The final inventory and harvest are about to take place, which makes everyone feel a huge sense of anticipation and excitement.

It is different from the first distribution. After all, at that time, only one monster maggot was killed, and the reward divided equally among everyone was pitifully small.

But now the total reward for a total of six monster maggots is about to be carried out. Even if you are just paddling, you can hope to get double-digit black money!

One person smiled bitterly and said, "If I had known that the black money for this train would cost my life, I would have tried my best to earn more in the previous events!"

Everyone was also very annoyed. Huang Sheng smiled slightly. The way to earn black money in the Caida event was indeed easy and fair. As long as you have courage and a certain amount of strength, you can earn money by killing every lantern man. It is indeed not as difficult as here.

That is to say, this group of people united and won the victory. It was unknown whether the passengers in the ordinary carriage could survive, and they also earned black money.

Yu Xiao'e poured out the contents of the six bags, and the ground was filled with piles of black money and various equipment in an instant, and the people who watched were staring.

She first found six photos in the album of her mobile phone, which were taken immediately after each item exploded. After a rough count, everyone confirmed that the rewards on the spot were correct.

"The total black money is 320, and there are 20 physical capsules, 12 vitality capsules, 9 energy capsules, and 32 hemostatic capsules. These are black money and common medicines. Let's estimate the price of the capsules first."

Huang Sheng counted them and decided to value these drug capsules first.

The cat-eared girl said: "I feel that although the capsules of several types have their own focuses, the prices should be similar, and no matter which one you take, you can recover your injuries and physical strength."

"Evaluate quickly, I feel like I'm about to bleed out, and I need to stop the bleeding urgently!"

"How about unifying two to three black bills? Didn't the six vitality capsules count as 15 black bills when the rewards were distributed for the first time just now?"

Everyone said.

Huang Sheng made the final decision: "Considering our current poor situation and the great demand for drugs, let's estimate their prices a little lower, unify them at two black bills per capsule, so that everyone in need can at least get two or three capsules."

"Okay, okay, I, Ma Erbiao, agree with both hands!"

"I, Valski, support the real-name system!"

"Park Guoren said with tears on his face."

Everyone spoke up, maybe everyone was excited now, and the wounded began to talk.

A total of seventy-three capsules, the total price is 146 black bills.

Next came eight glass containers that looked like pen tubes, some of which had needles. The Soul Energy Restart Liquid was also a glass container like this.

"Three Soul Energy Restart Liquids, three adrenaline needles, two..."

Huang Sheng stared at the last two glass containers filled with bright blue, beautiful liquid, and his eyes widened at the name "Cell Restart Liquid"!

As we all know, there are many difficult and incurable diseases in this world, many of which directly destroy the human body at the cellular level.

When certain cells that cannot reproduce by themselves are killed by viruses, the human body's functions plummet.

Especially for things like radioactive substances that make people shudder, once they hit the body at high speed, they will hit the body with holes. In severe cases, they can only wait for death slowly, and even if the situation is mild, they will suffer from illness for the rest of their lives!

And the function of this cell restart liquid is clearly written, which can directly restart the body's cells!

If the Soul Energy Restart Liquid can guarantee that the user in the event can be resurrected after the event.

Then this cell restart liquid will be directly used in daily life!

Not only is it a more precious life-saving drug, but it is also very helpful for medical and biochemical research!

Selling it directly to the country may directly reap huge returns!

"Now value these eight drugs."

Huang Sheng said, while secretly paying attention to the importance of the cell restart liquid.

If there are few people who know the business, he will do his best to get it!

"Is the soul restart liquid really ineffective on this train? Then I don't think it is worth too much money. After all, you have to drink it first to take effect. If it doesn't work in the end, it's not a waste of money, maybe you will lose your life."

One person said that he was no longer optimistic about the soul restart liquid.

"Nonsense, the initial train is a special case after all. It is a test for us to become evolvers. I don't think it's a big deal if the soul restart liquid can't be used.

"But it can be used in any other event. If the situation is critical and you are in a desperate situation, you can take the initiative to drink it to save your life!" The others were immediately unhappy. The two sides argued over the price of the Soul Energy Restarting Liquid, which was as high as 80 black notes! The effect of the adrenaline injection is to make people completely excited in a short period of time, and activate the body's potential, which will greatly enhance the body's various abilities. The final price was agreed to be 45 black notes. What made Huang Sheng relieved was that everyone really had no idea about this cell restarting liquid, and even felt that its function was a bit inexplicable. The final price was only 20 black notes! Therefore, the total price of these eight drugs is as high as 415 black notes! Now the two cars plus Wang He There were more than 30 people who participated in the distribution. The situation was much better than everyone thought. With just these eight medicines, everyone could get at least two-digit black notes!

Of course, this was an average distribution. Obviously, not everyone had this opportunity.

But the atmosphere in the car still became more and more heated.

The final highlight was here. In addition to black notes and medicines, there were a total of 14 pieces of dropped equipment!

While Huang Sheng was asking and recording the prices, he was also quickly looking for the equipment he needed most, and finally picked out two of them.

[Read the timer, effect: When using this During the timekeeping process of the stopwatch, the user will have a precise grasp of time. The longer the one-time use time, the weaker this effect will be.]

[Replenishment Ring, Effect: This ring will very slowly extract the vitality of the human body and store it as a restorative energy, which can be used to replenish vitality when needed]

Neither of the two equipment looks like the kind of domineering and powerful type.

But one can improve people's insight, observation and thinking ability during the use of the stopwatch. In fact, the enhanced grasp of the concept of "time" is to increase these abilities. Others probably don't understand this concept.

Being able to accurately divide the length of one second obviously requires temporary strengthening of thinking and judgment.

One is a recovery item, just like the blood-making bracelet he got before, which is life-saving and healing.

As a person who can advance and retreat, Huang Sheng will never ignore the huge role of this auxiliary item.

Moreover, by choosing this, he can avoid some popular equipment and get it at a lower price, and finally get more black money.

After all, he has foreign debts now, three defensive hammers and one weapon hammer, and he hasn't paid the bill yet.

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