Huang Sheng came to a group of people.

These people were so scared just now that they almost stood up. Now that the danger was over, they collapsed again.

Song Ting, a beautiful school girl in a short skirt, was still emotionally stable. At least she was still standing when others were collapsed. She just held the wall but couldn't get up any strength.

This school girl was wearing transparent black silk and a black pleated skirt, and a thin white shirt on her upper body. The bunny paper on her chest trembled with the owner's body, showing that she was not calm.

At this time, the school girl survived the disaster, and after holding her breath for a while, she magically recovered a little strength, and walked slowly towards Huang Sheng with fear.

"Junior, do you really know me?"

Huang Sheng held the other person, Song Ting's first sentence before was that she knew him.

After repeatedly measuring and distinguishing with his naked eyes, Huang Sheng regretted that there was no junior of such size and appearance in his circle of friends.

Are you fooling me and saying that you are an honest person?

Song Ting's face was still covered with tears from anxiety and fear, and she explained: "Last year, senior, you failed English, and the paid tutoring before the make-up exam was a large class with our class. Senior, have you forgotten?"

Huang Sheng's smile froze. Failed the exam, who the hell failed the exam? !

Pure slander!

Okay, okay, you have a good memory, right? Then I will directly discount the PS5 and 4090 I owe you!

It's not difficult for you, just follow the configuration of the beggar version, a total of 15,000 yuan, no arrears.

He rubbed his index finger and thumb to hint.

Seeing that he was going to collect the reward, Song Ting bit her lower lip, wanting to say something but stopping herself.

Just when Huang Sheng's face turned dark and he suspected that he was going to cheat, Song Ting looked up and closed her eyes with a resigned look, and said shyly: "Husband, how about you take me away first? My phone is in the dormitory!"

Huang Sheng was numb. No, are you serious?

Are you guys in the second year so unrestrained in dating? You don't even need to say "Hey" or "Who is that?" Just say "husband" right away?

Am I a third year student who is out of date?

But did you get me wrong? Didn't you see me rubbing my fingers? I just want money.

It doesn't matter if I have a girlfriend or not - wait, that's not right. He remembered that she said before that it doesn't matter if I have a girlfriend or not, I will do that. If that's the case...


"You should call me senior for now."

Huang Sheng shuddered, feeling that there was no need to be so stimulating for now. No matter whether you were really calling out or not, he was a little embarrassed by your sweet shouting.

"Let's talk about other things later. I'll take you to the nearest girls' dormitory first."

Huang Sheng supported her and took her to a girls' dormitory near the playground. He knocked on the door and pushed her in.

This girls' dormitory was like other dormitory buildings. The first floor was crowded with nervous people. Many people wanted to go out but didn't dare to, but they felt unwilling to go back to the dormitory.

"Brother, it's bad!"

At this time, Ma He directly popped up a video. From the background, it was unknown where in the campus it was located. At this time, his voice was trembling: "Those lantern monsters seem to have become much stronger! It's hard to deal with them!"

Huang Sheng naturally knew more than him: "Please tell me in detail."

"At the beginning, I and a group of people went to beat up the lone lantern man. It was very smooth. Although occasionally someone was caught by the legs or hands, no one was in danger of life."

"But just now we met another one. That old six not only attacked us by surprise, but also raised the lantern to shine on us!"

"When our group was illuminated by the lantern, our legs and hands suddenly became weak!"

"I and a few other people were lucky enough to run away. A few people collapsed in front of the lantern man... At this moment, the grass on the grave should be It should have sprouted!"

"And now everyone we encounter seems to be very fierce, and they run much faster than at the beginning. We dare not go up, what should we do now?"

Huang Sheng thought for a while: "Have you gained anything during this time?"

"I got two black bills and a black bead of unknown stuff, and it was not marked. "

"Since there is a gain, you should stop while you are ahead. You should go back now. By the way, persuade others that the danger on campus has greatly increased now."

"You can't control this situation. If you are not careful, you will die before you pay off the 24th installment of the iPhone."

"Huh? This sounds good... Well, I will retreat now!"

Mach agreed, and Huang Sheng cut off the video.

A conclusion was drawn.

The Lantern People in the entire campus should be one. If any one of them is found to be stronger, it means that the others have also been strengthened. Maybe the time is not exactly the same, but it is just one before and one after.

In addition, there is another guess that makes him uneasy.

The Lantern People were stupid and dull from the beginning. As long as they were eating, they were indifferent to everything happening around them. They slowly began to ambush and slowly began to have a sense of combat alertness. Their running speed increased greatly. At the same time, the lantern gas that can be released at any time can also paralyze people, making their threat further increased.

As time goes by, they are getting stronger.

This is an extremely bad information!

This is only now, less than two hours before and after the incident.

What about two hours later?

"I'm afraid that after a while, even I will have to hide from these things. No, while I still have strength now, I must do more!"

Huang Sheng gritted his teeth. Half of the cards in his hand have been used up now. He must be careful.

Huang Sheng rushed directly into the fog. At this time, he could not care about so many things. When he met a lone lantern man, he would shoot him with one shot, kill him in a few shots, and leave with the reward.

