The train was still slowing down, and the noises around it became more and more intense as it was about to stop completely!

At this moment, I don’t know how many ground monsters have surrounded the train. It has undoubtedly become a huge problem for them to get off the train safely!

“In this case, can we just stay in the car and not get off?”

Someone asked in a low voice.

Isn’t it obvious? The car is familiar and safe. As long as the lights are turned off and the front and rear doors of the car are guarded, this animal that should be phototactic should not pose a big threat to them.

But Huang Sheng and others don’t think so.

The attendant has made it clear that everyone should get off the bus, so don't stay on the bus. Otherwise, you will have to bear the consequences at your own risk.

The bus body shook violently and stopped completely.

At the same time, a attendant rushed over and opened the left and right doors between the fourteenth and fifteenth cars one after another.

A cold wind rushed in, making everyone shiver!

"Turn off the lights, don't turn on the lights. These guys can't see without lights, and it's not easy for them to find us!"

Huang Sheng reminded in a low voice, and everyone turned off the lights after hearing this.

The question now is where everyone should go. There are two doors on the left and right. Before, because of the reflection in the car, they couldn't see the surrounding terrain clearly, and they couldn't discuss it in advance.

Now there is no reflection, and without the lights, they can't see the surrounding terrain at all.

Therefore, a prop began to play its role.

This is the reward that was shared by everyone together with the climbing gloves and the snake-shaped sword, a shabby pair of reading glasses.

This pair of glasses was in the hands of Yin Zhiqin and several others. It was also useful when walking through the fog before, but it was not very useful. Its main function was to see things in the dark.

Yin Zhiqin had already taken out the glasses. After taking a look at the doors on both sides, he shook his head and said to everyone: "There is no difference between the two sides. They are both extremely steep mountains. There is no difference at all."

The cold wind blew for only a short while, and the people were already cold all over. Some of those who were not wearing much clothes had their teeth trembling.

Time was not to be wasted. Huang Sheng listened carefully and found that the other survivors in front seemed to have gotten off the car, and they chose the right side of the car. So they also chose this direction!

Everyone got off the car one after another, and the generator was also lifted down with difficulty.

At this moment, the sound of approaching quickly suddenly sounded on both sides at the same time, and black shadows ran or jumped towards them from the ground and the windows!

Everyone's heart sank. Although the ground monster had no vision and could not see them, it had not completely lost its hearing.

The movement on their side could not be silent at all.

Huang Sheng's shield, which had been set up long ago, suddenly blocked fiercely. There was only a thud, and a heavy object knocked him off balance, and he himself fell to the side!

But the opponent jumped up again immediately and rushed towards the nearest person fiercely!

However, Huang Sheng had already raised his gun and stabbed. Although everyone did not turn on the lights at this time, the lights in the carriage were bright enough to illuminate the area under his feet!

This monster did not know how to dodge, and was stabbed by the spear on the spot!

A bunch of warm, sticky, and smelly blood bloomed, and a few drops hit Huang Sheng.

It was really smelly, he frowned and tried to pull out the gun, but his heart moved immediately.

This thing was obviously pierced, but its vitality seemed to be extremely tenacious!

Not only was the opponent not dead, but the weapon that was stabbed into the opponent's body was clamped by his bones and muscles, and it could not be pulled out for a while. It was simply outrageous!

So this ground monster carried a weapon in its body, and it pounced on a person in front of it while it seemed to be seriously injured.

The sharp fangs flashed in the light, and it bit into the other person's flesh with a "puff" sound!

Amidst the loud screams, the bitten person fought back frantically. In a blink of an eye, the ground monster didn't know how many times it was stabbed by the dagger, and blood was everywhere!

However, it still didn't die, and it still bit the other person tightly!

Although the strength of the struggle had gradually relaxed, the person being attacked couldn't get rid of it from his body, and the wounds that were still bitten by the teeth made him scream in pain!

Liao Xiaolou waved the dagger and directly cut off the teeth in the monster's mouth, and the other person's body fell heavily to the ground.

"This ground monster...


Huang Sheng frowned and walked over, stepped on the other's body and pulled out the spear.

"Two black bills were lost. "Liao Xiaolou bent down and picked up a ball of light, and said to Huang Sheng who was already fighting with another ground crack monster.

In a short period of time, everyone was besieged by at least seven or eight ground crack monsters. Now four or five of them have contacted them, and the rest are coming soon. It is unknown how many are farther away.

Huang Sheng changed from stabbing to slashing, and the tip of the sword-shaped gun slashed at the ground crack monster, instantly chopping it to the ground.

The opponent's bones and flesh had no time to control the weapon that was moving at the touch, and naturally could not make Huang Sheng unable to draw the gun like before.

But even so, he felt a sense of sluggishness transmitted back from the front of the weapon after the chop. This thing is really weird.

Cai Ye and Yin Zhiqin are now like fish in water. Their weapons are very suitable for the current battle.

Naturally, the boxing gloves are not to be mentioned. Although Cai Ye is just a girl, she can knock a ground crack monster to the ground with a few punches. The monster flew out.

Although she was limited by her strength and could not cause much substantial damage, she was able to continuously separate this difficult monster from everyone.

Yin Zhiqin's shock hammer plus his night vision made him extremely effective in killing ground monsters, even surpassing Huang Sheng.

One hammer could shake the body of the ground monster violently, and then a few more hammers came down, shaking a monster to death on the spot!

However, the scale of nearly 30 people made the target too big for everyone, and in a blink of an eye, two people were bitten one after another without defense.

The ground monster has a strong attack ability and jumps on people from a few meters away.

This is different from a target rushing straight at you, especially under limited lighting conditions, it is very difficult to defend.

Seeing their companions being hit repeatedly, everyone was also in a panic.

"Turn on the lights, let's leave here first. "

Since the sound can also attract the other party, it doesn't matter whether the lights are turned on or not. If they don't turn on the lights, they will become blind.

While Huang Sheng was speaking, he handed the emergency light to Yu Xiaoe and asked her to illuminate the crowd, while he wore climbing gloves.

Under the illumination of the light, the terrain here showed steep and rugged characteristics. Within the distance of the light, the mountain body could not be seen at a glance. This railway track actually went directly through the deep mountains!

How easy is it to move forward under such conditions?

If you don't use climbing gloves, find a suitable one for everyone in advance. If they were to walk the route, they would not be able to walk a few hundred meters in an hour!

After Huang Sheng put on his climbing gloves, the middle-aged man in black who had not made any move suddenly grabbed a piece of talisman paper with both hands.

The talisman paper ignited without wind, and then he pointed his finger and flew directly to Huang Sheng's back and stuck to it.

Suddenly, Huang Sheng felt his weight decreasing rapidly, and his legs and arms seemed to be filled with infinite power!

His figure rushed forward suddenly, and with the help of the climbing gloves, the whole person was like flying over the eaves and walls, extremely agile.

"This talisman paper is cool!"

Huang Sheng laughed. Not long ago, the middle-aged man in black gave him and the two women a total of three talisman papers. This is a defensive prop, which is said to be used in critical moments.

He didn't know how the defensive talisman paper was, but now he saw another method of the other party, and it didn't disappoint him!

He held the flashlight in his mouth, climbed around on the rocks and observed the surroundings. Soon he found a barely passable road.

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