The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not yet known.

Huang Sheng acted calm on the surface, but he was shocked in his heart.

She? Police? !

Actually, Huang Sheng had guessed from the beginning that it might not just be him who had obtained a certain professional identity.

Because the card maker is currently temporary, he needs to successfully pass this incident to become a regular employee and obtain it permanently.

This has a strong test nature, which is completely unlike the style and appearance of the only plug-in. It seems like a group of people are taking an assessment and waiting to be regularized.

As expected, the second professional appeared, and the professional name was different from his own, and it was actually a policeman!

"What does this policeman mean? It asked me to research the secret of my identity, but I have no idea and can't figure out anything..."

Teacher Bai said that she was completely confused after the crisis came. She didn't care about her profession or identity. It was inexplicable. It was better to hide and save her life.

Her view on this kind of problem is to find professionals to solve the problem directly. The students and juniors in front of her seem quite professional.

The guy is hiding deep enough. He usually doesn't show his strength. Today, at this critical moment, he directly kills all the people. Anyway, it's right to ask him. He must know more than you.

As a rich second-generation who wins by doing nothing, Teacher Bai has to enjoy life in this life.

So her personality is very cautious and conservative. There is no danger worth her risking.

It is conceivable that such a person is trapped in the main teaching building. It is certain that she will not leave the building. She even dares not to leave the office.

Otherwise, there are some teachers who stay with students on the first floor. Why don't you see her?

You don't go out, just stay in this small place and tremble with fear when looking at the chat messages, of course you can't figure out anything.

Bai Mengxue's professional identity is good news for Huang Sheng.

From his card maker, it can be seen that this special identity is extraordinary. "Police" is a righteous profession no matter how you look at it. Teacher Bai will definitely be a powerful connection for me in the future.

The woman in front of me is soft and charming.

Her cheeks are slightly flushed because of the previous nervousness and maybe she cried secretly. A pair of big watery eyes look at me pitifully.

This seems to be a good candidate for a good wife, not a good candidate for "police"...

So the identity is not given randomly, right?

Huang Sheng touched his chin. There is no twists and turns in his card maker. He directly makes cards manually, and finally unlocks the card making ability naturally.

So the so-called secret of identity is probably just its surface meaning, such as card makers making cards, doctors saving people, cleaners cleaning...

Police, are you going out to catch criminals? As for who the criminal is, it's naturally the lantern bearer.

Don't do that, those monsters are not easy to deal with now.

"Teacher Bai, why don't you change into a police uniform first, and it's better to wear a walkie-talkie handcuffs around your waist, and try to act more like it?"

Huang Sheng suggested seriously.

In addition to catching bad guys, the identity of a policeman, uniforms are also very important, and may also be the key to triggering identity abilities.

Bai Mengxue was stunned, and then said unhappily: "Do you still have to wear stockings and high heels, and it's better to put on some makeup and wear that short uniform skirt?"

Huang Sheng was a little confused. No, what do you mean by dressing like this? It seems that this is not dressed in a serious direction, right?

Seeing that Huang Sheng didn't speak, Bai Mengxue thought he acquiesced, and couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

She stretched out her hand and tightly twisted the soft flesh on the waist of the stinky junior: "Junior, you pervert, can't you see that you are quite playful? At this time, you still want to tease me with some dirty trash?"

The older ones in Huang Sheng's class are about the same age as Bai Mengxue, and the younger ones are only two years younger than her.

To put it bluntly, she is also a peer. Everyone often plays jokes together without too many scruples. For example, girls have parties and boys play in alliances. They often invite her to play together. Don't be too close.

So this is it, this woman can't control herself when she returns as a soldier king, and teases her here?

Huang Sheng feels very funny, who knows the family members, who is full of dirty trash? !

He frowned: "I mean, you pretend to be a policeman, see if you can trigger something or get some hints!"


Bai Mengxue, who was unhappy and pinching the junior in front of her with her hands, had a blank mind on the spot, and then she wanted to find a hole to drill into.

This is over.

After all this time, it turns out that the other person is on a dirt road in the countryside, and I am on the highway!

Looking at the embarrassed beauty next to him, Huang Sheng suppressed his inner restlessness, stood up and walked to the window.

Looking out the window, his pupils shrank slightly, and the fog outside was much thicker than when he first came in.

At this time, even if the main teaching building occupied a high position, it was difficult to see what was happening on the campus, and the vision was severely obscured.

And in the messages of various groups, the bad news reported one after another!

The people who could swarm and knock down the lantern man before are now turning over like crazy!

Those who are lucky can save their lives, and they can even kill the lone lantern man.

Those who are unlucky not only suffer casualties, but some people even filmed videos of more than one small team being wiped out!

Bai Mengxue's network of relationships in the school is naturally much larger than his, and she can get information faster. She clicked on a video to show Huang Sheng.

This was taken by several people during their frantic escape. The picture quality is not only blurry, but the perspective is also shaking wildly, but it still roughly captures the scene behind.

I saw two people holding lanterns chasing the photographers, and their speed was not slower than theirs!

And looking at the ground behind, you can find that many people have fallen along the way.

These people all covered their chests or other injuries in pain and couldn't get up, but the people holding lanterns didn't deal with them, just injured them.

They prioritized chasing the living targets in front of them!

Huang Sheng clearly remembered the scene he saw when he just got down from the top floor.

At that time, there were so many people blocking the entrances of the two corridors, but the people holding lanterns didn't care at all, just lying on the ground to eat, and then compared to now...

"No, I have to think about what to do next!"

Huang Sheng was spinning in place. The campus was too dangerous now. Unless he used cards, he didn't dare to go out easily, so this main teaching building was his current battlefield.

There happened to be many students in the Bishop's Building, and some faculty members were trapped like Bai Mengxue. With so many people, they had to guard all the entrances and exits!

As long as there was a wall between them, the threat of these lantern-carrying people was still limited!

And he didn't need to say that the students in the teaching building had already done this. When he came in before, they gathered on the first floor and blocked the two gates in front and behind.

But this was still not enough. Modern buildings generally have complex structures. In addition to the gates, there are also small doors and fire escapes. As the main building of the school, there are more than one entrance in the direction of the connected ancillary buildings!

In addition, there is an underground parking lot... There is no way to block it.

And when these miscellaneous passages are added together, it is not easy to defend!

Huang Sheng put his hand on his forehead. He had just thought about going down to command and coordinate everyone, but now it seems unnecessary.

Those who stayed in the teaching building were conservative and timid. It was enough to guard the two gates, but no one knew how many people were willing to go to the small gates and passages, and no one knew how many places there were and whether there would be any gaps.

Fewer people would be even more timid. Most of the time, the lantern-carrying man would only show up outside the wall, and the people inside would be in a panic.

This did not include those who fled from outside and hid in when the bishop knocked on the door. Many people could not do it without helping, but as long as the door was opened frequently, the chance of the lantern-carrying man following in would increase greatly.

This group of people gathered together with the courage of their numbers and the barrier of the wall. If something happened, they would definitely be like birds and beasts and could not be relied on.

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