The world is full of ups and downs, but the truth is that we are still alive.

Huang Sheng had a complicated expression. This world is indeed sad, and the fate of ordinary people is so miserable.

But it is also crazy. Ordinary people will not only be starved to death. As long as their sober people do not give up on them, they still have a chance to survive.

Lingtian Lingzhen, two weak women who became evolvers only a month ago have to feed 135 people. The space they carry is small, and this is a world where black banknotes are used as currency. The pressure they face can be imagined.

"How often do they have to wake up, and how many days each time?" Ling Zhen replied, "They have to wake up once a month, and they have to be exposed to the sun for two or three full days. They have been stored in the damp and cold second floor for a long time, and cold poisons have invaded them, and evil spirits may have entered their bodies. Only after being baked by the bright and pure sunlight can these things be removed and contained." "So they have to stay awake for at least three days, but the sleepers in our family have not woken up for nearly forty days." Huang Sheng was silent after listening, and then took a long breath to relieve his shock and distraction from just now. "Now how much black money does it cost to wake them all up and keep them awake for five days? Tell me the number." He said that the two women's ability to earn black money was naturally not worth mentioning. If they all had the hope of barely ensuring that more than a hundred people did not die, it would be even easier for him. It is not difficult to judge from the rules of this world that the sleepers are both a burden to the awake ones and private property. Saving these more than 100 people is not only saving lives, but also helping the two women.

Given their situation, since they have not yet saved enough supplies to wake up so many people, it will not be possible in a short time.

He didn't know what these ordinary people were useful for, but since the evolvers and high-level strongmen in this world did not give up on them, it meant that ordinary people were definitely useful, and they would definitely help the two women during their awakening.

And the three of them could trigger the dungeon at any time, so helping the two women was helping himself.

Lingtian worriedly said, "Brother Huang, do you have so many black notes? So many people need to eat a lot of food."

"We have also stored some supplies. As long as they are added up to be enough for them to wake up for three days, it will be enough to be exposed to the sun three times at noon."

"How much does it cost for three days? How can you buy the missing food after you have black notes?" Huang Sheng asked.

Lingtian quickly calculated on the side. She took out an account book with a large number of accounts recorded in it. All the accumulated supplies in this building, especially food, were in it.

"Three days plus the food we prepared, one hundred black notes will be enough."

Lingtian finally got a number and said embarrassedly.

Huang Sheng thought he had heard it wrong. No, you two spent so much time with me for just one hundred black notes?

He was a little helpless, but at the same time he was secretly relieved. It seems that the food in this world is not too expensive?

Of course, it is not expensive for him, but at least it is not as expensive as the food on the train.

Lingzhen added: "We will ask Ji, the shopkeeper of Jifang Grain Store, to buy food. Ji, the shopkeeper, is the person you met before. He is wearing a maroon coat."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, brother."

"The spiritual power of clothes and the use of clothes to replace people are a common spell in our world. It can let clothes replace us to walk outside and do various things, especially at night. We usually don't go out. If we need to do anything, it all depends on the clothes spell."

Huang Sheng nodded. That's it.

This method of driving clothes is called the Clothes Curse, which seems to be a common spell in this world.

"While your brother Huang is here, let them wake up for five days, and eat and drink well to replenish their bodies. We don't lack this little money. This will not only help you, but also help us to do the dungeon."

Huang Sheng hugged the two women who were worried and wanted to say something, and said generously.

When the two had already revealed the black money they needed, Huang Sheng could still say so generously that the sleeper would wake up for five days.

The two women knew that he really didn't lack black money, and they couldn't help but be overjoyed.

It can be seen that not everyone is as stupid as them, and they can't make much money by doing the dungeon.

Ling Zhen cheered and kissed Huang Sheng on the cheek several times, and then leaned in his arms with a happy face. Ling Tian next to him was not much better, and his body was trembling with joy.

"Brother Huang, don't worry. When we wake them up tomorrow and they are exposed to the sun for the first time, they will be able to help Ling Zhen and me immediately!"

"During the awakening of the sleepers, our sisters' strength will increase greatly, and it will be much easier to do the dungeon!"

Ling Tian said, while counting on his fingers to calculate how many black notes were needed.

Huang Sheng directly counted out a thousand and put them in her hand: "Don't count, estimate whether these are enough."

"Too much..." Ling Tian subconsciously said, she was very moved. One thousand black notes was certainly a huge sum of money for them, and it must not be a small amount for Brother Huang, right?

"Take it, buy various supplies now without delay."

"Since they can help us do the dungeon, this money is not wasted, buy some medicine and clothes, these people are too pitiful."

Huang Sheng touched Ling Tian's head. If the medicine for medical treatment is counted, plus buying some warm clothes, he didn't know if the money was enough.

He felt Ling Zhen in his left arms looking up at him, her expression was one of joy and admiration, her pretty face was flushed, and she showed a charming smile when she saw him looking at her, and his throat was dry.

"Ling Zhen, take your brother to our room, I'll be busy outside. There will be so many things delivered here in a while, the air will be full of dust, it will be very dirty."

Ling Tian saw the two of them clinging together, and couldn't help but stand up and say.

Her pretty face was relaxed, and the worries of many days disappeared, making her whole person become energetic.

"Well... okay." Ling Zhen agreed with a red face, and was about to pull Huang Sheng over, but was pulled by him, and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Huang Sheng flipped his hand and took things out of the suitcase box by box, and moved more than a dozen boxes.

These dozen boxes of supplies included boxes of compacted sugary black bread, whole grain compressed biscuits, chocolate bars, dried fruits such as walnuts, canned fruits, and three boxes of dehydrated vegetables.

These things are large in quantity and taste much better than the food in this world. They are very suitable for weak people to fill their stomachs and supplement their nutrition.

Even if there are more than a hundred people, it should be no problem to support two or three meals.

"I thank Brother Huang on their behalf..."

Lingtian looked at the boxes of food on the ground with the lids opened, and his eyes gradually became hazy again.

Waving his hand, he went to the room with Lingzhen, and after closing the door, he couldn't help but reveal a wicked smile.

He suddenly remembered that he had prepared a lot of clothes for the two of them before coming. Some of them were naturally very formal, and some of them, even a serious person like him couldn't help but strongly criticize!

Looking at Lingzhen's little expression of being shy and not knowing what was about to happen, the wicked smile at the corner of his mouth deepened.

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