The old man was torn to pieces as he walked down the stairs.

As the second second turned with a click, a stream of consciousness and memory rushed into his mind.

When the second second turned for the second time, Huang Sheng had already reached out and touched the space storage box.

When the second second turned for the third time, he held up the AK with one hand, and deafening gunshots rang out in the corridor.

The body of the old man who came down the stairs on crutches was torn to pieces.

The flesh below was indescribable, and the things that swelled up layer by layer were shrinking rapidly under the shooting of bullets.

Huang Sheng rushed directly to the window at the connection of the corridor, broke the glass and quickly climbed down.

The body that was originally swollen in the entire corridor quickly retreated from the corridor and returned to the appearance of a giant insect.

Then the giant insect turned and began to flee backwards!

Its steps became much more vigorous, and the disgusting traces of intestinal mucus and other visceral mucus left along the way also disappeared, and the abnormality on its body was gradually disappearing.

Huang Sheng chased and used AK to shoot at the opponent.

He found that the number of bullets in the magazine of the gun was unlimited, and the barrel would not get hot, so he simply pulled the trigger to the bottom.

If he was not worried that this was a residential area, he would even be unable to resist using the bomb card.

In the interval of shooting, the skull-capturing claws grabbed out, and the claws tightly grasped a piece of flesh on the opponent's body.

Huang Sheng jumped onto the opponent's body and shot at a certain point of its shell with AK.

Amid the high-frequency screams of the giant insect, this part of the shell was broken, and he took out a grenade from the space and subconsciously wanted to smash it in!

But at the last moment, he changed his mind, put the grenade back, took out the stiffening mallet, and hit it on the back.

Consciousness was changing wildly.

A few seconds later, Huang Sheng, who was sleeping soundly, opened his eyes.

He suddenly opened the quilt and took out a strong light card. The terrifying light instantly filled the entire bedroom. The white wall reflected the light that was comparable to a flashlight shining directly into the eyes. Everything was illuminated in detail!

He immediately found that the protective necklace hanging around his neck was gone.

No, it was not gone. At this time, it had become countless times larger and was falling to the ground, completely surrounding his bed.

Huang Sheng got out of bed and picked up a corner of the necklace. The body of the necklace quickly shrank, and finally returned to its original size, and he put it back on his neck.

Under the light, he found a gray-white, flea-shaped bug beside his bed.

It was probably only as big as the nail of the little finger, and it had many more pairs of gastropods than a flea.

At this time, its back was facing the ground, its belly was facing the sky, and more than ten legs were curled up together, falling into a coma.

Such a small insect would be easily overlooked if he hadn't used a strong light card to illuminate it.

He put on gloves to catch the insect, and found a small glass bottle to put it in.

He held the glass bottle with his left hand wearing the righteousness ring and the sober ring, and then he searched the entire bedroom and other rooms.

After confirming that there was no second insect of this kind and other abnormalities, Huang Sheng tried to put the glass bottle into the space.

But he couldn't put it in anyway, because the insect was a living thing.

He called Liao Xiaolou directly, briefly mentioned the incident, and then talked about the insect, asking him if he knew what it was.

"Brother, dear brother, stay home and don't move!"

Liao Xiaolou's voice rose an octave: "Good things are going to happen to you!"

"Night flea, one is worth 10,000 black notes, the military, police and 101 Bureau jointly offer a reward! Wait for me, I'll call someone to come with you!"

Fuck, 10,000 black notes?

Huang Sheng was happy at first, and then looked at the contents of the glass bottle solemnly.

Damn, is it this little thing that caused me to fall into a nightmare?

Or is it that the strange nightmare incident in Donghai City was caused by such a little bug?

It's bad luck for this thing, it actually targeted me!

He just traded the protective necklace in the hands of the mechanical eye, and he also had the sober ring and the incredible watch, which are all defensive against this kind of weird nightmare.

Huang Sheng didn't know what this nightmare was, but he thought it should be a mental or illusion attack.

But unfortunately, his watch has absolutely accurate time, which is a natural counter to this kind of attack.

I don't know if it's the effect of the sober ring or the protective necklace,

Let him regain some consciousness in the nightmare, so even if his nightmare experience tonight happens ten times, there should be no surprises, and he will definitely break it.

While waiting for the other party to come, Huang Sheng walked to the next door and knocked on the door.

Although he made a lot of noise, there was no sound inside.

He went up and down the stairs and knocked on the doors of several neighbors, and the situation was the same.

It seems that this nightmare has spread to the community where he lives. Countless people in the community have fallen into nightmares. I don’t know how many people will not wake up tomorrow.

I don’t know if there are more of these bugs in the community, but I think there should be.

Otherwise, since the one in his hand has been caught, those people should wake up...

Of course, he who knows little about nightmare events is just a random guess.

He just came back from the dungeon today and needs to rest. At least he didn’t plan to have a too deep understanding of the nightmare events in Donghai City in the past two days.

Picking up the spear, Huang Sheng directly broke the neighbor’s door lock violently, turned on the light and walked in.

The neighbors are a middle-aged couple, office workers, and the child should be left to the elderly.

You can see that there are a lot of packed luggage in the neighbor's house. They should have tried to leave the city a few days ago and finally came back.

On the bed in the bedroom, the two people lying on the bed looked ferocious.

The man's expression changed slightly from time to time, and he had a certain reaction to external stimuli. His heart beat very fast. It was obvious that he was experiencing a kind of pursuit that belonged to him.

The woman's expression was as if she was stiff. Her heartbeat was not fast, but she seemed to have become an object. She had no reaction at all and looked like she was at the mercy of others.

Huang Sheng tried to wake the man up, but it didn't work.

Considering his lack of understanding of the incident, he didn't force it.

After leaving the other party's house, he slammed the outer security door that had not been closed even though the door lock was broken, and continued to wait.

Soon Liao Xiaolou came with a group of people behind him, and his expression was extremely anxious.

After receiving the glass bottle from Huang Sheng, the leader of the other party, a middle-aged man in military uniform, breathed a sigh of relief, and the mood of the group of people relaxed.

Inviting them to sit down, Huang Sheng poured water for the group of people who were sweating and running wildly at midnight, and asked about relevant matters.

"Hello, classmate Huang, we are from the Tsunami Team of the Sky Shield Quick Reaction Brigade..."

The middle-aged captain introduced himself, but his mouth was silent.

The corner of the middle-aged Xi Lei's mouth twitched: "Have we met in the Caida incident?"

Huang Sheng laughed.

Isn't this a coincidence? The one who drove the helicopter to rescue them that morning was the member of the Tsunami Team.

At this time, he even had a vague impression of the other people in the room.

Xi Lei carefully wrapped the glass bottle with a special mesh prop and put it in a sealed container, suppressing his inner shock.

The young man who had a little ability and was said to have obtained the initial train ticket, broke the nightmare incident by himself in less than a month, and even caught the nightmare flea alive!

In order to catch this nightmare flea, most of the high-level evolvers in the entire Donghai City have tried every possible way in the past few days, but with little success.

Including this one in hand, there are only four living bodies caught.

Moreover, two of them were captured violently during the capture and suffered serious injuries. Although they did not die, their research value was greatly reduced.

Tonight, this nightmare flea that was knocked unconscious and intact will become an extremely important research sample. They have all made contributions.

Xi Lei suddenly remembered what the beautiful girl next to the other party said to them that morning.

It seems that this young man killed more than ten lantern-carrying people by himself.

At the beginning, a group of them almost couldn't help laughing. Now think about it, damn, young.

It's probably true!

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