The night was about 11:30 at night.

Two attendants suddenly came to the No. 15 carriage, and their unusual appearance made everyone a little agitated.

Everyone had rested for a whole day today. Although the ordinary passengers in the 15th carriage did not know the news about the ground crack monster, they also knew that if there was another accident, it would probably be tonight.

Yu Xiao'e looked at Huang Sheng, who was lying on the seat opposite and still sleeping soundly, with entanglement, not knowing whether to wake him up.

A large square box appeared out of thin air in the hands of a attendant, and then he put it heavily on the ground.

Another attendant had a blue plastic bucket in his hand. Judging from the appearance of the bucket, it was most likely filled with some kind of liquid.

Then there was a long bundle of messy cables, light bulbs, sockets and other things.

After the pile of items were thrown on the ground, the two attendants said nothing and walked directly through the fifteenth carriage to the back.

Judging from the direction, it seemed that they were going to find the people in the carriage behind.

As the attendants disappeared, everyone in the carriage started to talk, and at the same time, they came over to look at the three things on the ground.

These things were obviously left for them. Cai Ye and others guessed that they would definitely be used to deal with the ground monster later.

"There is oil in it. This seems to be diesel. There are about ten liters."

Yin Zhiqin unscrewed the plastic barrel and quickly recognized the liquid in it.

The lid of the box on the square object was removed, and someone recognized that it was actually a hand-started diesel generator!

This generator weighs nearly 400 kilograms, and it is completely a huge iron lump!

And without wheels, it can only be moved by manpower. Although it can generate electricity, it is extremely heavy!

"These are cables, wires and the like, there are quite a few light bulbs, as well as switch brakes, wire guides, etc."

"It seems that the situation is very clear. We will probably leave the train soon!"

Liao Xiaolou said solemnly: "According to the things given by the attendant, we should go to a certain place to hold on after leaving the train, and then rely on the generator to provide lighting at night."

Yin Zhiqin said: "These ropes are very long. The place we are going to at that time is probably more complicated, or there are more rooms. You see, there are more than a dozen light bulbs!"

At this time, there is no need to conceal the news of the ground monster. As several people spoke up, the whole car soon knew the news of the monster tonight.

"What should we do now? What preparations should we make in advance?" Caihua asked.

"Let's wake up Brother Huang first and see what he says."

Yin Zhiqin said to Xiao'e, and then tried to lift the generator. Wow, this thing was lifted with two hands, but he almost sprained his waist!

"Damn, this thing needs three or four people to lift it together, otherwise we can't even walk."

Stretching his old waist, Yin Zhiqin complained, isn't this making it more difficult for them?

Fortunately, there are still many people left, otherwise there really wouldn't be enough people to lift this thing!

How nice it would be to fight those ground crack monsters directly on the train, but why did they have to toss it.

Huang Sheng was woken up at this moment, and the first thing he did was to press his waist.

Well, it's okay, the energy is almost restored, but I don't know if it's enough for a whole night.

Fortunately, I didn't have a wild exchange with Yu Xiaoe last night, otherwise my mental and physical strength would definitely not be enough at this moment.

Time passed little by little, getting closer and closer to midnight.

At the same time, the train seemed to be on a bumpy route.

Not to mention the constant clattering noises on the rails, the car body began to tremble up and down from time to time.

At the same time, a cold wind continued to flow into the gaps between the windows and the joints of the car body, and the temperature in the car was slowly decreasing.

The candidates for lifting the generator have been selected, three eyebrowless men, the big man with scissors and a companion, plus Wang He.

Six people took turns to lift the generator, which should ensure the transportation of this thing.

Although more than ten liters of diesel are not heavy, they cannot withstand bumps, so several people are also responsible for carrying them carefully.

The wires were also assigned to people, and half of the more than ten fragile light bulbs were directly put into the space storage box by the middle-aged man in black to prevent accidents.

In addition, the cable was picked out separately. Although it is not known what the rope is used for, it is definitely right to pick it out in advance.

Everyone carried their own luggage and traveled light. Some unnecessary materials were arranged by Huang Sheng.

The discussion was left inside the car to avoid affecting the action.

The crowd did not plan to disperse and get off the car, but gathered in front and behind the connection with the fourteenth car.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the floor under their feet was getting more and more bumpy, and everyone's heart was tight.

Huang Sheng stretched out his hand to hold the wall of the car. Since getting on the car until now, since every accident happened at night, everyone had to frequently use various lighting equipment.

Although everyone was also trying their best to save electricity, many people really couldn't provide any decent lighting at this time.

Tonight, the lighting was critical. Before the diesel generator ran steadily, he was worried that everyone would suffer from insufficient light.

Fortunately, he has always been aware of this.

Not only did he reserve more but also used less, but now one of his two high-intensity flashlights was still fully charged. If the high-intensity light was canceled and used at normal power, it could last for a long time.

The portable emergency light using batteries also had most of the power left.

"Hurry up and become an evolver, so that my storage space will become larger."

Thinking silently in his heart, for him, supplies and replenishment are always the most important.

So now the space of only the size of a suitcase is obviously not enough, and it can't support his dream at all.

If there is not enough space, let alone other things, electricity will definitely be useless.

Earth civilization has not yet developed the technology of real high-energy batteries.

So if you want to keep power in the wild, you must reserve enough space in advance to prepare various batteries and various power generation equipment.

"The train slowed down!"

I don't know who said it, and while everyone was staring at the door, suddenly there was a bang from a window in a nearby carriage!

Then there was a second bang from another window!

Then there was a continuous bang from the entire train, and it sounded in every carriage, including the left and right sides!

At this moment, with a bang and a sharp sound of glass being rubbed by some hard object, Huang Sheng saw something lying on the window in front of him in the light.

This thing was all black, but its open mouth revealed long and sharp fangs!

At the same time, its webbed claws slapped against the car window, and its huge head kept twitching and moving left and right as if it smelled food, as if it was looking for the source of the smell!

Because the glass reflected light very clearly, although there were bright lights everywhere in the car, only some of the monster's features could be seen for a while, and more of the picture was covered by the reflected picture inside the car.

"This thing doesn't seem to have eyes, good news, hahaha!"

A woman's voice trembled, but she seemed to get excited as she spoke, and even couldn't help laughing a few times.

Huang Sheng subconsciously looked over.

Damn, isn't this the door-opening sister who was disfigured by the candlelight when the dead ghost was chasing them?

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