The moment he left the village, Huang Sheng felt that he could hardly breathe. This feeling was the same as the instant suffocation when the cold air hit his nose when he opened the window from a warm room in the severe winter. Before he entered Shilao Village, he was ignorant of the power of the soul, and only knew that it was a power related to the spirit and illusion. But in the past few days in the village, after being influenced by it and personally participating in many things in this regard, he has a general understanding and ability to distinguish it. As the saying goes, the ignorant are fearless. When he got off the train before, he just felt that this world was a bit absurd and weird, but now he found that the air in the deserted temple world was filled with countless souls and powers that the soul could not explain, and they intertwined and passed through his body! Just like the various rays that shuttle through the universe all the time, they are everywhere and cannot be avoided.

Some of these forces make the body gradually weak, some make the body slowly inflamed, some make the mind produce all kinds of crazy ideas that were originally hidden in the deepest part, and some make people have strange hallucinations.

All the forces have little effect on him, but he can clearly feel that his body is being eroded.

If you stay in the wilderness for a long time, you don’t know what kind of damage your body will suffer. I’m afraid this is also the reason why old people in the deserted temple like the all-knowing naughty boy can’t do without breathing in the morning sun.

In the sky, a gray planet that occupies half of the horizon shines a not-so-bright light.

There are a large group of unknown birds flying slowly in a vertical straight line on the horizon, which is endless from left to right, like an infinitely long parallel line across the sky.

The huge figure that was seen walking in vain in the same place before still exists.

Not far behind it, there was another crazy figure covering the sky and the sun. It was a huge statue built by an unknown civilization. It was impossible to judge its height because it was too far away.

This statue was obviously made of stone, and it was full of artificial traces of carving and axe carving and artistic aesthetics.

But now it seemed to be alive. Its facial features, which were obviously dead and unchanging, were blinking and making expressions like a human face.

It seemed to be gently lowering its head and telling something to the ground, but from time to time, painful and distorted faces would appear on its body. These faces roared and cried silently, but they often disappeared in a moment, replaced by new faces, and repeated the process.

When such a weird scene was repeated on the entire huge stone statue, even if you were watching from a distance, you would feel a chill.

The moment he saw the huge statue, Huang Sheng's body could not help but turn in that direction, and he had an impulse to worship and surrender.

Under this unintentional control, the silver lightning turned to the roadside, and the car rushed along the roadside.

With the warning of multiple props on his body, Huang Sheng finally came to his senses and jumped down before the car was about to rush into a bunch of twisted plants on the roadside.

Jian Jing got out of the car before him and stretched out her hand to try to pull him back.

But under Huang Sheng's strong inertia, she also fell into the extremely dense plants on the roadside.

A round ball smashed out, and the perpetual motion metal thorn ball rushed into the plants with a whiz sound, and countless spikes popped out, frantically destroying these nameless plants.

When the two fell to the ground, the plant had been destroyed by the perpetual motion metal thorn ball into a pile of debris, which was cushioned under their bodies.

Huang Sheng felt that the thousands of debris below seemed to be still alive, squirming madly and trying to attack him, as if hundreds of small hands were caressing and pushing him together.

He quickly opened the shield in his hand, and with a loud bang, a bush next to him that was as fast as a limb hit the shield like a rainstorm. Huang Sheng took advantage of the impact and kept retreating, allowing the two to return to the road.

He looked at the huge sculpture again with a serious face, and found that when he looked at it again for the second time, he was no longer affected.

"Strange, why don't they come out to see?"

After the two got back in the car, Jian Jing said in a low voice.

Huang Sheng looked at the two paper carriages, one large and one small.

Sure enough, in the noise they just made, the two cars were driving quietly from beginning to end in an orderly manner, without any

There was no sign of a pause, and no one came out to check the situation.

Huang Sheng contacted Lingtian through the communication bracelet.

It took a long time for the bracelet to be connected, and then Lingtian's puzzled voice came from it: "What's wrong, Brother Huang, why do you have to communicate like this?"

Huang Sheng didn't know what to say for a moment. It's not like he had never entered a carriage before. The paper carriage did not block the outside world. It was clear what was happening outside, but Lingtian seemed to have no idea what happened outside just now, which was very abnormal.

"Come out for a moment."

He said to the other party, and at the same time took a look at the incredible watch on his wrist.

However, when he took a look, a chill immediately rushed out of his back.

He didn't wear any watch on his hand. He saw a bundle of thin and tough green vines tied to the place where he wore the watch. As he looked at it, the vines began to tighten rapidly!

The pain of being strangled by such a thing on the wrist is indescribable.

Huang Sheng instantly felt his skin broken, and his blood vessels and nerves seemed to be strangled alive. The wound felt a pain like being repeatedly cut and pulled by a sharp weapon, and dense cold sweat flowed down his face unconsciously!

Just when he subconsciously wanted to cut it off with a knife, he immediately rejected this idea.

In Shilao Village, he clearly wore this watch prop at any time, not to mention that he had left the village now, so the watch must still be on his wrist, this is certain.

What if he cut it hard with this knife, and it was not a vine, but the watch strap?

Incredible The watch itself is a prop and is difficult to be destroyed, but the strap is relatively fragile. Once the strap is broken, it will be troublesome if the prop is lost on the ground.

He doesn't know what happened to him now. In the communication bracelet, he asked Lingtian to come out of the carriage to see him, but the communication on the other side was hung up, and the carriage still did not move.

The three props of the stimulation ring, the righteousness ring, and the protective necklace did not respond.

Even though he had put a sticker of the Eye of Mist on his head early in the morning, he still didn't see anything unusual.

"What should we do now?"

Jian Jing asked Huang Sheng, and beautiful black pupils appeared in the whites of her eyes. Unlike before, she was a little mysterious and creepy. Now she has completely become a normal and beautiful woman, full of a unique beauty.

Huang Sheng was silent. He looked at the two carriages in front of him with worry, and the silver lightning followed behind slowly.

Then he quietly took out the stiff wooden hammer, picked it up with the cover of his body, and then knocked it back with his backhand.

There was a snap, and then he felt a rumbling sound of a heavy object falling to the ground behind him.

He slowed down and looked back, and saw a piece of heavy solid wood that was half a person's body length fell from the car. As the heavy object fell to the ground, the silver lightning suddenly became lighter, and even the speed became much lighter.

Huang Sheng opened the seamless umbrella, and the umbrella-shaped prop began to slowly rotate around him like a satellite, but there was no sign of defense when attacked.

He thought about it, and finally took out the tuning fork.

The reason why he didn't take it out directly just now was because he was not sure what happened to him and the people around him.

Once he didn't know who was the enemy and used it to attack randomly, the current soul attack power of the tuning fork would definitely not be a joke.

However, since it is impossible to attack a specific enemy, the sound itself spreads in all directions and can indiscriminately impact all life and objects around.

He pointed the tuning fork at the ground and tapped it lightly with the metal hammer on the left.


The air around him seemed to ripple.

As the soul attack entered the ground through the sound, it spread around with the earth as the center. The soil under his feet began to churn and change rapidly like waves!

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