The silver lightning bolt was hit hard.

"But will this hammer damage the silver lightning?"

He thought about it with worry, but then he was relieved. The wild house was just a white prop, but the motorcycle was purple.

How can you, a white-green guy, damage a purple prop?

Without saying more, he took the advanced defense-enhancing hammer and smashed it on the wild house.


As he watched nervously, he saw the house model changing rapidly.

First, the wooden wall became much thicker to a degree that could be seen by the naked eye, and at the same time, the area of ​​the house began to expand slowly.

The small room on the left, which served as a kitchen and utility room, was stretched in width and length, and a few square meters of space was vacated at the door.

The bedroom, facing away from the window, has a new room extending outwards. A bathroom has appeared, and it is a suite!

"From two 10-square-meter rooms to two 15-square-meter rooms, the total area is about 30 square meters, and the defense has also been enhanced, which is not bad."

The changes are not over yet.

I saw a staircase down at the right end of the outer corridor. Walking down the stairs, a small garage appeared against the outer wall of the bedroom!

Judging from the size of the garage, this thing seems to be prepared for Silver Lightning!

I didn't expect that the wild home would have relevant changes due to the existence of Silver Lightning as it was upgraded!

An exclusive garage has appeared, but the small motorcycle is still parked in its original position.

If it still can't be taken down separately, what is the point of adding an exclusive garage?

If it can move, you can take it off separately.

Then the question is, what is a pocket motorcycle prop that exists alone?

Could it be that his motorcycle that is more than two meters long can be shrunk for no reason and cannot be enlarged?

So there is only one possibility! !

He tried to take the motorcycle down with a short breath, and sure enough, it was picked up with a light touch.

Huang Sheng threw the motorcycle to the ground in front of him, and at the same time silently said to himself, let it grow bigger like when he threw the wild house.

The small prop like a toy motorcycle began to grow rapidly, and when it fell to the ground, it had changed to the original size of the silver lightning!

Huang Sheng put away the wild house with his hand, then turned over and rode on the motorcycle to check all the functions. Everything was completely normal.

An incredible thing happened just like that!

The current situation is that Sima Xiao not only gave him a house that can be enlarged or reduced at will, but also gave him a car that can be enlarged or reduced in disguise!

This operation will at least save him several cubic meters of space for installing the silver lightning in the future, and he can really carry the car and house with him and go anywhere in the world!

Giving away both the car and the house, that mechanical-eyed bald man is really good.

Although what he did just now had nothing to do with Sima Xiao, Huang Sheng still planned to thank him after he returned.

He returned to the wooden building of the Ling family in a very happy mood.

Ling Tianling was really presiding over today's sacrificial ceremony.

Huang Sheng called a few people standing aside to watch the excitement. People were in high spirits when they were happy. Considering that they were a few poor guys, he simply gave them some money to boost their morale, so that they would not fight with the crazy aunt later.

He gave each person a hundred black notes, and finally patted the shoulder of Jian Zhongguo, a thin old man who had woken up in the middle of the night yesterday and was alive and kicking this morning.

"Old man, do you still have fighting power? We will go and kill that woman later. You have also seen that crazy aunt, and she is not so easy to deal with."

Everyone naturally gave high praise to Huang Sheng's generous behavior of directly giving money, and even the metal man gave a thumbs up.

Apart from these black notes, each of them also received a card when they were in Yinjianzhu before. This guy is really nice. It is really good to work for him.

It is worth mentioning that he gave the black-robed man and the metal man two hundred black notes each last night as a recognition of the excellent quality of the metal mantis and the perpetual motion metal thorn ball they contributed, which made the two people who lost their treasures feel sunny.

That night, the thin old man was the only normal person among a zombie, a metal life, a worm expeller without a body, a corpse driver and a normal human. He was the first to fall down under the overwhelming stench of feces and various spirits, toxins, and filth.

However, he practiced a peculiar twin skills.

That is, artificially

His soul was divided into two, and they fell into deep sleep in turn. When the awakened main body was in danger of life, it would enter a state of suspended animation. After confirming safety, the previously sleeping soul would wake up and become the main body, while the severely injured soul would sleep and recuperate.

He had not woken up before because the process of judging the dangerous state by the technique was a bit slow, which delayed some time.

"Don't worry, my fighting power is inherited from both souls, there is no problem."

The old man shook his head and explained to Huang Sheng: "Just think of me as two bodies sharing a set of equipment."

"Will there be schizophrenia, or will the main and secondary personalities devour each other?"

Huang Sheng was very curious. After all, movies and TV dramas, especially novels, like to write about such things the most. The more split personalities, the more popular they are.

"Both of me are me, sharing the same consciousness, how can there be schizophrenia and mutual devouring?"

The old man smiled disdainfully: "This is a top-notch technique in an advanced civilization, how can there be such a ridiculous weakness."

"Then how come you are still a D-level evolver like us?"

The metal man asked faintly beside him.

Jian Zhongguo stiffened his neck and said: "How can they be the same? My level is low because I have been an evolver for a short time, and I can get good techniques at a low level, doesn't it show that I am strong?"

Everyone smiled but said nothing. Do you think we believe it? You are the oldest among the people present!

After today's sacrificial ceremony, everyone went to the Ximenli Qiuzi Valley.

The area of ​​Shilao Village is so large that there are mountains in the village.

From the air, this ravine looks like dense linear wrinkles on the forehead of an old man, with many ravines arranged in parallel, densely packed.

It is very troublesome to cross the ravines because the ridges are very steep. It is more convenient to walk around.

The Seeking Child Ravine is the second ravine from west to east.

There is a messy house in the depths of the ravine. There is a Seeking Child Arhat Temple. Some people come here to seek the protection of this wild god and are believers. Some come here to seek children, and some come here to take refuge.

Huang Sheng is a place where people believe in gods and there are gods in it.

Huang Sheng is not sure what the so-called gods are, but it must be a powerful soul.

"By the way, let me ask you something."

Huang Sheng typed to Lingtian through the communication bracelet: "Did the health-preserving father we met on the initial train appear here later? Did he chase you?"

He had been worried about this before. After all, when he used the exorcism candle to expel the black mark on the forehead that the other party had placed on them, he clearly saw a new tracking symbol flying into their bodies.

If the father is a conceptual thing, it is likely that he can come to the Deserted Temple.

"That thing, it really came here!"

Lingtian was also shocked at this time, as if he just remembered this, and used the typing function on the bracelet unskillfully.

"About a week after we came back, there was a huge commotion outside the village one night, that is, outside the west gate. Because my house is close to the west gate, that thing tracked here and tried to read in from the west gate."

"But it came in the middle of the night, and the night of the deserted temple was dangerous at that time! It was targeted by many evil spirits and ominous things in the wild, and it was beaten all the way."

"When it came to the bottom of the village, its power had been beaten out of control. Several seniors in the village fought with it and finally drove it away!"

"This matter was quite a big deal at the time. Many people wondered what this thing was, so it was widely spread the next day, and we didn't know that we were targeted."

Huang Sheng also sighed.

A kind father?

Bah, I have to become a grandson when I come to this deserted temple.

This is the malice from the dangerous world of high-risk copies.

That thing didn't even make it into the village, and was beaten to a pulp by all kinds of dangers on the way.

"Will it chase you again?"

Huang Sheng asked, worried that the tracking marks planted on the two women would be used again.

Ling Tian said: "No, we went to Zhenying Temple later, and an elder helped us purify that thing."

Huang Sheng was relieved.

The ghost's pursuit, and the high-risk copy arranged after the assessment, these causes and effects on the initial train, must have been all settled after the trip to the deserted temple.

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