A week later, by the river in Fengcheng.

Three mutant giant turtles are eating the zombies around them.

It has thick skin and an indestructible turtle shell.

These giant turtles ignored the zombies that were biting around them.

He leisurely took each zombie into his mouth and swallowed it.

Not far away, several teams of superpowers were lurking between the buildings, staring at these giant turtles that had obviously reached the fourth level.

"Brother Lei, can we go out now?"

A spirited young man looked around and found no other high-level mutant creatures, so he asked in a low voice.

"Wait a moment, there are still a lot of zombies around, wait for these three turtles to clean them up."

Zeng Lei rubbed the Mo Dao in his hand and murmured.

This area is close to the mountains and there are not many zombies.

In the past two days, the subordinate team has figured out the situation.

Three level four turtles often come here to hunt for wild food, and no other mutated sea beasts appear.

The level of the surrounding zombies is not high either.

Just right for them to hunt.

However, to be on the safe side, they still brought Zeng Lei over.

The purpose was to let him pass by, and even if he didn't take action, they would still be confident of taking down these three fourth-level turtles.

"Brother Lei, what has Boss Mei been busy with recently?"

"I rarely see him come out."

A superhuman who looked like the captain of the team asked.

"I'm not sure. You seem to be thinking about some sword skills?"

Zeng Lei replied casually, turned over and sat down against the window.

Since the threat of the sea monster tide has been reduced, Mei Que has spent most of his time squatting in his room.

Occasionally I go to the mountains to practice my sword skills.

Usually he and other fourth-level members lead the team out.

Unless he occasionally encountered a fifth-level mutant creature that he couldn't handle, he would give a warning to Mei Que to take action.

However, there are very few fifth-level mutated creatures recently.

They haven't seen Mei Que for several days.

Fortunately, everyone's range of activities is not too far, and they are pushing forward steadily.

Even if there is any crisis situation, as long as it lasts for a period of time, Mei Que can provide timely support.

While a few people were chatting, another half hour passed unknowingly.

Most of the zombies around the three giant turtles have disappeared.

It seemed that he had almost eaten and seemed to want to go back to the river to rest.

"Do it!"

Zeng Lei glanced at it and said.


The captains suddenly became excited and quickly jumped out of the window with their team members, divided into three groups and rushed towards the three giant turtles.

These teams are all of good quality, and they are basically all third-level members.

Two of the captains are level four juniors.

Such a team is still very confident in dealing with three level four giant turtles.

Some elemental superpowers have already launched superpower attacks.


Suddenly attacked, the three giant turtles screamed one after another.

Large swaths of water arrows emerged, hooding the heads of the superpowers.

"Shield! Dodge!"

The leading captains shouted.

Several superpowers with protective means behind them quickly deployed elemental shields.

Protect all the long-range superpowers.

Other melee superpowers either held up shields to resist, or speeded up to dodge these water arrow attacks.

A series of bombardments spread.

Only one unlucky guy was hit in the thigh by a water arrow and rolled quickly to hide in the ruins.

Everyone else was safe and sound.

"Hey, the equipment that Boss Mei brought back from Genting has strong defensive power!"

Zeng Lei walked slowly nearby, rubbed the Meteor Gold Mo Dao in his hand, and chuckled.

The water arrows shot by the fourth-level turtles do not have very strong single-target attack power.

The shields held by those with melee powers were all plated with a layer of meteorite gold.

This powerful water arrow cannot break through the defense at all.

Seeing that the water arrows were ineffective, the mutated turtle with low IQ was stunned.

Then the water waves hit again.

But a group of melee superpowers had already rushed in front of him.

The powerful and heavy slash struck the giant turtle immediately.

As the blood spattered, the meteorite swords in the hands of several captains easily broke through the giant turtle's defense.

Special bombardments from the rear support also followed.

The other team members rushed towards the remaining zombies around them.

These zombies were only in the first and second levels, and there were only a few in the third level.

There is no match for the heavily armed team members.

It was quickly cleared away.

The three giant turtles howled in pain and fought back.

It caused the nearby river water to rush in, and a huge wave suddenly appeared in the middle of the battlefield.


One of the fourth-level captains saw this and immediately gave orders to the other third-level team members.

He rolled over and got under the giant turtle.

They have seen this kind of huge wave impact countless times.

It is definitely not possible to resist forcefully, even the fourth level of the enhancement system will be beaten to pieces.

All the team members retreated one after another, looking for the surrounding ruins to take shelter.


The water waves created by the three giant turtles washed over each other.

Some scattered building fragments were blown up.

The formations of several teams were also disrupted, and the long-range superpowers also took cover.

Two of the earth-type superpowers tried their best to open two earth walls in front of the few people who had no time to dodge.

Form an angle and divide the torrent.


The two fourth-level captains who had escaped the impact of the torrent were the first to take action.

He directly cut off one of the legs of two giant turtles, and blood spurted everywhere.

“┗|`O′|┛ Ouch~~”

The giant turtle was extremely angry and let out a deafening roar.

Water balls suddenly appeared around the three giant turtles.

They surrounded the surrounding superpowers like a swarm of bees.

Soon, several members who were unable to dodge were wrapped in the water balls.

Bubbles kept coming out between their mouths and noses, and they kept struggling inside.

"Quick battle, quick decision!"

Several captains roared in anger when they saw this.

This water ball attack is difficult to resolve.

The only way is to kill these three fourth-level giant turtles as soon as possible.

Otherwise, these team members will be dead in a few minutes at most.

If it was just ordinary drowning, with their third-level strength, even if they have not been trained.

It is not difficult to hold it for half an hour.

However, the water contained in the water ball controlled by the giant turtle will continue to drill into the human body.

It can seal the mouth and nose, but not other places.

Once the time is too long, it will be directly burst by the surging water in the body.

They have experienced a lot of such things a long time ago.

The other team members also knew that the situation was urgent, but they had a plan for this.

They all launched attacks in an orderly manner.

Zeng Lei watched the battle from the side, tightening the Mo Dao in his hand.

He wanted to attack and directly deal with these three fourth-level giant turtles. With his fourth-level peak strength.

It was no problem to deal with them.

However, these team members needed to grow up, and Mei Que did not allow them to attack at will.

Otherwise, these team members would develop a habit over time.

They would not be able to solve the difficulties by themselves.

On this point, Mei Que and Wang Mingyang thought similarly.

Fortunately, the balance of victory tilted towards the Fengcheng team as promised.

After one of the giant turtles desperately released several condensed water arrows to no avail, it fell down with a bang.

The head had been cut off by two fourth-level captains.

Not far away, three water balls suddenly lost their power support and quickly dispersed.

The three team members lay on the ground coughing, but the danger to their lives was indeed lifted.

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