The old man was born in a strange way, and the truth was revealed.

From the moment Huang Sheng killed the first three-legged man, an irreversible fact emerged.

That is, he wanted to kill the three-legged man to the end, or conquer him to the end.

If he failed to complete the task of changing the owner of the copy, he would definitely die!

For the three-legged man, the person in front of him could take whatever he wanted from them, because the two sides stood on absolute opposite sides.

The three-legged woman said, "If I voluntarily hand over the copy authority of my copy, it should be able to save my life, right?"

Huang Sheng asked, "In theory, it depends on my mood. After all, you are now a prisoner and have no bargaining power."

"But your tone seems very sure, so go on."

The three-legged woman: "After you get the copy authority, you can slightly control and adjust the copy."

Huang Sheng immediately understood: "You mean I can open a channel to the outside to end the current situation of this copy completely isolating the inside and the outside?"

The three-legged woman nodded: "Yes, what if that's the case?"

Huang Sheng also nodded: "This is of great significance, and it is more than enough to save your life."

"I have a question for you. I just killed him, why didn't I get any copy authority?"

"Can I only use the authority you voluntarily hand over immediately? Otherwise, I can only receive the copy authority once this task is completely completed?"

Listening to Huang Sheng's analysis, which seemed to be a question but actually had the answer, the corners of the three-legged woman's mouth twitched slightly.

At this moment, she really hated everyone, especially the smart man in front of her.

"So this is the fundamental reason why you gradually calmed down. Of course, I hope to use the copy authority immediately, so killing you is not the best choice."

The female three-legged man took a breath: "But I plan to let my other companions give you the first authority."

"Because you may regret it after getting the authority, and then I will die because I know your secret!"

"So after I get the first authority, there should be some rules to follow? Do you want to use this rule to make me keep my promise and not kill you?"

"It seems that you ten three-legged people are not united."

Huang Sheng smiled. He knew this when he persuaded the first three-legged man.

"But I'm sorry to tell you that other three-legged people may have the same idea as you, so in order to avoid trouble, you should be the first person to hand over the authority. As for your concern for your life, I can verbally guarantee that you will be fine."

"As for whether you live or die in the end, it depends on my mood."

"Finally, I will add that you just said that you might die if you knew my secret, and you are right."

"But since I want to keep the secret, how can I be willing to let others know? Why should I risk being exposed to open the channel connecting to the outside in advance?"

"Since this advance copy authority is of little significance to me, whether to kill or let you go still depends entirely on my mood. You can put aside all your fantasies and get down to business quickly."

The female three-legged person's eyes flashed with strong reluctance: "But if you get the authority, you will be able to sense the approximate location of my other companions, which can help you finish the copy quickly!"

"Don't worry about it, I can catch four of you in one breath, and the remaining five can't escape."

Huang Sheng said lightly, and the remaining few people are now frightened birds.

Taking advantage of the fact that everyone's morale was high at this moment, as long as I had a backup, the military rescue team would organize a thorough investigation, and no one would be able to escape.

Besides, even if I couldn't find them, these three-legged people would definitely know where their companions were. A simple threat would make them commit. Why must I borrow the copy authority?

The female three-legged person was dejected, and finally accepted her fate completely, and began to talk about the information about the copy.

"This is a copy that was accidentally generated after a large-scale group event in a civilization similar to the Earth."

"After the copy was generated, several ordinary people who made outstanding contributions in that event became the copy masters together."

"But these ordinary people had no understanding of the copy at all. They had no ability and they were scheming against each other, wanting to monopolize the copy authority."

"So there were many contradictions in the process of designing the copy, and even conspiracies to murder other masters, so that the whole copy was in chaos."

"At that time, ten of us entered this by car together.

The dungeon, we found that there was no clear clearance task here, and the dungeon seemed contradictory everywhere. "

"As time went by, we also noticed the disagreement between several dungeon masters, and they even secretly bribed us to kill other masters."

"In this case, we united to kill several masters one by one, and finally inherited this dungeon."

"The ten of us learned the lessons of those people, worked together in the dungeon, and decided to share the final dungeon income together, and move freely at other times."

"As you can see, we are not united, because everyone wants to monopolize the dungeon."

Huang Sheng corrected: "Wrong, the reason for your unity is not mainly because you have learned the lessons of your predecessors."

"But you are afraid of death, and you are ordinary people, not evolvers, and your personal abilities are very limited."

"You are not the so-called ride into the dungeon. Ordinary people can't take the train other than the initial train. You were accidentally involved. ”

“So I’m sure you lied in your last sentence. None of you has the mind to monopolize the dungeon, at least not now, because one person alone cannot control the dungeon situation.”

“For example, this time, you opened the dungeon to our Blue Star. Although tens of thousands of ordinary people were trapped, hundreds of evolvers also came in. If you rely on people like you alone, do you think you can hold on until the end of the dungeon?”

The female three-legged person shouted a little neurotically: “We are not ordinary people. We have illusions and bewitching abilities! If you don’t have a prop that can restrain us, you can’t do anything to us!”

“Hahaha, one prop can restrain all of you, and you still say you are evolvers?”

“Where is the storage space? Take it out and show it to me?”

“You three-legged people are far more powerful than us earthlings, but your identity as ordinary people is your biggest flaw!”

“After becoming the master of the dungeon, you no longer want to take the risk of taking the initial train, because even the safest initial train has a 40% mortality rate! "

"And once you become an Evolver, you will get a ticket to the destination regularly, and you must leave your copy and fight for your life and death in other events and copies like everyone else!"

"As long as you control the copy well, you can continue to swallow the Evolvers and their props and wealth, and you can slowly become stronger. Why take risks?"

"But you have a bad start. It is very likely that this copy is the first or second time you are truly in charge. Do you know why I dare to guess so?"

"Because you can't take out a decent prop from your body, one of your companions' eyes lit up just by seeing two hundred black bills, revealing great yearning and greed!"

The three-legged woman trembled all over in Huang Sheng's words, which were not loud but hit the bottom of his heart, and his face became paler and paler.

She said slowly: "Two hundred black bills, isn't it enough? "

Huang Sheng took out the black banknotes in stacks in front of it, and each stack had a total face value of at least one or two hundred.

The three-legged woman was like a wooden sculpture, staring blankly at the black banknotes that were almost piled up like a small mountain on the table.

At this moment, it stared at the black banknotes in fascination, completely forgetting itself, as if it had seen a peerless gold mountain!

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