The light here is extremely dim, and the kerosene lamp hanging somewhere is swaying slightly in the cold wind.

Under the dim light, you can see your figure swaying slightly on the wall covered with feces.

A metal man fell down in the corner, and his whole body was abnormally hot.

A certain force that should not affect it caused it to become weak rarely.

It felt a kind of disgust and stench that only carbon-based creatures should have. Even if it didn't look at the surrounding environment, it felt an unspeakable fear.

The livestock feces here covered the ground more than half a meter high.

Even though a corner of the wall had been dug up to accommodate a few people, the soil on the ground that was finally exposed had long been assimilated by feces, and it was unknown how deep it would be.

The thin old man, the woman and the tall and thin old man sat next to each other.

The woman without pupils leaned against the stone pillar in the corner, which was also the cleanest. She was the only one among the four who was not stained with any mess.

Many human bones and smelly objects suspected to be tissue residues could be vaguely seen in the feces dug high on one side.

Every second spent here was filled with a strong sense of absurdity and despair.

The thin old man leaned against the side, gasping for breath, with a high fever and confused mind.

Only the tall and thin old man seemed to be in his element here.

Not only was it in good condition, but the place where the woman was standing by the stone pillar was also cleaned by it. The smelly dirt was contained in its body, which seemed to make it more powerful.

Not far away, several huge monsters with shoulder heights of more than two meters kept moving towards here. Their bodies, like hills, brought them huge psychological shadows under the illumination of oil lamps.

They kept trying to rush over to eat fresh food, and their small round eyes, which did not match their huge bodies, showed their desire for food.

But for some reason, they seemed to have vision problems, and they kept circling in place, unable to get close.

The two sides were able to be so deadlocked in this situation, and this was under the premise that the human side used a total of ten props.

There was a suspended cubic black metal block above the metal man's head.

This is a prop that can theoretically bring "absolute defense" against multiple negative states after release. It focuses on the metal man, but also includes several companions.

The pipe in the thin old man's hand trembled and stayed in the air, spinning wildly from time to time like a magnetic field needle.

During its rotation, this area would be filled with a breeze bringing fresh air from time to time.

If you look closely at the tall and thin old man, you will notice that he exudes a faint gray light.

The gray light continued to wash around, so that the excrement and dirt that had been dug up would not be backfilled or flowed back, and at the same time, the further erosion of the dirt and stench on the few people was reduced.

The necklace hanging on the woman's neck also washed a gray light around.

This layer of light drove away the rotten smell in the air, constantly purifying the air and the soil under the feet, while also keeping oneself in a roughly clean state.

Huang Sheng's initiative to bribe the brown-red short hexagram and immediately mentioned that he had acquaintances here was undoubtedly correct and extremely smart in the eyes of several people.

But at the same time, they couldn't envy it, because the five of them didn't know anyone in Shilao Village.

So after the brown-red short hexagram revealed its true face, except for the black-robed man who turned into a flying insect and fled in an instant, the other four people were poisoned on the way.

When they woke up, they found that several people had spontaneously walked to the deepest part of this extremely smelly and dirty enclosure.

If it weren't for the multiple props taking effect one after another, they might have turned into nutrients in the feces.

"This stench is extremely poisonous. Even with so many props taking effect, it can't stop it from eroding the human body."

The metal man's low voice was not unpleasant to hear. Although it was a bit stiff, it had a full sense of rhythm.

Even silicon-based life was "poisoned", and others could lose their lives at any time.

The thin old man was the one with the richest props among the four, but he was also the worst. In this situation, he had no power to fight back.

The tall and thin old man and the woman could only say that their bodies were special or their props were powerful, but they couldn't escape either, and it would be bad if time went on.

In the metal man's perception, although the pipe prop that kept bringing fresh air was still working, the temperature of the new air was getting higher and higher.

Moreover, the completely fresh new air gradually took on a

The stench was hard to get rid of, which meant that its effect was decreasing.

