A giant turtle fell, and the pressure on the Fengcheng team was greatly reduced.

Several captains increased their speed to attack the other two injured giant turtles.

The other team members also launched supernatural attacks.

There is indeed not much time left for them.

If the delay continues, even if those companions who are still wrapped in water balloons can be rescued, they will not be able to participate in the battle for a while.

Zeng Lei nodded silently on the side, these teams cooperated well.

Even if there are not two fourth-level captains, he still has the strength to fight against fourth-level mutant creatures.

Soon, another giant turtle was killed with a shrill wail.

Only two companions were left surrounded by water balloons.

Only three minutes have passed.

Basically, the situation is set.

But when even Zeng Lei felt relieved, a huge head suddenly raised on the river not far away.

He roared toward the shore.

Frost visible to the naked eye bloomed from the river surface and spread towards everyone.

"Level 5!"

"Zhao Yi, please retreat!"

Zeng Lei was startled, picked up Mo Dao and rushed out.

Huge force burst out from under his feet, and Zeng Lei crashed directly into one of the water balls.

He rushed out with the team member.

This water polo is several meters in diameter and has certain defensive capabilities.

Ordinary fourth-level superpowers really can't bring people out.

This is also why the members of the Fengcheng team accelerated their attacks after the giant turtle released the water polo.

Zeng Lei threw the team member to the remote psychic behind.

He quickly rescued another team member in the same manner.

The two of them were already fainting, spitting out water.

The remaining giant turtle seemed to sense the arrival of support.

He retracted his head and feet into the turtle shell and wrapped himself in a huge water ball.

No matter how bombarded by the superpower, he is unwilling to show his face again.

Just keep deepening the water polo's defense.

The frost spread over and quickly condensed the surface of the water ball into a thick frost defense.

Zhao Yi and the other captains had no choice but to retreat quickly.

On the river surface, an extremely huge giant turtle floated.

As he raised his head and screamed, the frozen river surface broke into pieces.

Countless ice cubes quickly condensed into thick ice cones, shooting toward the shore.

"You retreat first, I will block it!"

Zeng Lei rushed in front of everyone and slashed out with Mo Dao one after another, chopping the ice picks into snowflakes all over the sky.

The appearance of the fifth-level ice giant turtle indicates that Zhao Yi and the others' hunting operation will be aborted.

This is not a mutated creature they can deal with.

He could only grit his teeth and quickly retreat to the remote team members.

Zeng Lei's eyes flashed, he roared, and rushed over.

This ice-type giant turtle has landed on the beach, only three hundred meters away from the fourth-level water-type giant turtle.

His huge eyes glanced at the two dead giant turtles on the ground, and he couldn't help but feel a fierce evil intent.

His thick thighs stepped hard on the ground, and countless ice picks condensed in the air again.

Ice picks swished down across a wide range, launching an indiscriminate attack.

Zeng Lei's agile figure and enhanced B-level body bring him more than just powerful strength.

Flexibility is also strong.

The scattered ice picks did not pose much of a threat to him.

Soon he rushed in front of the ice-type giant turtle, raised the Mo Dao high in his hand, and slashed at the giant turtle's head.

A thick wall of ice rose from the ground, blocking the giant turtle in an instant.

But it underestimated the sharpness of the Meteor Gold Mo Knife.

The ice wall was split open instantly, and the sharp tip of the knife scratched one of its eyes.

As the blood spattered, the giant ice turtle couldn't help but let out a miserable howl.

The evil intent in his one eye became even more intense.

The injured and retracted head shot out with electricity, opening its huge mouth to bite Zeng Lei who had not yet landed.

In the flash of lightning, Zeng Lei could only raise his Mo Dao and block it in front of him.


The bloody mouth did not bite Zeng Lei, but knocked him and Mo Dao away more than ten meters.

Zeng Lei turned over and got up, and when he was about to continue moving forward, he saw a blue-white frost blooming in front of his eyes.

Frost freeze!

The ice power blooming all over the fifth-level ice giant turtle froze the entire surrounding 100 meters.

Zeng Lei held Mo Dao in his hand and was frozen in place.

In the distance, the superpowers of the Fengcheng team exclaimed.

Throw all the superpowers at him like crazy.

However, their supernatural attacks were ignored by the giant turtle.

The ice-type giant turtle raised its head high, and a ball of frost breath condensed from its huge mouth.

Another mouthful of phlegm was directed at Zeng Lei who had just broken free...

The frost freeze just now was actually not that strong, and Zeng Lei had already broken free due to the surge of strength.

However, the next breath of frost froze him again.


Before Zeng Lei could finish his words, his whole body was frozen in a block of ice about ten meters thick.

"Call Boss Mei quickly!"

Zhao Yi shouted angrily and rushed out with another fourth-level captain.

The giant ice turtle's eyes were cold and he didn't care about the two of them. He raised his thigh and quickly hit the ice.


Ice shards flew everywhere, and Zeng Lei spit out blood and flew out.

The Mo Dao he was holding tightly was also blown away.

Zhao Yi and another captain rushed forward, preparing to stop the ice giant turtle from continuing to attack.

Two water balloons suddenly appeared around them, trapping them both.

The fourth-level water giant turtle took action again.

Zeng Lei covered his chest and coughed up blood, with fear in his eyes.

With his strength, he can even fight against an average fifth-level beginner.

With the sharp meteorite sword, he could even win the battle.

However, he misjudged the strength of this ice giant turtle.

This is not a fifth-level primary, but a fifth-level advanced mutant giant turtle.

The ice power is extremely strong, and the continuous freezing made him unable to fight back.

The situation was critical, and Zeng Lei didn't have time to think about it, and flew directly to the meteorite sword not far away.


The ice giant turtle burst out with frost power, and a cold wind swept through.

Zhao Yi and the other two who were still struggling in the two water balls were frozen in place together with the water balls.

The frost breath in the mouth condensed again, and the direction was aimed at the other team members who were constantly harassing with superpowers in the distance.

The next moment, a black silk thread suddenly crossed its neck.

The pupils of the ice giant turtle froze, and then quickly dimmed.

The huge head fell down with a bang.

Between the splashing blood, a blue-white beam of light shot out from the giant turtle's mouth.

By coincidence, Zeng Lei, who rushed over, was frozen into an ice sculpture again.

"Uh, sorry, I didn't pay attention to the direction..."

An abrupt voice came, with a hint of teasing.

The body of the ice giant turtle collapsed in the original place, and a figure appeared on the turtle shell.

On the other side, the ice ball on the surface of the water giant turtle had already turned into a water ball again.

Two huge eyes were filled with fear.

The ice giant turtle, which was extremely powerful in its impression, suddenly had its head and body separated.

The water giant turtle was terrified and burst out with an unprecedented speed, crawling towards the river surface.

A thunderbolt fell from the air and exploded the protective water ball.

Countless lightning bolts drilled into the body of the water giant turtle along the water flow, and instantly turned it into charcoal.

A breeze blew, and bursts of meat fragrance wafted.

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