The name of Bai Mengxue is as beautiful as a character in a novel. Ordinary people may not be able to match her. She is indeed a rich and beautiful girl. When the freshmen of this class entered the school, Bai Mengxue had just graduated from college and was still a senior in the school. Huang Sheng was about to be a senior, and she just happened to start working as a counselor. She had already adapted to the work and led them for a year in the third year of graduate school. According to Huang Sheng's speculation, after two years of transition as a counselor here, Bai Mengxue will leave the school and enter the city's education system. Working in a position with less work, close to home and a regular position is also a standard career path for rich and beautiful girls. This also led to a very good relationship between Bai Mengxue and her classmates. For troublesome matters like picking up poor students at the end of the semester and asking parents to come to school across cities or even provinces, she would solve them if she could, and if she couldn't solve them, she would try to consider the students and parents.

For example, problems like students fighting and long-term skipping classes might not be very serious for other counselors.

But here, Teacher Bai would either pretend not to know and get away with it, or if it was really serious, she would take the students to a luxurious restaurant for dinner, enjoy the food and communicate in a gentle voice, and the matter would often be solved very satisfactorily.

For example, Huang Sheng, an orphan without a father or a mother, was naturally the focus of Bai Mengxue's care. In his previous life's memory, he was very supportive and grateful to Teacher Bai.

Such a teacher Bai was worthy of Huang Sheng's protection.

By the way, Huang Sheng is 21 years old this year, and Teacher Bai seems to be three years older than him, but because he started studying early and skipped a grade, he is only 22 years old now.

"Teacher Bai, please stay in the office. I will come to see you later. Don't worry, there is no danger at the bishop's place now. Don't scare yourself."

Huang Sheng smiled and comforted.

Why did Teacher Bai go to the bishop by herself? She was afraid. It is normal for a girl in her early twenties to be scared.

Bai Mengxue sent a pitiful voice: "Is it true? Then hurry up! If something happens, your beautiful counselor will be gone. She will wither before she can bloom."

Putting away his phone, he approached the playground in front of him.

The track and field field will be illuminated by bright outdoor lights before turning off the lights at night, so the fog here is dispelled a lot, and the view is good.

There is a faint smell of blood floating on the playground. Under the light, he saw several corpses at a glance, as well as dead people holding lanterns.

It is obvious that a battle broke out here not long ago, and both sides suffered losses.

There are usually many people on the playground at this time, after all, according to normal time, it is not long after school in the afternoon.

There were hundreds of people walking on the street, running, exercising, looking at girls and handsome guys, and now almost all of them ran away.

At this time, only about a dozen people were left trembling and hiding under the rostrum.

The bright outdoor lights provided a certain sense of security to the crowd, which was mainly women.

Don't ask them why they didn't run away. It has been said that some people will collapse on the ground when they encounter danger. It is normal for hundreds of people to gather together a dozen or so dragons and phoenixes.

It can only be said that the ideological awareness of the students of the University of Finance and Economics needs to be strengthened. Why didn't anyone help take the phoenixes away?

At this time, he saw two people with lanterns appear at the small door on one side of the playground!

They rushed in directly, and after stiffly identifying left and right, they walked straight towards the crowd.

Violent screams of fear came from the crowd. It was obvious that the mentality of this group of people was about to collapse.

Among them, three or four of them tried their best, and their little universe exploded. Finally, they trembled against the wall and recovered some strength, and ran away.

But the remaining Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chick were completely helpless, and they couldn't even stand up with the help of the wall.

If the situation is allowed to develop, the playground should be renamed Luofengpo. If ten Phoenix Chicks die at once, Luo Guanzhong will have to shout 666.

As the saying goes, gossip is the essence of human beings. Huang Sheng stood outside and looked inside. It is said that human beings will burst out incredible power at the critical moment of life and death. Are you kidding?

"Help, help classmates!"

"We are all classmates, how can you watch someone die without helping!"

"There are so many girls among us, is it appropriate for you, a boy, to watch the excitement outside? Do you have any gentlemanly manners!"

Although a few Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chick were paralyzed by fear, their eyesight was still good. When they saw Huang Sheng, who was watching by the wire fence, they hurriedly shouted desperately.

Huang Sheng was caught off guard and suffered two moral kidnappings. Suddenly, he realized that it was no wonder that no one came to meddle in other people's business. You

There are some good ones.

