang Sheng took Emil and codename Binglan out of the manor and drove straight to the city following the cursor instructions!

Others, including Hu Jialin, stayed in the manor.

The more these last few hours, the more they cannot afford to make mistakes. If there are no accidents, the eighty-one survivors of the town will definitely complete the third objective of the copy. After all, Codename Binglan could lead more than a dozen residents by himself, and so many other people could not do it.

Codename Binglan has a set of programmed swordsmanship, which is a difficult-to-understand technological product.

Through data calculation and terminal-assisted control, an ordinary master can master the cold weapon combat ability that can only be obtained after practicing hard for more than ten years or even decades under normal circumstances.

In addition, she still has confidence in herself when the gap between the two sides is clear, so she replaced Hu Jialin and became the candidate to hold back the flat-headed supervisor Ni Dayong.

As a policeman, Emil has put on a full set of police uniforms and police equipment. In the process, he will apply random debuffs to the opponent to prevent the code name Binglan from overturning.

Huang Sheng still insisted on using the opponent to make cards. He liked the opponent's bold and unstoppable cold weapon fighting style.

The cards made in this way are not only a powerful weapon in themselves, but also provide a strong reference for his future learning and development direction.

Z City.

Warm blood fell on the blade, on his body and on the ground. Ni Dayong closed his eyes and took a deep breath in ecstasy.

In front of him was blood and fragments all over the ground.

He had just come out of a temporary team copy, and he didn't gain much in it. He also wasted a lot of time, allowing the group of ants that invaded his world to slap the company's face for several days.

Such a sin can only be washed away by the most cruel way of death.


As the gun rang out, Ni Dayong slashed with a slender bone-white sword, knocking a bullet that suddenly shot at him directly away.

A very tall and fit woman with ice-blue skin jumped down from the wall. At the same time, a team of evolvers behind Ni Dayong stood up one after another.

"Stay away." Ni Dayong waved his hand, signaling his subordinates not to disturb his hunting.

"Reaction weakened by 7%, lasting for 15 seconds."

As Emil's professional characteristics took effect, she passed the weakened status to the other two. This value was not high, obviously because of the huge gap in strength between the two sides.

Codename Binglan held a slender black knife solemnly.

She had used the bonus casting paper that increased movement speed, reaction, etc. in advance, and she was wearing life-saving rags, and two hexagonal thin plate armor arm guards on her arms.

Ni Dayong glanced at where Emil was hiding, and then drew out another bone-white sword indifferently.

With a flash of his figure, he approached Codename Binglan at a terrifying speed, his two swords whizzing like in the wind and waves, one sword slashing the head, the other sword slashing the waist and abdomen!

A crazy warning came from the mask detector, and at the same time, a light came on. This light from the detector connected all the way to her hands holding the long sword and the blade, and the programmed sword technique was activated.

Binglan's body moved just as quickly, and the two swords of the flat-headed supervisor were blocked with two sounds.

But under the huge force, her body kept retreating.

Ni Dayong showed a grim smile at the corner of his mouth, and his body rushed forward again after a delay, dancing with two swords in a violent storm.

Codename Binglan had just taken a breath after standing firm, and in a blink of an eye, she was crushed by this combat power that far exceeded her ability to deal with, and almost lost her weapon.

Even with the assistance of data,

Her swordsmanship was far from being able to compete with the opponent, and at this moment, only three or four seconds had passed!

She waved her hand and threw out a green sphere.

The sphere was instantly torn apart by the two swords in mid-air, and the plant props that were supposed to bloom and entangle the opponent were destroyed before they could even take effect.

She continued to use props to buy breathing time.

A turquoise crystal appeared in her hand, and at the same time, a series of violent water arrows shot out from the crystal, instantly covering the surrounding ground.

A low-temperature gust of wind blew out of the turquoise crystal, and the water on the ground turned into ice, and a large area was instantly covered in white.

Ni Dayong, who was a little too active, staggered and almost slipped, and then used his two swords to stabilize his body.

He coldly took out a piece of talisman paper, shook his fingers, and the talisman paper fell to the ground, instantly burning into a flame around him, melting the frozen ground, and his figure rushed over again.

After delaying for three seconds, Codename Binglan regained some strength and rushed forward to fight with the opponent's weapons again.


With two explosion-like sounds, the black knife in Binglan's hand broke into three pieces like an explosion.

