The people on the train were still talking, but no one dared to get off.

Under the double buff of danger outside the train + train warning, no one dared to joke with their lives.

Huang Sheng sat on the edge of the chair, reaching out to touch the shield on his left arm. The metal texture and cold temperature gave him some sense of security.

His own observation ability was pretty good, and the acquired characteristic "sitting and watching" could enhance his observation ability. At this time, he was constantly analyzing the currently known intelligence to judge the possibility of leaving the train.

Whether he could leave the train was very important to him, because as long as he proved that this passenger notice was wrong, the remaining two would be right.

"Everyone, look, there seems to be a house outside!"

One of the strong man's companions leaned cautiously against the open door, holding a strong flashlight and shining it out, and suddenly shouted in surprise.

Huang Sheng looked out through the window, and saw that the flashlight was shining on a place dozens of meters away, and there was a faint appearance of the wall of a house.

Judging from the material, it was still made of bricks and stones, and perhaps it was no different from the houses in the folk countryside.

"So what if there is a house? What if there is a terrible danger in it? Do you really dare to think about it in this wilderness?"

Someone who was determined not to get off the train hurriedly said, fearing that others would have some messy ideas and take people off the train.

"The house in this place... I dare not imagine what it will be like."

Yu Xiao'e muttered, this is not a train running on the China Railway, but a house that was suddenly encountered in an unknown dimension or void.

In other words, it is possible to encounter anything inside.

"I think we should make a decision quickly."

At this time, Caihua's crisp voice rang out. She stared at the direction where the strong flashlight was shining, and her voice trembled a little: "Look, the light has been weakened!"

The light that was bright on the wall a few seconds ago was slowly becoming dim, and the light seemed to be dispersed.

"It's foggy, it's foggy outside!"

Huang Sheng was smart. In the Caida incident, the entire campus was foggy at that time, and the fog became thicker and thicker later, and the outside became more and more dangerous!

After about a minute, the entire train was completely wrapped in fog!

When the light was turned out again, it was impossible to see the situation a few meters away.

Even inside the car, from one end of a carriage to the other, there was a vague haze. The fog appeared on the train and inside the room!

It was dark, there was no light, no official appeasement, the door was wide open, the attendants got off the train collectively, and now the fog surrounded them.

The whole train was like an isolated island surrounded by a sea of ​​fog and an ocean!

And in just a short while, the degree of fog in the room was still increasing!

Perhaps in a few minutes, no one would be visible within a few meters of the train, and the lighting capacity would be greatly weakened!

"It hurts so much, why does my skin hurt so much!"

Yu Xiao'e suddenly groaned and couldn't help but reach out and hold her arm.

Huang Sheng also felt a slight tingling sensation on his skin.

It was a bit like the tingling sensation felt when one stretched one's hand out of the window from indoors in the middle of winter under the low temperature and wind.

Others also felt abnormalities in their skin. In addition to their arms, their faces, necks, chests, thighs, etc. were all aching, strongly conveying some kind of panic signal.

"It should be because of the different skin colors."

Huang Sheng pondered, "We fought with monsters yesterday, and we must have been affected at that time."

The red-mole girl on the opposite side asked, "We, encountered monsters again?"

"All signs indicate that this is the case."

Huang Sheng nodded. Last night, a strange maggot was completely enraged by Liao Xiaolou's attractive tablecloth, and it almost hit itself to death at a terrifying speed!

At that time, according to the situation, at least two and a half of Yin Zhiqin's three people would die.

But in the end, the monster inexplicably hit the wrong side, which is likely to be helped by the middle-aged man in black, or it may be some special props of someone.

In short, the state of the strange maggot in that situation was very terrifying!

And now, the train attendants got off the train and left, and their different-colored skin is now in frequent pain and giving some kind of warning.

The appearance and penetration of fog is a sign that danger is about to begin!

What danger?

Huang Sheng is not sure, but there is a high probability that

It was a strange maggot, and it was different from yesterday's fighting power. Once they appeared today, there might be a huge difference!

Think about the terrifying impact force of the opponent last night, which even broke through the car body.

Even though the carbon fiber shield has been strengthened for the second time, he has no interest in trying to resist the opponent. He doesn't want to die young!

There is no doubt that in a narrow and closed place like a train, the opponent's lethality will be greatly exerted.

Last night, he continued to cut off the tail with high efficiency and ended the life of the strange maggot, which may have given some people the illusion that this thing is easy to deal with.

But he knew clearly that the opponent's vitality was tenacious. Once this monster went crazy, the speed, agility and other attributes increased greatly. He didn't dare to approach the opponent rashly, let alone cut off the tail. At that time, it would be a nightmare for people.

"I can't help it. I want to get off the train to see! Is there anyone who wants to go with me!"

Suddenly, a young man in the fourteenth carriage in front shouted.

This young man used a pair of extremely strong gloves as weapons, and was also one of the main forces of Carriage 14. He contributed a lot when Carriage 14 fought against the monster yesterday.

"Zhang Bai, don't be impulsive! It's hard to see outside now. Going down is just looking for death!"

"I think it's safer in the car..."

"Brother, what will happen if you leave?"

Many people tried to dissuade him, but some were persuaded by him. Soon Zhang Bai gathered a few people and got off the car with their luggage!

Under the light, they walked a few meters on the ground and then disappeared in the mist.

"What should we do? Should we go down?"

Cai Ye asked Huang Sheng.

Huang Sheng looked at the middle-aged man in black.

The whereabouts of this middle-aged man today were very strange. He disappeared for an hour or two from time to time. He couldn't be seen in the nearby car, and he didn't know where he went.

The middle-aged man in black picked up his belongings. Because he had a space storage box, he didn't have many belongings, just a small cloth bag.

"I'm also going to go down and take a look, you guys can do whatever you want."

He said this without calling anyone, and walked to the car door by himself, without even turning on the light, and rushed straight into the fog.

"It hurts so much, my skin hurts more and more, I feel like a knife is cutting my body now! What should I do, you guys think of a solution!"

Someone suddenly couldn't help crying, he slapped and touched the skin on his body randomly, only pain could temporarily suppress the stinging of the skin.

The two women with red moles held the remaining incense in their hands, but they were reluctant to light it up, and they were also suffering.

Someone really couldn't stand it, bit the flashlight in his mouth, grabbed his skin and jumped directly from the car, and then rushed into the fog screaming and shouting!

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