But there are still some who speak nicely. The prettiest one is a girl in a short skirt who speaks very comfortably. She doesn't do those useless things and directly asks for compensation:

"I am Song Ting, a sophomore foreign language student. I know you, classmate! Whether you have a partner or not, I will be your girlfriend if you rescue me. Not only will I not spend your money, but I will also buy you a PS5 and a 4090 and play games with you! Help me!"

Huang Sheng's eyes lit up. It doesn't matter whether she has a girlfriend or not. How dare you covet my body? Isn't this pure hooliganism?

But 4090 brothers really need it, but it has to be directly discounted!

He is so poor that he only has 200 yuan left. If nothing happens today, he may have to live in a bridge hole for two days. It's better to give money!

She is sensible. This girl can be saved.

But he still shouted: "Sign up!"

It's not that I don't believe you, I'm just afraid that you treat me as a fool. Who knows if you are a liar at the critical moment of life and death? There are too many liars these days.

The girl in the short skirt couldn't help but get anxious: "Really! The BMW 3 Series that is often parked downstairs of the No. 4 dormitory is mine. I have money! I, Song Ting, am an honest person!"

Huang Sheng recalled that there was really such a car in his memory of the past and present lives. The feelings belong to you. Nice to meet you.

I vaguely remembered that I saw the owner getting on and off the car when I passed by the No. 4 building by chance. It seemed that it was really her.

Then I believe you once, brother is here.

He walked into the playground from another small door and killed the lantern man first.

The lantern man slowly approached the crowd, and Huang Sheng quickly approached the other party. The distance between the three parties was closing at different speeds.

"I wonder if these two can reveal something else."

Huang Sheng thought to himself, and when he was a few meters away from the other party, he was ready to speed up.

But at this moment, the two lantern-carrying men who were originally staring at the dozen or so targets in front of the rostrum turned their eyes and heads towards him!

At the same time, the lanterns also turned around and lifted up high, illuminating his face!

This was an accident that had never happened to all the lantern-carrying men Huang Sheng attacked before!

"No way, could it be that the strength of these monsters has increased again?"

There must be something wrong with things!

But without giving him a chance to react, the two raised lanterns actually released a stream of green gas at the same time, and the special stench came to his nose!

When Huang Sheng was about to retreat, he felt his body go limp, and he could not help but watch the other party approach quickly!

Damn, this special strange smell can also paralyze people's strength? If you have this ability, why don't you call it out earlier? It's simply unethical.

At this time, the other party changed the speed of slowly wandering towards the two women, and sped up his pace, approaching him at a speed almost like an ordinary person running!

There was no time to react, and Huang Sheng shook his hand and drew another fighting card.

Fortunately, he immediately found the rooftop and hid there, giving himself enough time to make a card.

Otherwise, he might have been defeated now!

A light and shadow appeared, and it rushed towards the two lantern-carrying men. The military boxing mixed with his own fighting skills instantly stopped the two monsters.

Huang Sheng took a breath and retreated quickly. Seeing that the light and shadow completely dragged one of them, he went around to the other one with a cold face. The monster saw that he took the initiative to approach and immediately rushed towards him quickly, cooperating very well.

Huang Sheng was fully focused. After his body initially adapted to the strange smell of the gas that made him lose some of his strength, he suddenly raised his gun and stabbed!

An inch longer, an inch stronger!

Although the spear in his hand was only 1.5 meters long, the advantages of flexibility and length were fully utilized at this time. After a feint, he undoubtedly stabbed the opponent's heart!

The tip of the sword-shaped spear stirred, Huang Sheng did not give the opponent a chance to breathe, took two steps forward and twisted his wrist, then raised the spear and shot again!

The lantern ghost died, and a ball of light appeared beside him, which was a sign of the opponent's death.

The second lantern man also died under the violent beating of the fighting card light and shadow. The crisis was temporarily resolved, and the opponent did not disappoint the expectation and exploded a reward other than black money.

This is a ring that feels cold and seems to emit wisps of cold air all the time.

The ring is just a simple workmanship ring, without any decoration, and it doesn't look good, but its effect description has made Huang Sheng happy.

"Sober Ring, Effect: When worn, it will continue to stimulate the human body, so that the wearer will always stay awake when encountering many special situations."

This is a kind of equipment that should be of great use if he falls into some bad situations such as bewitching, mental control, hypnosis, and incense.

These despicable means can easily make people fall for them. In novels and TV shows, countless heroes have been defeated in such situations.

It can be seen that this sober

It's okay if the ring is not used, but once it is used, it is like saving a life.

Wear it on your hand first, um, on the middle finger of your left hand!

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