After the two sides completed the transaction and the money and goods were settled, Lingtian did not spend too much time on sorting out the supplies. After instructing the two women's clothes to deal with the rest, she returned to the room to accompany the two and prepare to rest. However, what surprised her was that Lingzhen did not do anything improper except changing a bed of various clothes. Huang Ge was only interested in playing with his mobile phone. Although he took many photos of his sister changing clothes, the scale was actually not bad. She couldn't help but wonder why the man was so interested. Huang Sheng spent his first night in the deserted temple world in the arms of his left and right arms. There was no rush to pick the beautiful flowers at home. The three of them spent the whole night recuperating. If they still messed around in this high-risk copy, they would really not take their lives seriously.

The late night in Shilao Village was very lively.

There were winds in the air that made all kinds of strange sounds, some like the noise in the downtown, some like old friends chatting, some like women questioning their lovers, and some like ghosts asking for their lives.

There were strange things running around, and from time to time there were all kinds of floor treading sounds on the roof of the second floor, and occasionally there were scratching and crawling sounds outside the wooden building.

Even when he woke up at three or four in the middle of the night, he saw a kind old lady standing by the window in the room with the lights off, looking at the three people at the head of the bed!

Although the other party was always kind and even smiled and nodded when he woke up, Huang Sheng was still frightened and sweating.

Because of the big movement, Lingzhen, who was in control of the commanding position, was also awakened. She covered herself with the quilt and got up. She also saw the old lady.

So Huang Sheng immediately knew that he was a false alarm. After Lingzhen got off the ground, she threw herself into the arms of this figure, with a look of intimacy and dependence on her face.

Oh my god, I know him!

Oh my god, a real ghost?

This was Huang Sheng's next reaction. Damn it, this ghost world is lucky to have acquaintances. If you are unfamiliar with this place, you can be scared to death at night!

Lingzhen did not introduce him to the old lady, but just told her that the two sisters missed each other. When she was about to call Lingtian, the old lady grabbed her hand and signaled not to disturb her.

Soon the figure of the old man gradually dissipated in the air, and finally disappeared.

Lingzhen also returned to the bed and continued to shrink into Huang Sheng's arms. She took one of his hands and wrapped it around her slender waist, and then explained to him in his ear.

It turns out that the old lady is the grandmother of the two girls. Her spirit tablet and her tomb are hidden upstairs. The ancestral flag of the Ling family suppresses and protects her soul, which is immortal and occasionally walks in the world.

"The lineage flag is to protect our entire wooden building and the treasure of our bloodline, which is equivalent to what you call the blessing of ancestors."

"We provide incense and sacrifices to the lineage flag, and the power of the lineage flag will be maintained or even enhanced. It can not only feedback the powerful power of incense to me and my sister, but also nourish and protect the sleeping souls of our ancestors. If necessary, she can appear."

"Grandma is the representative of the ancestors who appear and help us living descendants, so she appears more frequently."

"But she last appeared more than a month ago. Because we have not been able to gather enough sacrifices and food during this period, we can neither offer sacrifices nor wake up the sleepers in the family for incense rituals, so she has not appeared to save energy."

"Today she came to see you specifically. As for you, we have already told her in dreams. She likes you very much."

Huang Sheng couldn't help but blush when he heard Ling Zhen's words. If this was Earth, he would definitely think that the other party was bored and was joking with him.

But since this is the world of the deserted temple, and he just saw it with his own eyes, so the incense, souls, and so on that the other party said are naturally true.

No wonder he was still smiling when he found out that he had slept with the other party's two granddaughters. It turned out that he knew about me in advance. I guess what happened in this wooden building could not escape his eyes. I am relieved that there was no misunderstanding...

What am I relieved about? Since they have been watching here, then I can't pick these two little flowers?

He went back to sleep listlessly. The next morning, a lot of horns came from outside the window. The sound was so earth-shaking that it woke Huang Sheng up directly.

What the hell happened?

He hurriedly looked over and saw that the two women had already woken up and packed up and left, and the building was busy and lively.

He walked out of the room and saw, wow, this should be a collective call

Wake up the remaining one hundred or so sleepers!

I saw twelve pieces of clothing and eleven people busy with their own things at the same time. The heat of boiling water and the aroma of food filled the air. Stacks of bowls and chopsticks were placed on the ground. Lingtian was weighing something with a delicate small scale. There was also a small fine steel bowl next to him. A strong smell of elixir came.

The door of the room was open. Huang Sheng walked to the door and looked out, and then saw a spectacular scene!

I saw various means of transportation like the sedan chair they saw after getting off the car yesterday, which filled the nearby streets at this time!

Each mobile house, carriage, and sedan chair was huge in size, and the unified feature was that they were made of heavy wood with a history of hundreds of years, and the old paint was blurred and dirty.

In addition, although the appearance was different, each one was carried, dragged or pushed forward by a large number of people.

These sedan chairs are not as large as the ones we saw yesterday. Generally speaking, they are not too heavy and bulky. Generally, they can be driven forward by fifty or sixty people at least, and more than a hundred people at most.

The deafening call came from these people.

Looking up, the street in front of the Ling family's small building is densely packed with them. At least twenty or thirty sedan chairs can be seen, which means there are two or three thousand sedan chair bearers!

In the direction of other streets, this kind of movement is only stronger!

No one knows how many sedan chairs are traveling around, and how many people are mobilized early in the morning!

There is no doubt that these sedan chair bearers should all belong to the sleepers of each household. When they wake up, they are the slaves of the awake ones.

Most of these slaves are thin and poorly dressed, and a few are strong and well-dressed. Their fates are different in each household.

Next to the Ling family's wooden building is a small courtyard, which is silent and silent.

Judging from the traces of dust everywhere in the building, no one has been there for a long time.

Ling Zhen was also watching this scene at the door at this time, watching the excitement like him.

Of the two sisters in the Ling family, the elder sister is generally responsible for the family, and Ling Zhen does not have to do anything under normal circumstances.

"Isn't it spectacular?"

Ling Zhen smiled and pointed at the sedan chairs in front of him: "Now the entire Shilao Village, within a hundred miles from north to south, is so busy and lively."

Although Huang Sheng knew that Shilao Village was very large when he was brought by the two women in formal attire yesterday.

But when he heard the range of a hundred miles, he couldn't help but remain silent.

Beihai City, the capital of China, is bounded by the Fifth Ring Road, and the length from north to south and from east to west is less than 30 kilometers...

In other words, the area of ​​Shilao Village is three to four times larger than that of Beihai City.

Is this a village?

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