Huang Sheng waved his hand, and all the black notes were taken back.

The three-legged woman's eyes followed his hand, and when she saw that all the black notes were gone, she couldn't help showing a burst of disappointment and jealousy.

"In fact, you did a good job, and you were quite ruthless in choosing your targets."

"Our Blue Star is indeed a good fat sheep. Due to the short time of exposure to the Evolver system, ordinary Evolvers are weak, have little knowledge, poor props, and low ability. Hundreds of people came in, but they couldn't do anything to the ten of you."

"Although this is because of the tens of thousands of people as a shield, it is indeed largely due to their lack of ability."

"If I hadn't entered here, you would have succeeded in the end."

"Not only will the victory of this copy bring you certain rewards, but more than one Evolver may die here. As long as you are in time Reclaiming their legacy is also a fortune. Even if it is divided among the last ten people, some black money and props can be earned. "

"But do you know why you failed? As I said just now, you are weak, so you have to use the copy to trap more ordinary people, and use 40,000 people at a time to confuse the audience, so that those evolvers can't find a way to deal with it. "

"It's a pity that you made a big fuss. In order to save these people and the evolvers trapped inside, the Donghai Municipal Government has been desperate to try all means, and ended up throwing me in. "

Listening to Huang Sheng's analysis, the female three-legged person looked ugly. If they didn't make such a big fuss, they would be in danger of overturning.

But if they made a small fight, not only would they gain less, but the danger would also be greater. This was like a dead end.

The female three-legged person finally traded her authority.

A ball of blue light flew out of its heart and fell directly into Huang Sheng's body. Then Huang Sheng felt that the world in front of him was different.

First, he could vaguely sense the existence of other three-legged people, including the general direction and distance.

Secondly, a copy model interface was updated on his system panel, which can be edited.

However, only a few editing functions are available, and most of them are gray and unauthorized. One tenth of the authority is still too little.

This copy model is not the appearance of Dongsheng Square, but the appearance of the copy itself.

Dongsheng Square is just a temporary copy site formed after the copy landed.

The copy model is a two-story building with more than a dozen small rooms.

The corridor is narrow and the room is not big, but each room is piled with various items and sundries. It seems that there are a lot of items, and it takes a lot of effort to clean up and identify them.

The core task of this copy is "searching".

That is, no matter how to edit the site, content, tasks and other aspects of the copy, the task completion goal must be related to "searching".

So the copy goal edited by the three-legged man is just like the copy information received by Huang Sheng after entering the square through the passage, to find ten three-legged men.

And it is specifically emphasized that no three-legged man can die, which is used to intimidate the copy participants and raiders to protect themselves.

The real site of the dungeon, the two-story building, was too small. Not only could it not hide the ten of them, but they also felt that hiding things in such a small room for people to find was a stupid act, so they used the Dongsheng Square where the dungeon descended as the site.

They regarded themselves as the target to be found.

Because humans are intelligent, they can constantly dodge and respond as living creatures to achieve a higher dungeon success rate and make all dungeon attackers fail.

Huang Sheng narrowed his eyes: "I can sense them, can they sense me too?"

The female three-legged man nodded.

Huang Sheng suddenly asked: "Do you want to survive and make a hundred black notes in the end? It's not based on my mood, but on the dungeon rules."

After obtaining some dungeon permissions, Huang Sheng can now sign some kind of agreement with others here as one of the dungeon masters.

The agreement is protected by the dungeon rules, and Huang Sheng cannot violate it unilaterally.

This seems to be disadvantageous to the dungeon masters and beneficial to the participants, but it is actually wrong.

"I want to!" The three-legged woman did not hesitate.

Since the loss of the identity of the master is irreversible, saving her life is the most important thing now, not to mention that there is so much black money to be earned.

"Help me persuade the two people outside to hand over the copy authority as quickly as possible, and then you and

I will go together to deal with your remaining companions. "

Huang Sheng narrowed his eyes. There were still five people left. Once they felt that the copy was about to be completely out of control and their own lives could not be guaranteed, they could do anything!

What Huang Sheng was most worried about was that they would choose to cooperate with the military rescue team in order to save their lives and thwart his mission to seize the copy.

As long as he died, they would be able to escape at least safely even if they ended the copy immediately.

Of course, this kind of thing was not inevitable. It depended on what Huang Sheng did.

If he was determined to complete the task and could not effectively promise to protect their lives, then the two sides would definitely fight to the death, and the other side's cooperation with the military was almost inevitable.

But if he still wanted to complete the task, but with gentler means, protecting their lives through an agreement, and the probability of completing the task of changing the owner of the copy was extremely high, and they had no way to stop it.

Then the possibility of the two sides cooperating in the end would become very high again.

This is a kind of game.

"I'll tell you first so that you can be mentally prepared. Even if the two outside give up the copy rights, they will still die, because they just slaughtered my unarmed compatriots. "

Huang Sheng said to the female three-legged person: "But the remaining five people, including the one who was caught first, can live, provided that they don't do anything crazy, which requires your cooperation. "

The female three-legged person nodded. In fact, it didn't have any feelings for the other people. They were just cooperative.

The three-legged people are also a civilized society with a large population, not just ten of them.

But being informed of the other people's predetermined fate in advance also made it feel relieved.

Otherwise, the other party would go back on his word and agree to keep people first and then kill them. With the character of such a person, it would have to be brave all the time, not to mention working with all its strength.

In order to gain the trust of the female three-legged person, Huang Sheng first threw over thirty black bills as a deposit for the reward.

And told the other party that if in the end If she succeeds in taking down the dungeon, she will be given another 100 black notes. The three-legged woman's eyes sparkled.

The two left the room, and Huang Sheng locked the office door again. The fact that a three-legged man died inside should not be known to others for the time being.

Captain Qi and others were handling the scene, while waiting to take away the three-legged man imprisoned here.

Who would have thought that they, a large group of people, so many evolvers, had been busy for so many days to catch only one target.

As a result, a civilian evolver came out halfway and crushed their little achievements in one breath. He caught four people alone?

"Student Huang, when can we take the three-legged man away?"

Although Captain Qi was in a very depressed mood, he still tried to ask in a friendly manner.

"Don't worry, wait for me for a while. "

Huang Sheng smiled and led the three-legged woman into another room.

The two three-legged people here were watched by Dong Liu and the other four people arranged by Yu Xiao'e. It was obvious that both sides were very nervous.

Dong Liu and the others had suffered from the three-legged people before, so they felt very uncomfortable sitting here.

Fortunately, they felt relieved when they saw the two people on the opposite side tied up with ropes.

Fortunately, although several people saw it, they were not clearly told that the three-legged people could control others, otherwise they would probably be even more panicked now.

The four people were panicked, and the two people on the opposite side were even more panicked.

And they were panicked to death.

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