The two sisters drew fierce eyebrows on each other and put on ghost faces in the mirror.

For the power of incense, it can also refer to the incense on the surface. After the incense itself presents the appearance of a fierce ghost, it will be easier to communicate the energy.

This is why the two drew fierce eyebrows in the initial train.

Today, the two sisters once again reproduced the image on the initial train, and each of them wore a similar ghost face prop.

At this time, in Huang Sheng's perception, the two women were shrouded in a layer of condensed incense power, and their strength was much stronger than that on the initial train.

Not only them, but the three Fu Yang who had been waiting outside the door early were also dressed in the same mysterious way. Some of them had their faces painted with colored incense ash, and some wore headdresses with ghosts and gods on their heads.

It was still dark, but the night was about to end.

The paper man flew over from afar and traded Huang Sheng the second weapon, the enhanced hammer, and an envelope that was thick for some reason.

At the same time, the gray bird flew over again.

Behind the bird, a paper sedan in the air was approaching quickly, as if an invisible sedan bearer was carrying it and running fast.

"Wait for me."

Huang Sheng put the envelope away and returned to the two women's room with the enhanced hammer.

The naughty boy gave himself two enhanced hammers yesterday and today. Before leaving, he was going to enhance the props.

The reason why he didn't use a hammer yesterday was of course because concentrated explosive happiness was happier.

One hammer yesterday, one hammer today, what's the point?

First of all, there is no doubt that the tuning fork is continuous.

The tuning fork was originally two white props, a metal chain and a tuning fork.

After the two white props were fused, they were upgraded to the green quality tuning fork.

Then the soul soaking enhanced hammer was used again, the quality remained green, but the soul attack power was increased dramatically.

In the Seeking Child Valley, Huang Sheng used the enhanced tuning fork Mianmian to attack the sad old man and the ugly boy many times. These two people who were not afraid of ordinary soul attacks were tortured to death in an instant.

If it weren't for the temporary treatment of the bugs that controlled Eleven, it might not be likely that they would become idiots directly, but their spirits would be severely damaged for a long time.

The final word!

With a crisp sound, the sound of the enhanced hammer hitting this time was particularly long.

Because the tuning fork Mianmian made the same sound like resonance due to the quality upgrade.

The shape of the prop changed rapidly, and finally it became a trident-like "mountain" shape, with a small metal hammer hanging below the left and right sides.

The effect of the prop changed.

In Huang Sheng's surprised eyes, the tuning fork Mianmian even showed the soul healing ability when its soul attack ability was further improved!

The left hammer attacks, and the right hammer heals.

The healing ability tends to be weak and continuously improves the soul injury, and there is no particularly obvious instant effect.

Huang Sheng was extremely happy, secretly thinking that this prop was really awesome.

According to his chat with the two sisters, it cannot be said that there are no abilities and props for soul healing, but they are so rare that they are not seen on the market at all. It is not an exaggeration to say that its value is ten times that of ordinary soul props!

There is no doubt that the second high-level weapon reinforcement hammer will continue to hit it, making it rise from green to purple in one breath!

Excited heart, trembling hands.

Huang Sheng took a deep breath and felt that even his breathing was trembling because of nervousness.

The second reinforcement hammer hit the blue prop, whose name was still Tuning Fork Mianmian for the time being, with a ding.

A faint blue light flashed by, but what shocked Huang Sheng was that the name and quality of the Tuning Fork Mianmian prop did not change at all!

"Shit, what's going on?"

He quickly checked the item details and breathed a sigh of relief. The item effect had changed.

Tuning Fork Mianmian (Blue), Effect: A rare item that has not yet completely transformed into purple quality. Maybe you can try to use an item related to soul or sound attack to assist in upgrading. Possessing powerful soul and sound attack capabilities, and being able to attack continuously, the intensity of the attack is constantly increasing. But please note that human ambition has no limit, but the bearing capacity of the item has a limit. If you want to see the tuning fork shatter into pieces one day, please feel free to do it; it has a long-term and effective therapeutic effect on injuries caused by soul and sound attacks and the weakness of the soul itself.


