The effect of the item surprised Huang Sheng.

Although the quality of the Dragon Sword is only green, if it can really fight automatically for one minute, its value is extraordinary.

This is almost equivalent to having an extra hand...

Of course, judging from its quality, the power of the item will definitely be relatively small, but it is also good to use it to deal with some weak enemies, especially when the opponent has an absolute advantage in numbers and he cannot do everything.

"You should keep this good thing for yourself."

Huang Sheng refused. Although Bai Mengxue did not have to rush to the front, because she had no combat ability and her own safety was also serious, he could not take this item.

"Just take it. I have someone to protect me, and I don't lack green weapons and defensive props."

Bai Mengxue said. Huang Sheng didn't doubt her words. She didn't lack black money and could buy a lot of reinforced hammers from the public.

It was nothing to her to use 4 reinforced hammers to make a white or even green prop.

Of course, it was limited to conventional weapons and protective gear. Other props with strong functions were not so easy to get, even with black money.

"Then I'll give this to you. This thing is useless in my hands, but it should be of great help to you."

Huang Sheng thought about it and simply gave her the trauma butler, that is, the small medicine box that can treat five minor injuries every day.

In his case, this thing is really useless. It is unnecessary for minor injuries and cannot treat serious injuries.

Not to mention that various capsule medicines can treat injuries, after his trip to Helin Town, he not only made a new card Qingmu Card, but also saw two highly technological medical instruments carried by Binglan and Hu Jialin.

When he has the chance, he will definitely get this kind of good stuff, so why would he care about this small broken medicine box?

Bai Mengxue has a low evolution level and weak strength. In addition, this profession has a high frequency of small-scale battles and conflicts, which requires frequent treatment and rescue. The small medicine box is very suitable for her.

Sure enough, Bai Mengxue saw the small medicine box and Huang Sheng explained the specific usage. She couldn't say no.

"Keep it. By the way, if you have time, help me find something called Qingmu Casting Paper."

Huang Sheng said that because the middle-aged nun left the dungeon too early and Si Qinxue was injured, he didn't keep any Qingmu Cards or Qingmu Casting Paper.

So he urgently needs to get new Qingmu Casting Paper now.

I just don't know if this item from Middle-earth has circulated to Earth?

He had communicated with Si Qinxue. The population size of Middle-earth is quite considerable, and there are many professionals. With frequent train rides, Qingmu magic paper, as a healing item, would be easily noticed if it really appeared here.

Of course, asking Bai Mengxue for help is only one aspect. He will contact the middle-aged man with black mole later.

After all, he still hopes to trade his Iron Shower Card with the official. Maybe the other party has the magic paper he wants.

"Yeah, I'll help you find it." Bai Mengxue nodded repeatedly.

Seeing that she was even more tired and yawning, Huang Sheng left her a Iron Shower Card, warned her to use it carefully, touched her head that looked a little silly, and got up to go home.

That night, the community where he rented fell into silence.

Huang Sheng felt that he was dreaming.

When people dream, they lose their "self".

What does it mean? It means that when people are in a dream, it is a bit like returning to the age of two or three, without a clear and stable self-awareness.

Some people may feel that they have a certain consciousness in their dreams, as if they have seen through the dream.

However, when they think back after waking up, the experience in the dream will have a weird and unreal feeling, which is completely unlike their own personal experience in the awake state.

Moreover, as time goes by, the experience in the dream will be quickly forgotten, which is a manifestation of not having self-consciousness.

Huang Sheng is in such a state at present.

He knew that there was a large-scale nightmare abnormality in the whole city, covering millions of people.

However, when he was pulled into the nightmare, he could not recall the relevant information at all.

He fell into panic like other ordinary people, and began to run away in the dream in a panic.

If you have to say that his nightmare is different from other ordinary people in this incident, it is probably the pursuit.

His stuff.

When others were slapping teachers, psychopathic pursuers, powerful bosses who bullied him, and friends who had died decades ago, they questioned why he didn't accompany his concrete characters.

The one chasing him was an insect as big as a truck!

Its back was covered with carapace, and its huge and transparent wings kept flapping, making a loud buzzing sound.

A pair of huge eyes with countless small eyes stared at him, and the hideous and terrifying mouthparts with a structure that was completely beyond human cognition seemed to devour him in the next moment.

Countless long hairs grew on its long and numerous limbs. Not only that, this giant beetle also had a disgusting mutation.

It was surging violently all over, and from time to time a sticky thing like an arm would extend from its body.

Countless disgusting objects like intestines and internal organs were hanging and dragging in its belly.

As it crawled, these abnormalities continued to occur. The road it walked on was covered with disgusting unknown mucus, various internal organs, and dirt!

A strong stench rushed towards him, and there were large groups of flies hovering in the air, which brought him a suffocating impact every moment.

Huang Sheng was downstairs in the community at this moment, fleeing madly into the community.

The community became dilapidated at some point, and not even a single person could be seen.

The street became extremely congested, and the giant insect's swollen body blocked both sides of the entire street. Every step he took, the walls on both sides were squeezed.

When he finally rushed into the corridor, he found that the stairs were so narrow that only he could pass through.

He looked down in fear, and saw that the indescribable body of the giant beetle had squeezed into the corridor desperately, and in a way similar to expansion, it was swelling up floor by floor!

Huang Sheng ran upstairs again.

But soon, he saw an old man walking downstairs with a cane...

The narrow staircase can only accommodate one person. If the two people collide with each other, he will be blocked by the other person above!

Just when his heart was about to jump out of his throat, he suddenly remembered that he was wearing a watch.

He didn't know what this watch was for, but he knew that he had to take a look at it at this time.

So he raised his left arm and saw the time on the watch at first glance.

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