Even if he met two together, he would find a way to kill them one by one-

Before, he almost flipped over on the playground because he was not experienced enough. Now he has adapted to the opponent's fighting intensity, especially after learning to come back without a teacher, the battle has become relatively calm.

His cumulative number of kills has gradually increased, and the black money has also increased.

During this period, he truly felt that his guess was becoming a reality.

The consciousness and combat effectiveness of the lantern man are still slowly increasing!

When he fought before, although the opponent could react quickly, he was always a beat slower in terms of consciousness and speed, so his success rate of hitting and killing was very high.

And now, compared with the playground, the opponent can not only sense him from a farther distance, but also chase him more fiercely, and he has become much more sensitive in close combat!

Especially when Huang Sheng was killing the last lantern man just now, he was dodged by the other party when he stabbed him with a gun, which frightened him so much that he was sweating all over!

No, if he didn't retreat, he might fall!

Huang Sheng chose to run away.

He came to the main teaching building with a backpack, panting and holding a long gun, and climbed a hundred steps to the gate.

He saw a flagpole of a financial college that had fallen down from somewhere on the ground, so he just used this rag to wipe the weapon that was stained with dirt along the way.

Bai Mengxue urged him several times, and now he was going to go straight to the other party's office to find her.

The main teaching building is high, and he can see the surrounding situation clearly.

In addition, Huang Sheng was fighting under the main building for the last period of time, so his fighting process was clearly seen by the people gathered at the gate on the first floor.

As soon as he came in, countless people shouted "Awesome".

The male students were so envious and jealous. They were all human beings, but they were killing people outside, while they were frantically beating their chests inside.

The female students were at a loss in the face of such danger, and their eyes were even more fiery for a strong man like him. Many people looked at him with a very impolite and ambiguous look.

Some female students even made very unrestrained hints, just hoping that they could follow him to save their lives.

Huang Sheng shook his head after hearing what the specific hints were. The world is going downhill!

Can this be said in public? Why not add WeChat first to discuss it in detail?

In short, this ruined his original plan to take the elevator directly. He didn't plan to go to Bai Mengxue with a group of followers, so he had to take the stairs to get rid of this group of people.

He panted and scolded the stairs.

When he finally climbed to the office floor of the School of Economics, he was half numb. What sin did I commit? I was forced to climb more than ten floors. Who in my family would understand!

After knocking on the office door, facing Bai Mengxue's relieved and delighted eyes, he dropped his backpack and sat down on the sofa.

Huang Sheng felt that he was about to smoke.

Thirst, palpitations, fatigue, weakness, all kinds of negative situations came up together.

Bai Mengxue's personal office is very small, located behind a large comprehensive office. You can't see the situation inside directly from the corridor, but it is close to the window on the south side of the teaching building.

The privacy and lighting conditions here are very good. Normally, ordinary teachers should not even think about it. This is the advantage of having a family background.

Teacher Bai was obviously very scared in the office. He was still nervous and scared.

Walk out.

On the way to get hot water for herself, she spilled half of the cup of hot water, and her hands were shaking all the time.

Her eyes were also misty, and she might have cried when no one was around just now!

Huang Sheng took a physical capsule with hot water, and immediately felt a heat flow spreading from the stomach to the surrounding area, and the negative conditions of the body were obviously relieved a lot.

Fortunately, this medicine is really reliable!

Huang Sheng drank several glasses of water in a row and ate a few bars of chocolate to replenish energy, and then he collapsed on the sofa. He really didn't want to move at all.

Soul Energy Restart Liquid, he just successfully broke out a bottle.

In fact, in his opinion, it is useless to hold too much of this thing in your hand, and death is not counted. The implication is that it can't really avoid death.

If you drink this thing and die in the event, your life can only be resurrected after the event is over.

It can be seen that at most one bottle of this medicine prop will be consumed in one event, and you can't use it even if you have more.

Unless he is the kind of coward who will use up the soul energy restart liquid as soon as there is any disturbance, no matter if he will die or not!

In this way, this thing may indeed be used faster.

Of course, it is better to get more. Just because he doesn't need it doesn't mean that others don't need it.

After this incident, at least for the teachers and students of the University of Finance, this thing can definitely be sold at a sky-high price!

He charged his mobile phone.

In the next period of time, the situation on campus will definitely continue to deteriorate, and he must seize the remaining time to recover his physical strength.

"By the way."

At this moment, he felt a fragrant breeze blowing in his face, and Bai Mengxue sat on the sofa next to him.

Teacher Bai hugged his shoulders with his arms as if he was cold. It seemed to be covering up, but it made the majestic figure wrapped in the white sweater on his chest more and more obvious, ready to come out.

Huang Sheng glanced at his counselor suspiciously, no, if you have something to say, just say it. We don't like old grass eating young cows here!

Teacher Bai said hesitantly, "Huang Sheng, didn't a voice inform everyone that there was an F-level emergency?"

"Then the voice said something else... saying that I had obtained some kind of police identity."

"Do you know what's going on? I don't think anyone else has it."

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