Huh... He let out a long breath, scared to death, he thought that the two continuous enhancements had caused something wrong with the prop!

So it was because the function of this prop was too powerful, and a high-level enhancement hammer could not completely upgrade it?

Huang Sheng was not only not worried, but overjoyed.

The introduction of this prop has told him what to do next. If there is no accident, it should be to find a soul or attack-related material, plus a high-level weapon enhancement hammer, so that it can be completely upgraded to purple quality.

As for its current actual attack ability and prop effect, it should have far exceeded ordinary purple props!


Seeing that there was no one around, Huang Sheng kissed the tuning fork crazily, then wiped his saliva and put it in the second position of the prop column, replacing the rope.

Anyway, this thing can be wrapped around your body casually, and it doesn't really need to occupy the quick position.

There are two carriages outside the door.

Well, the carriage has no horse.

It was pulled by paper horses, and both the Ling family and the Fu family rented transportation tools from the inner city carriage and horse shop.

The Fu family rented a small galloping paper carriage, pulled by three horses, which was more than enough to accommodate three people and a spirit tablet.

The Ling family rented a medium-sized galloping paper carriage, with three horses in the front and four in the back, a total of seven horses. At the same time, there were three spare paper horses in the carriage to prepare for damage or to maximize the speed of the carriage at critical moments.

Huang Sheng's team currently has eight people.

Because they also need to place the lineage flag and the spirit tablet, especially the lineage flag is placed on a table and the sacrifice table itself has to be placed with some offerings.

So even if it is a medium-sized paper carriage, there is not enough space.

"Alas, this is forcing me to show off!"

Huang Sheng sighed, took out a toy motorcycle from the space storage box, and then threw it directly to the ground in front of him. The motorcycle quickly grew larger, and silver lightning appeared in front of everyone.

He changed into a shirt and breeches this morning, put on a helmet, climbed into the car handsomely, and patted the back seat with high spirits: "It can only take one person, come on a girl!"

In the eyes of everyone who was stunned and shocked, Ling Zhen, who had already known the existence of motorcycles, was eager to try.

Even Jian Jing cast a look at him, although she had no pupils, she could still see the eagerness.

"Ling Zhen, don't make trouble, come back and accompany grandma, there will be plenty of opportunities for your brother to take you for a ride in the future."

Ling Tian glared at his sister, and Ling Zhen had to watch Jian Jing carefully get on the car with her skirt lifted, and hugged Huang Sheng's waist from behind.

The metal man was dissatisfied and said: "Why is it limited to women? Can't metal people do it?"

The silicon-based creature also said that he wanted to ride a motorcycle.

"Why are you making such a fuss? When we get to a relatively safe place, you can all ride on it and enjoy it."

Feeling the feeling of being pressed against his back, the beautiful peaks were greatly compressed in altitude and increased in size due to the hugging posture, and Huang Sheng's voice was trembling as he spoke.

So everyone was very happy, but their eyes were still jealous.

This was obviously a special prop that could be shrunk and enlarged and taken out of the space at will. A group of people said that they were really enlightened.

The Fu family looked at each other, feeling the wealth and difficulty of this foreign evolver.

Damn, he even has this kind of prop?

If they really want to fight, I dare not imagine how many props this person has!

The sedan stopped in front of the wooden building, and a vague figure showed the two women the identity information of Zhenying Hall, and then took a step and disappeared on the second floor, which meant that the Ling family's guarding work for the next few days was also in place.

The paper horse made a realistic sound of a horse, pulling two carriages, one large and one small, forward.

The silver lightning, which had already entered the invisible state, stepped on the accelerator slightly, and followed the edge of the two carriages without being seen or heard.

Only those who knew of its existence could roughly perceive its existence from the occasional line that was not completely hidden.

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