Even in this state, the woman was in a relatively warm mood:

"I just asked for the secret of the sky. The chance of our four survival should be when the dungeon is triggered. Let's hold on a little longer."

The tall and thin old man seemed unable to speak, and the short and thin old man was not conscious. Only the two of them could communicate at this time.

The metal man replied: "We can only hold on until dawn at most. If we delay this person any further, he will die. If the temperature here continues to rise after dawn, the two of us will not be able to hold on for long."

The woman stopped talking, and she began to close her six senses with full concentration.


One piece of clothing after another was busy coming and going.

As the physical condition of the ten people who woke up gradually recovered, their bodies lay on the bed to rest, but the corresponding clothing was obviously in better condition.

They handed over to the clothing from Jifang Grain Shop who came to deliver grain, and kept piling bags of grain in the empty space on the first floor, and moved other items to leave more space.

Some of the officials were counting the amount of food seriously, and those who were carrying some heavy items would even shout and work together.

The first floor was very lively, and the air was indeed full of dust.

The brown-red short hexagram was suspended not far in front of the table, just like a person standing here with his hands behind his back, talking to Lingtian who was calculating money and food with an abacus behind the table.

"Little Lingtian, where are your sister and that young man from outside?"

Lingtian replied: "In our room, if Lingzhen is braver, the two should be in the bridal chamber, but if they are less brave, it's hard to guess."

Ji Fang couldn't help laughing: "It's a good thing for you sisters to get married early, especially for young evolvers with strength and potential from the outside world, who have someone to love them, and someone to help ease the burden of the sleepers, how good it is."

"I think that young man is good, he is tall and handsome, and he is also a good-looking person."

Lingtian smiled and said: "Yes, Shopkeeper Ji."

She counted a batch of black banknotes and handed them to the other party, which was the money settlement for the grain trade between the two parties.

In the world of Huangshi, black money is extremely important, so it is very important to exchange money and goods at the same time.

Even if there are multiple small transactions in a big business, both parties must carefully settle the accounts one by one in person. No one will be careless in front of black money.

"Then we need a new Chaoyang net, 20 Qi-recovering pills, a second-class sacrifice, and 135 sets of full-body warm clothes."

Lingtian looked up and said.

Ji Fang was surprised. He thought that this young man could only provide the two women with some black money for extra food, and at most help buy some meat, vegetables and fruits.

But I didn't expect him to be so rich? !

You have to know that the money spent on this transaction is much more than food, meat, vegetables and fruits.

Although the number of sleepers seems to be quite large, they don't need to wake up for too long, so if it is just food, the cost is not much.

But those more than 100 sets of new cold-resistant clothes... considering the low productivity of the world of Huangshi, this is not cheap!

Unless there is an inheritance or support from relatives and elders, who among the young heads of Shilao Village would spend money so lavishly?

"Girl, are you sure you want these things?"

"Don't joke with me. Even if I give you a small change of five black notes for these one hundred sets of clothes, it's still four hundred, and the total is seven hundred black notes!"

Lingtian couldn't help but feel pained when he heard the number, but still said: "It's true, Shopkeeper Ji! This is Brother Huang's love for us sisters, and we are about to make a copy. I heard that the Sleeper can help us, so Brother Huang said that these are necessary investments and money cannot be spent."

Ji Fang nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, yes, he is right! This money cannot be spent! Counting your sleepers The sleeper has been sleeping for quite some time. Hurry up and recover and cultivate. If you can eat and wear better, and wake up for a few more days, the incense bonus you can provide will be very much! "

"We know how difficult our own copy of the deserted temple is. As long as you can pass it once, maybe you can turn over."

"How about this, I will ask your sister-in-law to make a pot of fertility soup. After drinking it, you will definitely get pregnant tonight, otherwise he will not come to see you after the copy is completed. How about it? This soup is for you."

Lingtian was speechless and waved his hand with a bitter smile.

They can't even support themselves, let alone children. If you want to see two sisters, two corpses and four lives, just say it.

Besides, these days, except for some perverts who like to be fathers, no normal person would be happy, right?

What a bad idea.

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