The train was about 6:30 pm.

People were more alert at this time, because many people had chosen to take a nap a little earlier.

The train did not stop once during the whole day.

The scenery outside the window was completely empty and blank, which made people's scalps numb. They had no idea what kind of environment it was running in.

"Damn, there is a sunset, look, there is a sunset!"

Just then, accompanied by a golden light, someone suddenly screamed.

Since the train did not see any scenery along the way, the whole carriage and even the whole train were shocked when they heard that there was scenery to see!

The sunset glow appeared outside the window of Huang Sheng and his team. In the infinite distance of the sky, a red sun was exposed on a line representing the horizon, and clouds were everywhere around it!

The golden light shone, and the gold, white, black, and red colors intertwined, rendering the strips of cloud sky extremely magnificent!

Although this scene lasted for a very short time, it became dark in less than two minutes after it appeared.

But everyone saw the scenery to some extent.

"It's dark, turn on the lights."

At this time, someone shouted strangely.

It was almost ten minutes after the clouds passed. The sky was not completely dark, but those with poor eyesight could not see their fingers, but the train was reluctant to turn on the lights.

Huang Sheng stretched out his arms to hug Yu Xiao'e. While holding this plump body, he was playing with the stopwatch in his hand.

On the fingers of his left hand, he wore a sobering ring and a replenishing ring respectively.

There is a very small, luminous progress bar on the replenishment ring. The progress bar has reached about one-third of the total. This should represent the progress of replenishing the overflowing life energy absorbed by the ring.

It can be almost filled in three days, but I don’t know how effective it will be when I need it?

The stopwatch has no chance to be used for the time being.

At this time, when he heard this person shouting to turn on the lights, he was stunned and subconsciously put the stopwatch into the storage space and perked up.

Because the train did not fall into darkness suddenly, although the lights were not turned on, most people did not notice the abnormality for a while.

But now that someone shouted, the perceptive people immediately felt that something was wrong.

"Eat quickly."

He squeezed the hand holding Yu Xiao'e's waist and took it back, and said seriously to the two women opposite, the three of them are now each eating a sandwich, all given by him.

The train was in a state of chaos. Some were looking for the attendants, some were turning on the lights, and some were guessing and panicking.

Girls are slow eaters, especially bread, which is hard to swallow. The three girls couldn't finish it all at once, so they didn't care about eating. They put away the food and waited for the battle.

About ten minutes later, everyone felt the car body shake violently, and then there was a violent brake sound on the track!

It was slowly stopping!

Huang Sheng looked out the window, and then looked across, and didn't see any lights outside.

"Brother Huang, is this a maintenance failure or an emergency stop?"

Yu Xiao'e asked in his ear.

Maintenance failure or emergency stop?

Huang Sheng couldn't help but think of the second of the three passenger instructions, that the track was in disrepair for a long time, and everyone must not get off the train when the train was forced to stop.

However, another one of the three instructions was wrong. He had no idea about it yesterday, and it seems that he still has no idea today.

For example, he had no basis for judging whether to get off the train or not.

At this moment, the train broadcast sounded.

"Dear passengers, due to the long-term disrepair of the track, there is a fault in the route ahead, so the train is forced to stop and all doors are about to open."

"But all passengers must not get off the train. Repeat, all passengers must not get off the train!"

The train broadcast instantly catalyzed the panic and chaos that enveloped everyone's heads!

The train stopped, all the doors were opened, and all the passengers did not get off the train?

What kind of weird practice is this?

If you don't let us get off the train, turn on the lights. What's the point of opening the doors? Are you afraid that we will rebel and find no way to get off the train?

In the dark, the train suddenly stopped, and the doors opened at the same time!

Looking out, there was endless darkness. I didn't know where I was, or even where I was.

I wonder if it is still running in the void!

Not to mention going out, it is still scary to sit in the seat!

Yu Xiao'e said thankfully: "It doesn't look like a big problem? If the track is broken, just wait for it to be repaired. We just need to stay here. Anyway, we have a lot of people in the No. 15 carriage."

Huang Sheng turned his head and glanced at her. He didn't realize that this woman had been acting normal and smart before, so why is she acting stupid now?

The necklace girl snorted coldly: "Stupid-girl, head!"

Yu Xiao'e looked at her angrily. The two sisters were at most in their early twenties, and it was hard to say whether they were twenty years old or not. Calling her a stupid girl?

"The crew got off the train, damn, all the crew got off the train!"

"The crew all ran away, what does this mean, are we abandoned on the track?"

Someone suddenly shouted in the No. 14 carriage in front.

At the same time, people who had passed by the No. 16 carriage rushed back: "The No. 17 carriage suddenly disconnected from us, and the rear half of the car was left dozens of meters away!"

Huang Sheng's heart tightened subconsciously when he heard it. Damn it, it seems that he can't live a happy life now.

Caiye said tremblingly: "From the 17th to the 22nd carriages, there are only a bunch of perverts in the last carriage."

"Now these carriages are unhooked, and we have stopped again. There must be something wrong here!"

The strong man who was seriously injured yesterday has good physical fitness. Today, Huang Sheng lent him the hematopoietic bracelet to wear for a long time. Now his condition has improved a lot. He is protesting loudly:

"If they can get off the train, can't we?"

"Did these grandsons get off the train to wash their feet behind our backs?"

"I tell you, deep mountains and old forests, corners and nooks are actually the most likely to have such restricted consumption places!"

"The police don't come to this place. Even if they come, they will find it from a long distance. It is secretive and safe!"

Huang Sheng held his forehead with his hand. Is this the time to talk about this?

But one thing is certain, the place where the train stops is definitely not in the void. There is land on both sides of the track to land.

In this way, it is indeed possible for them to get off the train.

Cai Ye was a little anxious at this time: "So should we listen to the broadcast and stay in the train?"

"In theory, the train officials will definitely not deliberately kill us, but I am afraid of danger on the train!"

Another cat-eared girl rolled her eyes and said: "Is it more dangerous inside the train than outside? It's pitch black outside and I don't know anything. I'm scared to death."

Cai Ye's face was dark: "Please, we are cat-eared people, and our ancestors have a gene of cat people. Are you afraid of the dark?"

The other party said helplessly: "But we only inherited a small part of the blood of cat people. Even the conditions for transformation are so harsh. The ability to move at night can only be said to be better than other races, but it is limited."

"Besides, don't you turn on the lights? We can't see clearly at night."

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