At the same time, the hexagonal arm guards on her arms bounced off, spliced ​​and deformed in the air, and the carbon fiber shield supported in her hands blocked the next storm-like attack!

The body leaned back, the heels of both feet landed on the ground, and the front heels lifted up. As the two soles of the shoes sprayed out a stream of air, the figure of Codename Binglan, who was bearing the unbearable force of the attack, flew backwards very quickly and got rid of the combat state.

In a nearby hiding place, a card burst into a purple-orange light.

Huang Sheng put away his pen and card, and his figure suddenly jumped to the ground.

Emil, who was hiding not far away, took the right time and took out a steel shower card. The light machine gun light and shadow began to shoot at several evolvers gathered in the distance.

Ni Dayong waved his hand suddenly, and a steel hook broke through the air, approaching rapidly with a harsh humming sound, grabbing the head of the code-named Binglan who was about to escape!

The rescuer broke free from her automatically, was caught by the hook, and was twisted into a ball of cloth.

Binglan's body was pushed back by the characteristics of the clothes, and with the jet function of the soles of her feet, her figure completely escaped from Ni Dayong's attack range.

The moment she broke free, the carbon fiber shield turned into a sawtooth dart and blasted towards Ni Dayong.

Ni Dayong raised his hand and struck with a sword, knocking the shield away with a harsh friction, and was finally caught in Huang Sheng's hand.

Several evolvers were suddenly attacked by Emile not far away, and they used various protective measures.

Huang Sheng almost saw another playful hand drum used by one of them at a glance.

In his storage space box, a luxurious and exquisite badge suddenly bloomed with bright brilliance.

At the same time, with Helin Town as the center, all evolvers and even ordinary people regardless of their identities received a system notification.

"In three hours, this copy will enter a forced peace state. Please do not have any conflicts with others and do not challenge the bottom line of the copy rules."

In an instant, countless people looked at each other in astonishment, not knowing what had happened.

Some evolvers or ordinary people who were about to win the battle were naturally puzzled, while those who were in danger were naturally overjoyed.

For Ni Dayong and the evolvers he led, they naturally received this notice, but most people did not care at all, including Ni Dayong himself.

He jumped up and pounced on the man in front of him.

This defeated general who had fled in a panic in the first round under his hands was the number one perpetrator who destroyed the underground base a few days ago!

It was good to be able to kill more than a dozen company evolvers by himself, and Ni Dayong was excited.

It was also a pleasant surprise to be able to kill the other party with his own hands before the end of the copy.

Huang Sheng looked up at the sky.


I saw several thin lightning bolts suddenly struck in the air, one by one, landing on the heads of several evolutionists who took action.

After the Peace Eagle Badge was activated, all those who received the system message and forced to take action will be punished by their space, including him, the badge owner!

As a dungeon site, the Helin Town world is a complete world, far from the pitiful little dungeon of Dongsheng Square, and its power is naturally unimaginable.

The few people who took action had no power to resist, and their bodies were instantly split into ashes!

Ni Dayong's face changed wildly, and he instantly sacrificed two defensive props, and a pot cover-like thing continued to expand and cover his head.

The other wooden sign had just been taken out, and the pot cover prop was split into pieces with a bang. Ni Dayong's body was blackened by the remaining power of lightning on the spot, and he fell down in pain.

The wooden sign also fell to the ground.

The next moment, the sky began to darken rapidly.

With Huang Sheng and Ni Dayong as the center, the surroundings were rumbling.

Four photoelectric luminous fences fell, and the rectangular area between the fences emitted light.

In order to prevent the dying Ni Dayong from launching any form of Jedi counterattack, Huang Sheng launched an unfair duel against him.

The duelist's space storage box was closed, the prop bar was closed, and the effects of all props were weakened!

Huang Sheng walked slowly to his side with a spear in hand.

Ni Dayong couldn't open the space and the prop bar. He stared at Huang Sheng, his eyes filled with endless unwillingness, resentment and doubt.

He couldn't figure out what happened until he died!

The spear stabbed down fiercely.


When the Peace Eagle Chapter was about to expire, it was twelve o'clock noon.

The copy was declared over!

The system prompts with different contents appeared in the ears of all the evolvers participating in the copy.

(The copy of "Virus Prelude" is over, everyone click the shit yellow button below more!)

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