The train was in a state of panic, but the train was still in a state of panic.

Each of these chain changes shook everyone's determination to stay on the train.

Huang Sheng no longer hesitated at this time. He put his backpack on his back and took out a strong flashlight: "I'm going to go out and explore. Do you want to go?"

"Let's go together, let's go together!"

Yin Zhiqin gritted his teeth and said, "Anyway, there's no sense of security in the train. Why not go down and try your luck! I don't believe that the crew members ran out of the train for no reason!"

After seeing that the most capable ones were ready to leave, the entire fifteenth carriage began to prepare to leave the train.

In sharp contrast, the remaining people in the fourteenth carriage were unmoved. They even closed the doors connecting the two carriages, making the carriage an enclosed space.

Soon, with a click.

With their feet firmly on the ground, everyone chose to land in the direction of the building wall that the strong man's companion had shone on at the beginning.

After being completely exposed to the air, the stinging sensation on the skin became more intense, and even many men couldn't help but groan in pain.

The team had no formation to speak of. Multiple rays of light randomly hit the fog, mainly the front. Huang Sheng rushed to the front with a shield, and his speed was very fast.

Time was limited. He had to rush to the front of the building as soon as possible to check the situation, including finding a way to enter, confirming whether it was safe, etc. He had no time to wait for the people behind him.

In just a few dozen meters, the difference in people's physical fitness was vividly reflected.

Dozens of people moved in a line towards the building. Those running in front were certainly nervous, and those behind were even more panicked, fearing that something would suddenly jump out and take them away.

After successfully getting close to the wall, Huang Sheng and Liao Xiaolou ran to the left, followed by the red mole girl and the necklace girl, both of whom were running fast.

As for Yu Xiaoe, she had no idea where she was left.

Yin Zhiqin and others ran to the right, and all the people who followed them separated to the left and right in a mess, exploring the periphery of the building from two directions.

"This place is so big, there must be a huge courtyard inside!"

Huang Sheng touched the brick and stone wall and confirmed that this thing was indeed similar to a rural building, and felt relieved.

But the problem was that he had already gone around a long circle, but he didn't find the entrance to the building!

Not long after, there was a noise in front, and before anyone was seen, the voices of Yin Zhiqin and others came first: "We didn't find the entrance!"

Huang Sheng's heart sank, it was bad, he thought this was really an ordinary rural courtyard.

The result was really different. Is it popular for people here to climb over the wall to get into the house?

Then isn't this courtyard equivalent to a deep well, trapping a space inside?

From the perspective of Feng Shui, this is a dead place!

And it's a Jedi!

"What should we do? We still have two choices now. One is to explore the buildings in other directions in the fog, and the other is to find a way to climb in here!"

Yin Zhiqin pointed to the courtyard wall, which was about three meters high. It was not easy to climb in here. At least many people couldn't do it and needed help from others.

Huang Sheng's heart moved at this time, and he subconsciously looked at the two women.

He didn't know why, but he subconsciously thought of the word "Huangci". This was the hometown of the two women.

But the words "ci" and "xiang" are related to Feng Shui, and they are inexplicably related to the current doorless courtyard. I wonder if the two women have any suggestions.

The necklace girl took a breath and said, "This is a very dangerous place."

"Even ordinary people can see that something is wrong here." Huang Sheng nodded.

The necklace girl then said, "But there may be a way out."

She seemed to be planning to do some divination here, but how could everyone have time now?

Huang Sheng was completely out of ideas at the moment. It was absolutely impossible to find another building, because the building they saw from the train was this one, and they had marked it on the wall in advance.

Even if they found another building, they didn't know where they were in the thick fog. Once they got lost here and missed the train's next start, it would be over!

"There's no other way, climb over the wall!"

He made up his mind, regardless of whether there was any danger inside, but at least it wouldn't be worse than outside for the time being.

He had heard some faint whistling sounds in the air, and at the same time, he also noticed that his skin was actually glowing in the night!

Yes, after the stinging, their skin was now emitting some kind of

The faint glow, in this dark night, is undoubtedly attracting something!

Then everyone showed their magical powers.

Caihua has a slender figure. She stepped lightly on the ground and jumped high. Then she rubbed her hands on the wall and climbed up, and her light body jumped up again.

She climbed steadily to the top of the three-meter-high wall, and then nervously shone the light into the courtyard wall.

At the same time, Huang Sheng and Liao Xiaolou cooperated. Huang Sheng bent down and supported his knees under the wall, while Liao Xiaolou jumped while running, stepped on his back, and directly grabbed the edge of the wall.

He exerted force with his arms and easily turned over to the top of the wall, and also immediately illuminated the bottom.

After finding that there was no other danger for the time being, others climbed up the wall one after another.

Some people used props. A rope-like prop can automatically hang people up after fixing one end.

There is also a spring-supported prop that can bounce people up.

These are all equipment and props that have never appeared before. They obviously have no use for them because they didn't take them out before.

However, the main method is to use ropes or reach up to pull people up one by one.

More than 30 people want to climb the wall one by one, which is not something that can be done in a short time.

Huang Sheng and his men had no choice but to jump off the wall and search the courtyard carefully.

"Do we think we made the right bet?"

Liao Xiaolou's tone was a little excited at this time.

It can be seen that the fog in the courtyard is very thin, which only affects the vision in the distance, but has not continued to increase.

As the fog becomes thinner, the tingling sensation on people's bodies is also rapidly reduced.

The only pity is that the glow of the skin continues, and because there is no cover of fog, it seems to become more and more conspicuous.

This courtyard looks very ordinary, but it is full of weirdness everywhere.

First of all, there are no flowers, plants and trees here. Some of the ones that can be seen occasionally on the roadside are mostly withered and deformed.

Secondly, there is no furniture or debris piled up in the courtyard, only lifeless soil and roads paved with gravel particles.

The doors and windows are dilapidated, and most of them have been corroded and covered with dust.

Looking into the house, only some old tables, chairs and cabinets can be seen, and most of the things on them have disappeared.

But from time to time, you can find an incense altar that is much newer than the furniture, or a pile of cigarette ash in the house.

And occasionally you can find one or two pieces of yellow paper in the cracks in the corners of the wall, or under the tables and chairs!

It feels like someone comes here regularly to burn incense and offer sacrifices.

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