The two of them looked at each other and decided to cooperate...

It seemed feasible for the two carriages to cooperate to kill a strange maggot. Now there was not much time to hesitate. I wondered if everyone agreed.

Liao Xiaolou said in a low voice: "That person is right. We just saw the monster fighting at close range."

"It's useless for several people to shoot bullets at it. If we don't find a way to cooperate, I'm afraid we will be killed one by one in the end!"

Yu Xiao'e said in a panic: "I also think we should cooperate, but you guys make the decision!"

Huang Sheng looked at the two women, and the two women nodded repeatedly. This time they were much more straightforward. The opinions of their small team of five were extremely unified.

"The five of us agree to cooperate, but we will not agree to go in to support until the monsters enter the No. 16 carriage."

Huang Sheng said, and the cat-eared girl expressed understanding and gratitude, and asked for the opinions of others.

Compared with the No. 15 carriage, the people in No. 16 certainly hope that they will participate in the battle, and there is no possibility of refusal.

However, with the spread of panic, many people in the No. 16 carriage began to run desperately towards them, trying to escape the next battle.

Liao Xiaolou said at this time: "I will go to No. 14 in front to see if I can get people to help. There is strength in numbers."

Huang Sheng nodded. This Liao Xiaolou had a bad face. He showed a fierce look as soon as he got on the car. When he turned off the lights for the first time, his hands were stained with blood. He looked like a vicious person.

But he found that it was not that bad after personal contact.

For example, volunteering to contact the front car at this time was not something that a person with this personality would do.

Of course, it is not ruled out that he found an excuse to escape the battle.

On the other side, the cat-eared girl said angrily: "Don't come over to our side, otherwise it might cause the monster to attack in advance!"

There was chaos at the junction of carriages 15 and 16. The people on this side wanted to stop the people on the other side from coming, and the people on the other side wanted to escape. For a while, a conflict broke out!

Plans are not as fast as changes.

Huang Sheng's face sank. He didn't want to care about how these people made a fuss, but he didn't want these irrational behaviors to affect himself.

He not only wanted to survive on the train, but also wanted a higher evaluation.

He was also an experiencer in the Caida incident, and his reward was much richer than others!

Therefore, the cat-eared girl's cooperation idea was very consistent with his current interests, and these troublemakers...

He stood up suddenly and hurried all the way to the opposite door.

If he didn't do it now, he might be killed by these people in a while!

"Get out of the way, don't block my way!"

He shouted loudly, and several cat-eared people and eyebrowless people who tried desperately to block the crowds on the opposite side looked at him.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, he held the revolver in front of his eyes, holding the gun with both hands. Huang Sheng did not persuade or declare anything, and directly started shooting!

They obviously had a good strategy, but these people wanted to rush to the No. 15 carriage because they were afraid of death.

Don't blame him for being ruthless. Killing one now may save two people.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The six bullets in the full magazine were directly used up. He was not a sharpshooter. He only had some exposure to live ammunition shooting at the gun range and when traveling abroad in his previous life, so he could not hit every shot, but even so, he directly made three people fall in a pool of blood!

Huang Sheng put away the empty gun and held the weapon. The sword-shaped tip of the reinforced spear shone with a sharp light that was ready to bite people, which was very threatening.

"Get back! You don't even dare to accept a battle that hasn't happened yet. What kind of evolvers are you?"

"You may survive if you stay in car 16. If you want to rush over, I'll kill you now!"

Having experienced primary physical enhancement, marrow washing serum enhancement, and spiritual evolution of evolution points, Huang Sheng still has a lot of cards in his hand, so he naturally has the confidence to show off.

Especially the strong light card. If it is used on these people now, they will be blinded instantly and will have no power to fight back!

"Whoever dares to come over will be killed!"

Several eyebrowless men and women also shouted in a stern tone.

Each of them held a slender metal weapon that was only about 1.23 meters long with three pointed and two blades at the front. If they were to fight in close combat, some of them would be more troublesome than the group of people rushing over in a mess.

After being violently suppressed by the car 15, the people on the opposite side who were originally timid and wanted to speculate and ran over had no choice but to drag away the wounded and the bodies. The rush of the two cars

The sudden situation was temporarily resolved.

The battle in carriage 17 also entered a white-hot stage, and from time to time, people covered in blood and gray liquid rushed into carriage 16 frantically.

Under the light, they looked particularly miserable, which touched everyone's heart.

"Here it comes! The seventh monster is coming, be careful over there!" Someone suddenly shouted in carriage 14.

Everyone scattered from the door of the carriage and hid on both sides. The cat-eared girl pulled Huang Sheng's sleeve to hide over there, and everyone held their breath.

In carriage 16, which was separated by a door, everyone also subconsciously shrank towards the direction of carriage 17, nervously preparing for battle.

Cat-eared people generally have delicate faces. Except for the traces of cat ears but more like human ears, other features are almost exactly the same as humans. They are tall and short, and fat and thin.

The girl is a short loli, and a female companion beside her is tall and slim.

They seemed to be good at close combat, and each of them had different types of melee knives and other weapons in their hands.

Before they could look any further, a strong stench slowly came over, and the strange maggot came silently from midair.

After hovering for a while at the junction of the two cars on the ground covered with blood, it moved faster and plunged into carriage No. 16, showing a completely different posture from before!

At the back, Liao Xiaolou led some people into carriage No. 15, and Yu Xiaoe and her three daughters also rushed over from the end of the carriage, ready to join the battle.

Including several people occupying the other corner, they were rushing over here, and the cat-eared man and the eyebrowless man here did not hesitate at all, and even broke into carriage No. 16 first!

Huang Sheng rushed in with him, and just as he entered the carriage, he was almost suffocated by the rotten breath that rolled in front of him.

The strange maggot was suspended in the air, madly attacking everyone around him.

A man was not careful and was kissed by the maggot head on the spot!

With the sound of hissing, a puff of black smoke rose up. The man screamed heartbreakingly, covered his face and rolled on the ground desperately, in pain.

The long body of the strange maggot was like a wave, swimming and twisting, constantly hitting people.

Those who were hit just fell down, and those who were seriously hit were bounced out on the spot. Some of them hit their backs on the table, broke their spines, and died. Some of them hit their heads on the car wall, and brain fluid flowed!

Everyone fought back desperately. Those with guns shot at it from all directions. In the muffled sound of puffing, just as Huang Sheng had seen before, the bullets seemed to be swallowed, leaving only the sound of being hit like mud being trampled!

As for the others, sharp weapons, fists and feet, and even some props with offensive capabilities, it seems that they have very limited effects!

"Ayaka, it's up to you!"

Several cat-eared people said to the tall and slender woman.

At the same time, the black cat that had been on the small table and responsible for keeping an eye on the surroundings climbed onto her shoulder.

The woman Ayaka nodded and rushed forward, her body changing rapidly as she ran!

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