Huang Sheng has always been concerned about the middle-aged man in black. When he heard what he said, he immediately asked, "Is your information authentic?" The other party knew the conditions for the second equipment enhancement. Could it be that the bright and thick short sword in his hand was the product of two enhancements? Huang Sheng had some understanding in his heart. No wonder he noticed his weapon when he first met him. The situation was chaotic at that time. The weapon itself was not outstanding and it was difficult to attract so much attention immediately. The enhancement hammer could greatly increase the appearance of the equipment. The middle-aged man in black nodded. His short sword had been sheathed and was placed horizontally on his knees. "The strengthening hammer can directly repair minor flaws and minor damages of the equipment during the strengthening process, but if the equipment itself is severely damaged, using the strengthening hammer will cause unknown consequences."

As for everyone's concern about whether he has space equipment, he did not deny it, but explained that he had obtained the space storage box that only formal evolvers have in advance.

Caiye looked at the middle-aged man in black with admiration and explained to everyone.

"Before boarding the initial train, only those who perform extremely well in a certain event can obtain the permission of the space storage box in advance!"

"And there is a prerequisite, that is, you cannot obtain any information related to the event in advance, you cannot get the help of evolvers, you cannot receive systematic professional training to deal with events, etc..."

"To put it simply, it's like a city in our Baiyuan Star wants to select young players for the Cat Flying Team from ordinary people. These players must be real ordinary people. In principle, they cannot have received any professional training!"

"Because only those who have not received professional training and can meet professional standards have the greatest potential in the future!"

Caihua followed up with a crisp voice: "Among the young generation in our Qianxing City, the last time I heard someone It was seven years ago that I got the space storage box in advance. "

"Now that person has grown into a C-level evolver. He has saved the fate of a town or even a city many times by himself, and I don't know how many ordinary people's lives he has saved."

The eyebrowless young man also added: "Getting the space storage box in advance is not just a temporary privilege, but actually represents the special attention of the evolver system, which is the most important thing."

"And once you become the object of attention, as long as you don't die in the process of growth, you will enjoy many benefits and even privileges given by the evolver system!"

"Of course, the dangers and tests they face are more extreme... In short, you are so awesome, big brother!"

After everyone's explanation, everyone in the car couldn't help but be in awe of the middle-aged man in black.

"You are not bad either."

The middle-aged man in black didn't say much, and there was not even much expression on his face. He just threw the strengthening hammer to Huang Sheng and stopped talking, quietly recovering his strength.

Huang Sheng now has a weapon hammer and three defense hammers in his hands, and he is about to strengthen his carbon fiber shield.

Before strengthening, he cleaned the shield thoroughly and asked two women to burn residual incense to purify and bless it to achieve the purpose of deep cleaning.

Three small hammers, Ding! Ding! Ding!

He knocked on the three parts of the shield one by one. In the pleasant and melodious sound, and in the tense and curious watching of everyone, the shield changed rapidly!

First of all, the holding and fixing parts of the shield have been humanized.

From the previous need to hold it actively, it has now changed to an elastic support structure that fixes the left shoulder and the left big and small arms.

It is equivalent to not "holding" the shield by a person, but "wearing" it by the left arm and left shoulder.

In this way, the fixing of the shield is more reliable, and the impact force caused to the human body after being hit will also be buffered.

Secondly, the material structure of the shield has become more powerful and reliable, and the color has changed to a soft and pure silver-white. A circle of inner lines appears at the edge, and the inner and outer lines are covered with strange symbol patterns, which seem to play a decorative role.

Finally, the mechanism function of the shield has become more incredible!

Originally, the shield needed to be manually pressed into a metal body when it was folded up.

But at this time, with a slight snap, the shield began to shrink automatically and quickly, and finally became a cylinder!

This cylinder can be directly wrapped around Huang Sheng's big arm, and the size is exactly the same!

In other words, this thing needed to be carried separately before, but now it can be worn directly on the arm, and even if it is not unfolded, it has defensive functions such as iron wrist guards!

It weighs very little. When Huang Sheng puts it on his arm, he doesn't even feel that it's heavier than the clothes themselves. It can be said that the weight is basically negligible!

"The three reinforced hammers were not used in vain. It's amazing, especially the function of the mechanism."

Huang Sheng was excited. It can be said that this reinforcement has made the shield truly sci-fi.

Even if scientists rack their brains, they probably can't fold an umbrella-shaped round shield that is so big when it is opened into a cylindrical arm guard.

It's like a car turning into a Transformer is understandable, but can it turn into a power-generating windmill?

What does the long blades and exaggerated height of a windmill have to do with a car?

Now the shield and the arm guard when folded are two completely conflicting forms.

"Too awesome, too awesome!"

The strong man who was about to die just now had his eyes wide open, muttering madly, his eyes full of spirit, as if he was also imagining his heroic appearance after owning this equipment.

"This thing can probably buy back hundreds of our brothers and sisters in the population market of those evil planets."

Cai Ye was also envious. When Huang Sheng lent them the shield to watch, they hurriedly played with it, and there was no other idea in their minds.

"A rare good tool."

The middle-aged man in black took a glance and said, "Before, I only focused on weapons, but I didn't expect that the ability of the armor would be no less after the upgrade."

Huang Sheng smiled, one step ahead, every step ahead, he was not afraid that his equipment upgrade would inspire others.

After all, it is easy to make blank equipment, but you have to get the equipment hammer yourself.

Either settle it yourself, or buy it with real gold and silver black notes.

In addition, don't forget that good equipment must be matched with a good body and high ability. If the ability itself is not strong enough, good equipment will not play a big role, and it may even be stolen!

In carriage No. 14, with the invading monster maggots ushering in the final struggle, and the people's increasingly crazy roaring attacks, the battle finally came to an end.

However, the matter is not over yet. How the other party will divide the rewards next may cause more trouble.

At Huang Sheng's signal, the door of the No. 15 carriage was closed.

Now everyone's emotions have stabilized after the battle. After such a long delay, it is time to discuss the distribution of rewards.

They killed a total of seven monster maggots.

The first one attacked the No. 16 carriage, and the rewards have been distributed.

The second one attacked the No. 15 carriage.

The third one was the yellow paper that broke the door, and was also the unlucky one who was killed almost instantly by Huang Sheng by cutting off the root of his tail. Eleven rewards were exploded.

The fourth and fifth ones were put in by the middle-aged man in black. The fifth one was so angry that Liao Xiaolou used the mocking tablecloth that he almost hit himself to death.

There is still a big hole in the No. 16 carriage, and the wind outside is blowing in.

The last two rushed in after the middle-aged man in black retreated. They were solved by everyone within three minutes, which was also the last battle.

The continuous fight for life almost exhausted everyone.

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