The train was like an oversized light bulb in the dark.

Well, in the past, when we encountered danger, we would turn off the power without saying anything, and then turn off the power.

Today, it was unusual, the lights were turned on very brightly, as if they were waiting for the monsters to come up and ravage us.

The problem is that these passengers have already got off the train and left. Now there may be no one in the car except a few fools who don't believe in evil. The overwhelming ground monsters are attracted by the lights, and the train will definitely be destroyed. This is meaningless.

If there is no secret or explanation, this operation is simply stupid.

Look, now the ground monsters have crawled all over the train, and they are rushing into the train from all the doors. The people trapped inside are certainly dead, and when they get back on the train, they don't know what will happen inside.

At this time, the lights on the train began to go out gradually.

This is not the power outage on the train, but the lights were obviously beaten out by the monsters.

Soon, the whole train was completely plunged into darkness, and even the lights protected by the guardrails at the front and rear of the train were destroyed, and no light could be seen.

As the roar of the diesel engine sounded, the bright lights behind me lit up.

The whole cave was violently filled with lights.

The average height of the cave is less than two meters, and the internal area reaches 200 to 300 square meters. It is a rare refuge.

It's a pity that the cave is not completely solid. There are cracks and gaps of various sizes in many places on the mountain. Even in the deepest part of the cave, you can feel the cold wind blowing from multiple places.

At this time, three light bulbs were lit at once. The light bulbs were hung and fixed on the top of the rock and above everyone's head, and the interior of the cave was illuminated.

"Ah, this light bulb is so hot, it's warm standing in front of it."

"Brother, make room, my 18-centimeter bird has been frozen into a quail egg!"

"According to my experience as a housewife who has been working without a license for many years, these light bulbs should be heating normally now, don't worry about them exploding, everyone come and warm up by the fire!"

After the light bulbs were lit, they immediately brought abundant heat to the surroundings, which was definitely a surprise to everyone. Everyone, including Huang Sheng, hurried over to warm up by the fire.

The power of the cold wind in the mountains was really too great. After leaving the car for such a short time, many people were frozen into grandchildren. They were unwilling to leave in front of the light bulbs.

"Brother Huang, so are we going to stay here tonight?"

Cai Ye asked, but there were more than a dozen light bulbs given, isn't it a waste to use them in one cave? Or is there any other explanation?

Huang Sheng shook his head: "This place is still too close to the train. There are at least hundreds or even more ground monsters on the train. It is really dangerous to turn on the lights here."

"I don't think this place is what we are looking for, otherwise the number and purpose of the light bulbs and connectors given by the attendant will not match."

"Everyone walk around first, familiarize yourself with the terrain of this area, and spread out to be on guard to prevent the ground monsters from killing the generator."

"The generator and light bulbs are important factors for us to hold on today. We must protect them."

Everyone nodded, and some people either walked out of the cave or checked the large and small edge gaps in the cave.

"Old Liao, hurry up, I'll make three cards, I'll give you one of the two, hurry up!"

Huang Sheng said to Liao Xiaolou, there is still plenty of space in the cave, and some rock walls are relatively soft, so it is easy for darts to penetrate, and Liao Xiaolou has the conditions to display his skills.

Liao Xiaolou naturally agreed without saying anything. Because the fighting card based on his own template was so powerful, he was crazy about getting one.

Now he could get what he wanted without paying any money by working for Lao Huang. Why not?

Huang Sheng sat on the ground and began to draw cards, while Liao Xiaolou found a suitable shooting position.

After learning that the violent light and shadow man who had just turned the tide was a card made by Huang Sheng, the passengers who were just watching were also in awe for a moment. They looked at Huang Sheng as if they were looking at a creature of a higher dimension.

They were both silver, but how could he be so damn powerful? He could fight and resist, and he could also make such an outrageous card. Compared to them, they were just NPCs.

Even the middle-aged man in black was watching curiously from the side.

Although he seemed to have a lot of different kinds of talismans in his hand, and the quantity was not lacking, it was different from Huang Sheng.

The violent dart machine gun is really no match.

