The price of two enhanced hammers is how much? What is the price of the enhanced hammer you can get?" Huang Sheng took a breath and felt like a fattened pig, with an evil person sharpening a butcher knife and grinning at him. "If you offer a lower price, I think we can still be friends."

Hearing this, the all-knowing naughty boy couldn't help but laugh: "Old man, do I need a weakling like you as my friend?"

"Listen carefully, the advanced armor reinforcement hammer is 3,000 black notes, and the hammer of the soul is 6,000!"

Huang Sheng said angrily: "Are you cheating your father? Why don't you go and rob?"

Damn it, ever since he started dealing with this old man, he felt that black notes seemed to be worthless. He ripped off the old man, and the old man ripped him off even more cruelly.

Do you know what 9,000 black notes mean?

Donghai City is such a big special city. The military, the 101st Bureau and Tiandun govern the entire city group with a population of hundreds of millions. No one can come up with this money.

Is it appropriate to ask for such a large amount from an ordinary person like me?

Now, including the black notes contributed by the old man, he only has less than 15,000. If he really agrees, his worth will shrink by half. Isn't this robbing?

"Impossible, too expensive!"

"Don't worry, I haven't told you about the two enhanced hammers I can get. Seeing how stingy you are, I'm afraid you can only afford the better-equipped high-level attack hammer. The other one is definitely out of the question."

"This one is cheap, only two thousand black notes."

The all-knowing urchin said patiently: "Since you also know the benefits of this thing, you naturally know how difficult this enhanced hammer is to get. I can tell you clearly as a senior evolver of a hundred years that under normal circumstances, in addition to the dungeon clearance reward, the high-level enhanced hammer has no additional output method."

"Think about it, who can get this kind of reward after passing the dungeon? Who is not a promising young man? Don't they need to strengthen their own props? "

"Under normal circumstances, how could such a thing be circulated? So don't say I'm ripping you off. The price of two thousand black notes is fair and honest, and it's absolutely fair!"

"But the old man can't work for you for free, what a joke, the purchase price of the goods is how much, is the selling price the same? Then what is the meaning of the existence of merchants, burning yourself to illuminate others?"

"So, this is also my hard-earned money."

The old man's temper was not so good, but at this time, for a little black money, he was extremely patient to communicate with him, and even felt a little kind and amiable.

Huang Sheng couldn't figure out whether what the other party said was true or false.

If you say that this thing is indeed precious, he believes it, but he doesn't know whether the standard price of the high-level strengthening hammer that has been circulated is two thousand.

But there is one thing he is very clear about, the price of three strengthening hammers adding up to 11,000, this is impossible.

If he doesn't carry more black money with him, he doesn't feel safe walking now.

"One price, three cards add up to six thousand, and then I'll give you two cards."

"Two cards are only one thousand black notes, you cut it from 11,000 to seven thousand, isn't that a bit harsh?" The other party said unhappily, do you really think I'm working for you for free?

"I'm not giving you the ordinary Chaoyang card that is traded now."

Huang Sheng explained: "Chaoyang breathing takes two hours, right? These two cards of mine were made in that half hour, and the effects are completely different from other cards."

"It's just that the production time is different, what's the difference?"

The all-knowing naughty boy's heart moved slightly, but he still said nonchalantly.

"Let me tell you this, a purple Chaoyang card can replace two or three ordinary cards. Both cards can shine for five minutes, but the purple energy is much stronger. This is the relationship between quantitative change and qualitative change. I don't believe that you, as a local of Huangci, don't know the difference and improvement?"

The naughty boy snorted coldly: "You said that the energy is stronger, so the energy is stronger? How can you make me believe it?"

"How about this, if you give me six such cards, I will pinch my nose and believe you this time. I will immediately go to get the attack enhancement hammer and test the power of the card you said."

"Impossible, I will give you three at most, and the extra one will let you see the effect. I will never reduce the price."

He sells ordinary Chaoyang cards at a maximum price of one thousand. High-level Chaoyang cards must be two or three thousand each?

Even if the lowest psychological price is two thousand each, three cards plus six thousand black notes are still higher than the old man's offer.

Don't think that he makes Chaoyang Cards as easily as eating and drinking, as if it doesn't cost anything.

But this thing is not the hard work of him as a card maker, no one else can make it.

And you can't come to the Deserted Temple whenever you want. You have to make a copy next time you come. Damn it, please spare me.

So this Chaoyang Card will be out of print for at least a long time. What's wrong with him selling it at a higher price?

The price can't be reduced even if the king of heaven comes.

Huang Sheng didn't give in even if the all-knowing naughty boy tried hard. He had no choice but to agree first.

"You give the three cards to the paper man, and don't charge me for the ten cards tomorrow. The paper man will bring the two strengthening hammers in a while."

Huang Sheng smiled when he heard this.

Damn it, after all the trouble, I didn't get the price down at all, but I sold three high-level Chaoyang cards in disguise...

The paper man put away the surrounding barriers, flicked his sleeves, flew into the air, and left quickly.

Not long after, the paper man flew back and handed the two enhanced hammers to Huang Sheng.

Huang Sheng ran to the bedroom of the two women and immediately took out the soul hammer and hit Tuning Fork Mianmian.

Tuning Fork Mianmian was indeed as the effect of this hammer said, the name, appearance and structure did not change, and even the item description did not change a word.

But Huang Sheng could feel the rich soul power surging in this item flashed by, and it seemed that the effect of the item should be greatly enhanced.

Whether it has been enhanced or not, I will go to Qiuzi Mountain Valley to find that crazy aunt and try it out!

He came to the house he went to yesterday and took out the small house in the wild and held it in his hands.

He was about to hit it with the defense enhancement hammer, but he was in trouble again.

There are many things that have nothing to do with the prop itself in this house prop, from bed sheets and quilts to spatulas and kitchen utensils, from various supplies that were not taken out yesterday to his own purple-quality vehicle, Silver Lightning.

Should these things be taken out?

This is not easy to take. Although the house is small, there are so many bits and pieces, and it is impossible to do it in a short time.

Then he gritted his teeth and thought, forget it, since the house can accommodate so many things when it is normally enlarged or reduced, the quality upgrade should not be affected by these sundries.

As for Silver Lightning, he had a crazy idea in his mind.

The wild house and Silver Lightning are both props, and now they are fused together, and the shrunken Silver Lightning cannot be taken out separately.

If the quality of the wild house is upgraded, I wonder if it will have any impact on Silver Lightning?

What result does Huang Sheng most want to see?

That is naturally that this prop motorcycle can also be given the ability to enlarge and shrink!

After all, this motorcycle is good, but it is too big, so big that he will not have enough space to store it separately in the short term.

It was about two and a half meters long and more than one meter high.

And the rest of the car body structure was also quite large. He estimated that if he didn't have a storage box of at least seven or eight cubic meters, he would have no way to deal with this thing.

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