The cat was so big that it was hard to see the cat in the sky.

When she jumped high, she had turned into the black cat on her shoulder!

It was just that her body was a whole circle bigger, but it was also more slender, agile and powerful!

Catwoman Caihua was very fast. She passed by the monster maggot in an instant, and raised her cat claws, and attacked more than a dozen times in an instant!

Squeaky-squeaky--with the sound of dense scratching and breaking skin, gray liquid splashed, and the monster maggot finally let out a sharp cry of pain and turned around to look over.

At the same time, several eyebrowless people were taking out a metal instrument stand from somewhere, on which three metal javelins were displayed, and they were debugging and aiming!

"My profession is Ranger. I now have the ability to ignore the opponent's 7% total defense ability, and the attack will cause continuous weakening to it."

Liao Xiaolou said in a low voice: "So I need you to help me create attack opportunities now. As long as I can hit it once, its combat ability will be greatly reduced!"

Huang Sheng was a little surprised. This person's professional ability is so powerful?

Doesn't it mean that whoever faces him in the future will have a reduced combat ability if he is injured?

"Is long-range attack not possible?" Huang Sheng asked.

"At least not now. I must attack close to cause a certain degree of effective damage to be considered successful."

Huang Sheng nodded: "Let's think of a way."

Bai Mengxue's "police" can directly affect the target in the air. There is no need to worry about safety. It may not be worse than this Ranger.

The red-mole girl said to Huang Sheng, "We can bless you."

The two girls each took out a piece of residual incense, lit it, and closed their eyes to recite silently. As the fragrance rolled over, Huang Sheng felt that he was gradually getting excited at this moment, and the strength of his whole body was actually more and more abundant, which could be detected by the naked eye!

It was also at this time that with three bangs, the instruments set up by the eyebrowless people launched an attack, and two metal javelins instantly shot into the body of the monster maggot!

Another one missed, and with a swish, it hit the wall of the car deeply, and sank into one-third of the gun body, which shows how powerful it is!

These two javelins caused a lot of injuries to the monster maggot. It turned its head frantically, gave up all its goals, and was about to wrap up several people with one tail!

Huang Sheng took a breath and stared at the front. At this time, Yu Xiao'e turned on the bright emergency light to illuminate the target.

In the light, his body moved suddenly!

With both arms swinging the spear that had been strengthened into a long sword-shaped spear tip, he fiercely chopped at the opponent's slender and powerful tail!

The tail of the strange maggot was flexible and powerful, and it was definitely connected to a large number of nerves!

He guessed that as long as he cut off its tail, it would definitely have a considerable impact on it.

With a sharp cracking sound, the broken tail with a large puff of gray liquid at the broken end flew around in the air like a spring, making a snapping sound in the air!

It was just like the reaction when an elastic steel ring was broken!

The strange maggot shook violently, as if it had suffered unimaginable injuries, opened its mouth, and made a sharp sound that almost made people deaf!

At the same time, its floating body seemed to have suddenly lost the ability to swim, floating in the air in a very embarrassed manner, and was about to fall to the ground at any time!

Liao Xiaolou, who was originally preparing to connect and attack, was shocked by the sudden sharp sound and almost couldn't even hold the butterfly knife steadily.

After six or seven seconds, as the strange maggot hit the ground heavily, he roared and pounced on it, and the butterfly knife instantly left a trail of afterimages on its body!

Caihua was also constantly attacking.

The attack behaviors of the two were very similar, both were extremely fast, touch-and-go physical attacks, and gray liquid splashed everywhere, and the strange maggot struggled madly on the ground!

The movement caused by its twisting body was very scary. Several people who took advantage of the situation were not careful and were directly whipped away on the spot, and the metal car body was banged everywhere!

Huang Sheng held up the arc shield and pushed forward.

Liao Xiaolou, who was almost covered with gray liquid, gasped and retreated quickly. At the moment when the two sides crossed, there was a "bang" sound, and the other party's struggling body hit the arc shield hard!

Liao Xiaolou dodged it by a hair's breadth, and the cat shadow transformed by Caihua was even faster, and there was no danger!

A huge force came forward, and Huang Sheng, holding the shield, retreated five or six steps on the spot. He was completely unable to control his body and sat down on the ground!

Two arms appeared on the left and right, each grabbing his armpit.

The arms used force to control his body that was about to fall to the ground, and then pulled him up directly. It was the red-mole woman and the two people.

The maggot that had hit the arc shield hard was in even more pain. Its body bounced back at several times the speed, dragging its body and flying away, and fell into a pile of tables and chairs with a bang!

After being hit one after another, especially with Liao Xiaolou's professional ability taking effect, the maggot with its tail cut off obviously became less noisy.

Everyone rushed forward, and Huang Sheng stabbed several times in succession. It was unknown who attacked for the last time, and the maggot finally stopped struggling.

The battle ended so quickly, but in fact it was full of difficulties. Everyone was more or less relieved.

I saw six balls of light appear next to its body.

Two balls were filled with stacks of black banknotes, and the other four balls were all items and props!

Including Huang Sheng, everyone saw the explosion of so many balls of light for the first time.

"Don't move, no one is allowed to grab!"

The cat-eared girl screamed, and the eyebrowless man and people in carriage No. 16 also warned each other. No one wanted to see the chaos of everyone rushing to grab, fearing that there would be trouble and that they would not get any.

"Don't move, I'll take it, and distribute it according to contribution."

Huang Sheng stood up at this time.

As the support of carriage No. 16, carriage No. 15 showed the combat power that crushed the opposite carriage, so they were naturally in charge of the distribution.

As for the three main teams on the No. 15 side, I violently stopped the further conflict between the two cars just now, and secondly, two main forces appeared on my side in the previous battle, myself and Liao Xiaolou.

This does not count the helpers Liao Xiaolou found from carriage No. 14. Although they were useless and had no presence throughout the whole process, they were qualified enough to preside over the reward distribution.

No one on the No. 15 side had any objections, and No. 16, as the rescued party, naturally had nothing to say.

In fact, these rewards seem to be quite a lot, but the people who got the two carriages basically had nothing left.

But we don’t know how many monster maggots there are on the train. The alliance that was hastily formed just now has proved to be very beneficial. If we want to continue to maintain this temporary alliance, we must be relatively fair.

The biggest share goes to those who work hard, and those who don’t make a living get some soup. Then they will have the ability and confidence to deal with the second monster, or even more monsters!

And the speed must be fast, it won’t be long before the next monster comes again.

Huang Sheng glanced around and signaled everyone to be quiet. Suddenly, he saw Wang He holding a military shovel.

The two balls of black banknotes have a total of 40 denominations.

The easiest to recognize among the four items is the six capsules of medicine, which are vitality capsules for restoring body vitality.

It happened that many people were stained with the corrosive gray liquid of the monster maggots at this time. Even if it was wiped clean, it would still have some impact on the human body. The vitality capsule can be said to be the right medicine for the disease.

The other three items, one is a black snake-shaped long sword.

A pair of worn-out glass reading glasses that look like they are about to fall apart at any moment.

Finally, a pair of exaggeratedly long gloves that can be worn directly from the fingers to the shoulders.

All three items have text descriptions.

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