"Young man, since your profession can record others into the card, if the other party also uses some card-like abilities, can they also be recorded together?"

The middle-aged man in black asked on the side.

Huang Sheng couldn't help but stop writing, this question is a good question.

For example, he is now using the middle-aged man in black to record the battle card. If the middle-aged man also uses a talisman at this time, such as a defense talisman, can this content also be recorded together?

Huang Sheng turned his head and looked at him: "Why don't we try it tomorrow?"

It's definitely not possible today. He has already reached the limit of his energy expenditure to make three fighting cards next. Once the idea of ​​the middle-aged man in black is not established, then he will lose a talisman and waste his energy. He dare not take this risk.

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded. At this time, Huang Sheng signaled Liao Xiaolou that he could start. In an instant, three darts flew out one by one, and pierced the rock with a puff.

After the three cards were made, the middle-aged man in black and Yin Zhiqin and other people who were on guard and exploring outside happened to rush in from outside, followed by more than ten ground crack monsters.

In fact, it was not peaceful during this period, and everyone was attacked from time to time.

Sometimes one, two, three or four suddenly appeared, and sometimes more than ten rushed in from the cave entrance!

This area is densely distributed with a large number of ground crack monsters. Not only is the night their natural home, but their traces may appear everywhere in the rocks and underground!

Fortunately, everyone was alert, so they have been able to deal with it effectively.

At this time, as these more than ten ground crack monsters fiercely pounced into the illuminated area, they fought with the people who came forward.

Only a click was heard from the back of the cave!

A piece of slate about three or four square meters fell down suddenly, and the edge of the fall was less than three meters away from the generator!

Before the slate completely fell, more than a dozen ground crack monsters swarmed out from below, pushing the ground with their thick hind legs, and the rustling sound of ejection echoed throughout the cave!

Yu Xiao'e and other people hiding in the back tried to defend themselves in a panic, and several of them were knocked down in a blink of an eye. Blood fell to the ground, and everyone was once again caught in a melee!

Huang Sheng rushed to the generator, and slashed a ground crack monster with a few slashes of his spear, cutting its skin and flesh on the spot, and it fell to the ground twitching with blood.

"Is this rock solid? Has anyone checked it just now?"

He asked loudly, and one of the strong man's companions quickly replied: "Brother Huang, don't worry, we tied a rope to check it at the beginning. Unlike the collapsed rock, the rock under our rock must be solid. There is no need to worry about collapse, so we chose to move the generator here!"

Huang Sheng nodded and said to everyone: "You protect the generator and hold on for a while. I will go out and continue to find a way!"

Before leaving, he dealt with a few monsters. Here, everyone has lights, heat sources, and terrain to rely on for defense. They don't have to be besieged from all sides, so although there seem to be many monsters in the cracks, it is actually not too dangerous.

Just now, everyone was caught in the front and back attacks of the monsters in an instant. At this time, as the fighters continued to rescue, the situation gradually stabilized.

The middle-aged man in black put a talisman paper on Huang Sheng's back again, and put one on himself. The two strongest fighters planned to disperse and explore the terrain nearby.

When leaving the cave, Huang Sheng asked the middle-aged man: "Senior, do you think there are still people in the train? I mean the crew members, or other crew members."

The middle-aged man analyzed: "Based on the experience of last night, they should not be on the train."

"In my opinion, the train stopping at this place is likely to kill three birds with one stone."

"One is to test us, this is obvious."

"The second is to attract a large number of ground monsters around, at least temporarily to the side of the train, which is why the lights in the carriage have not been turned off."

"The third one, these people must have their own things to do after getting off the train. The monsters attracted by the train can facilitate their journey. It is impossible to know what they are doing specifically."

Huang Sheng was thoughtful. After the two separated, he kept vigilant and observed around while analyzing the movements of these crew members.

Yes, as he said before, if there is no special explanation and reason, it is absolutely abnormal to let the train be submerged by countless monsters like a big light bulb.

So what did these crew members do?

They also got off the bus near Wumen Courtyard yesterday. What were they doing?

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