The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next few minutes.

Under his investigation, everyone immediately moved forward.

The six people who were originally scheduled to carry the generator took turns, but this terrain brought a greater test to everyone.

In the end, two more people joined in, six people carried the generator, and two people took turns to rest.

Yin Zhiqin was responsible for commanding in the center, and the middle-aged man in black, Liao Xiaolou, Caihua Caiye and others were scattered at the edge of the team to fight.

Due to the lack of combat manpower, the strong man with scissors also joined in, and the one who carried the generator was replaced by a companion.

"It's too cold, giggle..."

It's unknown what the climate is in this place. The cold wind brought great trouble to everyone. The farther away from the train, the stronger the wind was, blowing people all over the place, and the most important thing was that everyone's heat was losing rapidly!

"Brother Huang, we must find a place to stay in the leeward area first. Many people can't walk anymore!"

When Huang Sheng came back from exploring again, he shot a ground monster with his gun and let it fly away, screaming in the wind and falling to the bottom of the valley dozens of meters away, Yu Xiao'e shouted hurriedly.

Huang Sheng also felt a sharp loss of body temperature. He was about to say something when he suddenly heard everyone screaming!

Just under the feet of the crowd, a crack suddenly appeared in the rocky ground!

Some people fell down on the spot unexpectedly, but fortunately they reacted in time and clung to the edge tightly, but their faces changed immediately, and they screamed and struggled!

The crack split the crowd into two on the spot, and four people fell into the crack. One of them did not react in time and fell directly into the crack of unknown depth. His body was like a broken sack, banging and banging in the crack of unknown depth.

Only one of the remaining three people climbed out in time, and the other two were attacked and dragged by the monsters that emerged from below. Even though they were held tightly by others' arms, they could not get up for a while!

Under the hurried lighting, more than a dozen ground crack monsters suddenly emerged, and the center bloomed. In a blink of an eye, everyone was in a bitter battle!

Huang Sheng was slightly stunned and couldn't help but take a breath.

Ground crack monster, ground crack monster, it turns out that the word ground crack should be here, he said why the name of this monster is like this!

The generator fell heavily on the ground. Due to the steep slope here, its heavy body was slowly sliding down!

A monster was knocked away and hit the motor, and its sliding speed suddenly accelerated!

If there were no two eyebrowless people who were fighting to be attacked and dragged the pull rod of the generator, the generator would probably have rolled down the hillside at this time!

The situation deteriorated to such a point in a blink of an eye, and everyone was shocked and angry!

A wave of worry surged in Huang Sheng's heart.

He took off a pair of gloves, and at this moment he finally felt the great inconvenience of climbing gloves. The long arm sleeves designed to be worn on the shoulders for safe climbing undoubtedly caused him a lot of trouble in putting on and taking off.

More ground crevice monsters emerged in this crack, and the total number reached more than 20 and nearly 30 in a blink of an eye.

Huang Sheng put on the iron fist force gloves, clenched his fists, and a huge force grew spontaneously. With the blessing of the talisman paper, he felt that there seemed to be a prehistoric monster lurking in his chest with a spear in his hand.

The middle-aged man in black used two defensive talismans in succession.

A yellow paper-like light and shadow appeared out of thin air in the night sky. They were like two enlarged door panels, one in front and one behind to protect everyone.

When the monster rushed over, its body seemed to hit a real object!

Although the two talismans could not protect everyone in four directions, the protection in two directions also made the situation a little better.

Yin Zhiqin and his men temporarily freed their hands and rushed desperately towards the generator that was still sliding down. A group of people tried their best to stop it from sliding down.

Huang Shengze stretched out his spear and rushed forward fiercely. The shadow of the spear was like an arrow at this moment, stabbing left and right, front and back!

He was very angry and his spear was very powerful. Even though the tip of the spear pierced the ground monster as at the beginning, he used brute force to pull back the weapon fiercely!

If he couldn't pull it back, he would pick up the monster with his spear, lift it up and smash it fiercely on the ground!

The monster's muscles and bones loosened as it screamed, and the weapon was naturally retracted in its hand.

At this time, because Yin Zhiqin and his fighters went down urgently to rescue the generator, Yu Xiao'e and Ling Tianlingzhen, who had no close combat ability, were suddenly exposed to seven or eight newly emerged ground monsters. She raised her pistol with a pale face.

Huang Sheng saw this scene and directly took out

He took out a fighting card and threw it over, using the dart card that was engraved on Liao Xiaolou!

A beam of light and shadow appeared quickly, and at the moment it took shape, four or five darts flew towards the monster group like a string of beads!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh——

Darts flew one after another, like a line under the light, and in a blink of an eye, more than ten darts flew out of his hand, and the first dart also fell back into the hands of the light and shadow!

The actual combat effect presented by this card was obviously very different from Liao Xiaolou's actual ability!

You should know that Liao Xiaolou only had three darts in his hand, and they needed to be recovered after being fired before they could be fired again.

But the light and shadow, who was unethical, actually shook his hand and threw more than ten darts, and now he started to recover the first dart!

And seeing his skillful recovery action that was like a demon, all these darts were successfully recovered, and then they were shot out again like a string of arrows, no, it was like a machine gun!

The few monsters that just appeared were really unlucky.

In the splashing blood mist, dense knife lights stabbed and stabbed them randomly, and they couldn't help but screamed in pain!

In just four or five seconds, this group of monsters died or escaped, and they were scattered in a few blinks!

And then, it was time for this light and shadow to clear the remaining monsters around.

Darts flew everywhere, not only fast and accurate, not only many but also recyclable!

When the light and shadow gradually disappeared, all the surrounding ground monsters had fallen to the ground without exception, either dead or injured!

Huang Sheng was confused.

Liao Xiaolou was confused.

Everyone was confused.

Including Yin Zhiqin and others who were desperately pulling the generator to temporarily control its falling trend, they also looked back here, confused!

Huang Sheng felt that he was like a clown for deliberately changing the climbing gloves just now... So why is the combat power of this card so abnormal? If you had told me earlier, I would have made more!

Liao Xiaolou rushed over with a brisk step. He was usually calm, but now he held Huang Sheng's hands excitedly and shook them.

His eyes were as sharp as a substance, and the words "want to trade" were written all over them.

Huang Sheng also held his hand excitedly.

Damn, this card market, they are simply invincible if they work together!

When he made this fighting card before, he was looking forward to its effect. He had a hunch that it might be like a machine gun, but he didn't expect it to come true.

This crisis came and went quickly.

But in a short period of time, more than a dozen people were injured to varying degrees, and the team's combat effectiveness was greatly weakened.

Now we must find a sheltered place as soon as possible to repair, and it would be best if we can directly fix it as a place to hold on.

Putting on the climbing gloves again, Huang Sheng was eager.

While he was eager to find a sheltered place, he recalled the violent output scene of the dart card just now.

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