The more you go, the more you will be sent.

"I bribed the flight attendant to be sent here directly, otherwise it wouldn't be that easy."

Huang Sheng shook his head. After going through more copies, more and more people will know the benefits of bribing flight attendants. This is no secret.

But knowing is one thing, and being able to do it is another.

Take this time for example. He spent thousands of black money before and after various expenses, and only then did they send him to his doorstep. Ordinary evolvers play like this? You wait to go bankrupt.

"It's a good thing to do the dungeon with me. It just happens that everyone can take care of each other, and you have the home advantage. It would be a pity not to do it."

Huang Sheng asked: "Have you encountered any difficulties? Why do you need so many black notes?"

Last time on the train, the two women insisted on black notes. He had wanted to ask this question for a long time.

The two women spoke more fluently and talkatively than on the initial train, but Ling Zhen couldn't explain it to him clearly after explaining for a long time.

The main reason was that Huang Sheng was confused when he heard it, and he couldn't understand all the words such as "sleeper" and "sacrifice" that came out of the other party's mouth.

Lingtian said: "Brother Huang, we can't explain it for a while, and then you can see what's going on for yourself."

Lingtian walked behind a pile of packages, and Huang Sheng saw that there was a big wardrobe hidden here. The wardrobe was full of clothes hanging up and down, and it was crowded.

She picked out ten sets of clothes and placed them on the ground one by one. Then she muttered something and performed a hand seal with her right hand.

Soon, in Huang Sheng's astonished eyes, he saw ten sets of clothes slowly bulge up, then float in the air little by little, and finally line up in a row.

The upper half of their lapels all bent down slightly, and ten different voices rang out: "Meet the two masters."

Compared with the voices of the two women and the short-talking man before, the ten voices seemed extremely weak and more stiff.

"The ten of you go downstairs now."

Lingtian ordered in a cold tone, and immediately explained to Huang Sheng: "Their real bodies are upstairs."

The ten pieces of clothes agreed in unison, and then lined up and flew to the stairs, and disappeared into the darkness at the top of the stairs one after another.

The waiting process was a bit long. Huang Sheng took out the two women's favorite chocolate milk candy from the space, and took two bottles of juice for them.

Lingzhen tasted it happily, while Lingtian sighed: "Brother Huang, it would be great if we could live in your world too."

Huang Sheng said curiously: "What's so difficult about this? When you get the tickets for the dungeon on Earth one day, just come over directly. You can stay there forever after completing the dungeon. I have a car and a house, and I can afford to support you."

Lingtian smiled bitterly: "It's not as simple as you said. Look, they are coming down."


The stiff, heavy and clumsy footsteps sounded from upstairs, and the wooden floor clearly fed back these movements to his ears.

Gradually, these slowly moving footsteps began to become flexible, and they began to go downstairs.

When the first figure walked stiffly to the stairs with the support of the corresponding clothes, Huang Sheng also saw the situation of the body clearly.

Pale, skinny, thin and bony, with a bitter look on their faces, they either had no clothes on their upper bodies or their clothes were tattered, not much worse than the famine victims in the old pictures.

Ten people walked in front of the three people like a string of puppets and zombies, and lined up lifelessly.

"Make a fire, boil water, and cook porridge."

Lingtian ordered, and the ten clothes began to get busy, floating in the air and doing their own things.

Then Lingtian ordered her and Lingzhen's clothes to get wine and better food to prepare to entertain Huang Sheng.

"Stop, let me find out what's going on here first, don't rush to eat."

Huang Sheng quickly stopped the two cloth skirts, they stopped in the air like human beings, the clothes twisted slightly backwards, as if the people wearing the clothes were looking back, waiting for instructions.

Lingtian asked the two clothes to work together with the other ten.

As for the ten puppet-like figures, they always stood stiffly in place, as if there was no breath of living people.

Soon, the stove and the charcoal stove in the middle of the first floor were on fire. The firewood crackled and smoke came out of the house through the chimney.

Two people picked up a wooden barrel and poured the water in it into a large pot. Water was boiling on the stove side, and there was a smaller pot and a dustpan of dried red dates on the charcoal stove side.

Some clothes were removing the cores of the fruits one by one, preparing to cook red date porridge.

After a long time of busy work, a large pot of hot water was boiled, and a pot of hot porridge was also cooked.

The clothes flew to get bowls, cooled the hot water by pouring the bowls, and then gave them to the corresponding person.

After each of these people drank four or five bowls of hot water, some began to cough, some opened their eyes, some gasped, and some held their waists as if exhausted.

These ten people came back to life in an instant.

Then they started to drink the porridge again, some drank it by themselves, and some were still fed by the clothes.

"Brother Huang, there are still 125 people like them upstairs."

"They usually stand together densely, sealed by us, and we wake them up like this when there is a need or when we really have no choice."

Huang Sheng's scalp was numb in front of this scene.

He felt that his three views were severely impacted, and couldn't help asking:

"Why do you do this?"

Isn't this equivalent to storing living people like salted fish?

More than a hundred people, crowded together, not eating, not moving, and unconscious. If this happened in the Earth world, many people would die in a few days.

Maybe the world of Huangci has special rules, but it's also cruel, isn't it?

Looking at these ten zombie-like people waking up, Huang Sheng could hardly imagine what kind of torture and despair they had experienced.

"Are we willing to do this?" Ling Tian said calmly, "Our world is poor and dangerous. On sunny days, the sun can only shine on the ground for two or three hours a day. Crops are difficult to survive, and strange changes may occur over time." "How can so many people survive without food... If they are kept awake, there will be only one consequence, starvation." "Seal them up for a long time, replenish them with water and food every once in a while so that they will not starve to death. This is our greatest kindness." "All people in this world do this. Those who are capable stay awake, and those who are incapable sleep every day." Huang Sheng looked at the various supplies on the first floor of the wooden building at this time, and finally understood why there were these things. Why did the two women need black money so much? It seems that the answer is right in front of them. "Ordinary people in the world of Huangshi have only two identities, one is awake, such as us, and the other is sleeper, which is them."

"A large number of sleepers have become slaves of awake ones, but awake ones are not having a good time either. They have to desperately collect food, medicine and other things for the sleepers to ensure that they can eat, see a doctor, have clothes to wear, and have charcoal to grill every time they wake up."

"In this world, there is only one way for a few people to feed the majority, that is to become an evolver and have a space storage box, so that it is possible to bring back all kinds of food continuously!"

"Even if the space storage box can't bring back anything, but Evolvers can earn black money, and as long as we have black money, we can also buy food. "

"Every day, awake people cut off contact with the deserted temple. They either escaped to other worlds or died. The sleepers they left behind had no one to wake them up, and they would never wake up. "

"There are thousands of awake people in Shilao Village, and everyone is under great pressure."

"Some of our neighbors have not returned for a long time. There are also a large number of sleepers hiding in their houses. Many of them should be dead now."

The two women just narrated calmly at the beginning, but they were already in tears at the end.

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