The snake-shaped sword has the function of breaking illusions, that is, if there is an illusion or hallucination in front of you, attacking with this sword can destroy it.

It is a very incredible ability. If used properly, it will be an extremely important tool.

Reading glasses are a kind of glasses that can see objects in the dark. At the same time, they have a certain bonus to human vision in an environment where the vision is blocked by fog.

The function of long gloves is climbing.

"Let's divide the 15th and 16th carriages 5 to 2 according to their contribution, 5 for us and 2 for you."

"All the important and advantageous attacks were almost all launched by us, and you have much fewer people than us, I hope no one will object."

Huang Sheng said: "I will now name each item, each of you quote a black bill value, and then combine the average to get the final price."

"Hurry up, we may be attacked by other monsters in front and behind at any time within a few minutes!"

"Six vitality capsules, which can currently treat corrosion damage and restore vitality. Each person quotes the total price of six capsules."

Huang Sheng's voice fell, and the cat-eared girl hurriedly said the first: "18 black bills."

"More, 12 black bills."




"Three can't be more."

Everyone quoted the price they thought, and dozens of voices rang one after another within a few seconds. As for those who were seriously injured in the battle, they had no right to speak at all.

Huang Sheng is now sharp-eyed and sharp-eared, with a much better memory and thinking ability than before. He analyzed a result in a blink of an eye: "Most of the prices are between 12 and 18 black notes, taking the average of 15. The next one is the snake-shaped long sword."

As he named the equipment one by one, everyone reported the price.

People's emotions gradually stabilized from the excitement after the battle.

The equipment distribution that is currently underway not only does not need to be scrambled, but everyone has the right to participate, and everyone can get a share in the end. No one wants this distribution method to be interrupted.

"All rewards plus 40 black notes are worth a total of 125 black notes. We take 90, and you take 35 in the 16th car."

"Do you want black notes or equipment in the 16th car? I suggest you take black notes, so that the rest of the people can get close to 2 black notes."

The score in an event is a combination of various factors.

Although the initial train is not an event, Huang Sheng believes that it will eventually be rated based on everyone's performance.

He who seems to be on the rise now is definitely not meddling in other people's business.

Just like those who played a commanding role in the dormitory and did ideological work for students who had mental breakdowns in the Finance University incident, many of them later received a higher rating.

Huang Sheng asked the people in car No. 16, and they all looked at each other, followed the advice tacitly, and did not choose equipment.

Taking black money is the most convenient way, and if you take equipment, not to mention that you have to pay a lot of money to compensate others, you may also be jealous at any time.

There are no masters in car No. 16. If you have the chance to take equipment in public, you are afraid that you will not be able to use it.

Huang Sheng looked back at the people in this car: "Our three teams will get 30, 25 and 25 black money respectively, and the last 10 black money will be distributed to the rest, but we have to choose equipment first."

Huang Sheng and his five people made greater contributions, but they only got 5 more black money than the eyebrowless man and the cat-eared man, so his condition was to choose first, and the target he was eyeing was climbing gloves.

As a purely functional prop, he thought climbing gloves would help him more than other things.

Flying over eaves and walls can make many things more possible, and can also increase many chances of saving lives!

Several eyebrowless people and cat-eared people said they had no objection. The capsules, climbing gloves, worn-out glasses and the sword that broke the psychedelic each had their own uses, and they would not lose anything if they got any of them.

Moreover, under his distribution, the efficiency was high and there was no objection. Now no one wanted to make trouble, and it was good enough.

Huang Sheng smiled: "The value of the climbing gloves is 35 black notes, and the allocation quota of our team is 30, so I will give you 3 black notes each."

"The remaining long sword, glasses, and capsules, you can distribute them by yourselves."

In the end, the cat-eared people and the eyebrowless people got one piece of equipment each, and each of them was given three vitality capsules. The other players in the carriage who had hardly done any work also got 10 black notes for free, and basically everyone was happy.

Finally, it was Huang Sheng who compensated the other few people, especially those who didn't get

Equipment Liao Xiaolou.

Cutting off the tail, saving Liao Xiaolou, and using the shield to bounce the monster maggot away, his contribution is undoubtedly the greatest. Next is Liao Xiaolou, followed by the two women who provided him with strength and blessings.

Yu Xiaoe basically played a supporting role.

Yu Xiaoe 2 black notes, the two women 4 black notes each, Liao Xiaolou 8 black notes, this is what Huang Sheng will compensate several people after finally obtaining the climbing gloves.

The red mole woman asked Liao Xiaolou, who was covered in gray liquid, to collect three black notes, and then purified him. In the end, the disgusting gray liquid on Liao Xiaolou's body was basically cleaned up.

After going to the train wash basin to scrub it, except for the stench that could not be eliminated temporarily, there was basically no impact left.

"What a pity, the black notes on those dead people..."

Liao Xiaolou was a little unwilling.

This battle took place in carriage 16. The dead and seriously injured people obviously couldn't keep their wealth, and it was cheap for those who were digging corpses everywhere.

Huang Sheng comforted him, "We are just getting started. I just asked the cat-eared girl. The initial train will take at least three days!"

"It's not certain how many people will be left in three days. As long as we live long enough, these things may all belong to us."

Liao Xiaolou was thoughtful, but the red mole girl and the necklace girl began to get excited. They kept looking around, as if they were counting their property in advance.

"By the way, these are the people in carriage 14 who are willing to help."

Liao Xiaolou pointed at Wang He and the others and said, "It's a pity that we were busy dividing the spoils just now and didn't seize the time to make further contact with them for cooperation. Now it's probably too late."

The people in carriage 14 had heard the movement here, but maybe there was no one to organize it, maybe they didn't force it, or maybe there were masters. In short, the people over there didn't come over to contact them actively, and only Wang He and five or six people were willing to stay and help.

"Brother Huang, my name is Wang He, we are in the same dormitory building!"

Wang He was a little excited when he saw Huang Sheng finally looking at him.

At the beginning of the Caida incident, when everyone was scared by a lantern man and huddled together, he noticed Huang Sheng, who was carrying a backpack and a long gun and dressed in a way that didn't fit in with everyone else.

Later, he was taken to the army for emergency physical and combat training to prepare for the upcoming train No. 1032.

Hearing people in the army say that there was a fierce man in their dormitory building, he knew at that time that it must be this classmate.

Unexpectedly, when they met again, the fighting power shown by the other party was far beyond his imagination, which made him admire and envy.

Huang Sheng smiled at him: "Classmate Wang He has a heart of blood, courage and loyalty. I hope everyone can get off the train alive."

He did not invite the other party to join his team. Wang He and his people came from carriage 14 and had formed a temporary team.

At this moment, a shout suddenly came from the carriage in front: "Another one is coming!"

Everyone was shocked. Here it comes, the eighth one!

This strange maggot also came to carriage No. 15!

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