The train attendants also have emotions, and Huang Sheng felt that they were just here to make some dirty money.

While thinking about it, he suddenly heard a lot of rustling noises not far ahead, and his heart skipped a beat.

He quickly crouched down, turned off the flashlight, and looked in the direction of the sound.

Because it was too dark at night, Huang Sheng couldn't see clearly what was there, but he could feel that at least a hundred ground monsters were passing by. The direction of this group of monsters was very strange, neither towards the train nor towards the cave where he and others were hiding.

Suddenly, he saw a flash of light in front of him, and a beam of strong flashlight actually hit the group of monsters directly.

This seemed to be a patrolman from another team. After the other party's light shone on at least hundreds of ground crack monsters, they immediately screamed in shock, flashed their flashlights, turned around and fled in a hurry.

Then he saw that a thin beam of light also lit up in the group of monsters.

This silver-white beam of light hit the fleeing patrolman with a whizzing sound. With a shrill scream, the man's whole body was burning with silver-white fire, and the flames soared up to three or four meters high!

This man struggled frantically in the flames.

Slowly, his whole body rolled to the ground like broken sand, lime and soil, and in the light of the fire, it turned into a small pile of material wrapped in silver-white flames on the ground!

This group of ground crack monsters ignored others, even ignored the voices and sporadic lights coming from nearby, and continued to move forward along the previous route.

"This group of monsters is heading for the crew!"

Huang Sheng immediately came to this conclusion with at least 90% certainty.

At the same time, he was worried that such a powerful high-level monster had appeared in the ground monster.

If this thing targeted him, he didn't know whether the defensive talisman paper and his shield could defend against it. Once he was hit by this beam of light, he was afraid that he would only die miserably.

He turned around and continued to move quickly. After a while, he finally found a pit.

He turned on the light and shone it inside. He saw that the inside of the pit was connected to a corridor, forming a winding cave. He walked through it carefully and found that the corridor seemed to have no end, and cave halls of varying sizes appeared from time to time.

He squatted down and carefully examined the rocks in these caves, and found densely gnawing and chiseling traces with various tools.

"This seems to be a mine? This place is different from the caves with wind everywhere. The surrounding structure is a very stable mountain."

"That's right, the attendant hinted that the place we are heading to should be here!"

"No wonder they gave us so many long ropes and wires, and so many light bulbs, aren't they used in places like this where there are many corridors and cave halls connected to each other?"

Huang Sheng's mind moved, and he didn't rush to explore further. Instead, he wrote down the location and quickly went to the cave to meet up with everyone.

Everyone immediately began to pack up, lifted the generator, and quickly moved forward along the road designated by Huang Sheng.

Just as everyone was walking on the mountain road with difficulty, the middle-aged man in black came back from exploring in another direction.

He said to Huang Sheng with a serious face: "I just saw the group of maggot-transformed humans. They are on the other side of this mountain. They are attacking a place that is suspected to be the nest of the ground monster!"

Huang Sheng was a little surprised: "Are you talking about the people at the end of the car? How many of them are left?"

This is not right. Why did the middle-aged man in black use the adjective "group"? Weren't the last few cars besieged by more than 20 maggots last night?

He didn't doubt that some of the transformed humans with transplanted maggot organs could survive, but it was too outrageous for a group to survive, right?

"It's really a group, about six or seven people."

The middle-aged man in black said solemnly: "They have been transformed to a high degree, and some of them have even turned half of their bodies into maggots. They have human heads, but the chest and abdomen are the structure of insects. It's chilling to look at them."

"These people are tenacious, their methods are weird, and they are extremely cruel. After killing some young ground monsters, some even eat their flesh and blood."

"I saw a large group of ground monsters rushing back to reinforce, but there are also some other groups of monsters running to who knows where. They gathered in large numbers and ignored these rampant enemies."

"Now this area is in chaos. The dangers encountered by normal passengers like us are relatively small. As long as we can find a suitable place to hold on, the danger should not be great."

"The biggest trouble may be when we return to the train, when the crew members and the modified people will also have to return to the train, and we don't know what we will face."

Huang Sheng looked at the dark night sky. In other words, these crew members and the modified people are actually in a cooperative relationship?

No, it should not be said to be cooperation, but the crew members are driving these modified people. After all, the identities and strengths of both sides are very different.

You have to know that the huge generator was just taken out by an ordinary crew member. How big is the capacity of his space storage box?

Before, the 8841 crew member also took out a dozen boxes of water and canned food.

Comparing the two, Huang Sheng's space storage box is only as big as a small suitcase. Because of the lack of height, even a box cannot be put in!

According to Cai Ye and the others, what level of evolvers should these crew members be?

Obviously, the crew members helped the group of modified people last night, otherwise the group of people would not be killed by the maggots, and at most only one or two of them would survive.

"We can't worry about that. Let's go into the mine first!"

Huang Sheng knew that no matter what secrets the crew and the transformed people had, they just had to do their job well. They couldn't get involved in the other party's affairs.

Similarly, no matter how dangerous it was, the danger they should encounter was limited. I believe the crew knew it.

The rope was hung on the generator, and a group of people were pulling it up. Huang Sheng lifted it up by himself.

The heavy machine was shaking and rising. After passing through several such steep slopes, it was finally sent to the entrance of the mine.

Walking through the tortuous corridor, the mine was complex in space. After going deep into it, even the cold wind that poured in became much smaller.

Everyone installed the generator in the largest mine hall. As the bright lights were lit again, the heat from the bulbs was transmitted to the air, and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The long wires were spread out bit by bit, and several nearby mine halls were also lit up.

The halls on the periphery acted like guards to protect the mine hall where the generator was placed. A total of 28 people were scattered in various mines.

In one of the small mine halls, this was also the place with the most traces of gnawing and axe chiseling.

In front of a rock wall, a large number of large and small stones were rolling down.

In the middle of the stones, a silver-white stone about the size of a quail egg was being picked up by a hand after being dusted off.

Holding this stone, Huang Sheng easily thought of the silver-white light that burned people into ashes.

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