At night, Wang Mingyang took Xiao Huanyan to a nearby town.

The four spirits continued to work as miners in the mine.

As long as the energy is sufficient, they can always be perpetual motion machines.

The town has a small population, estimated to be only four or five thousand people.

There are still a dozen survivors stranded in the town. As night approaches, they all squat in the cellar.

I don’t know how these people survived in a town full of snakes, insects, rats and ants.

However, these dozen people are all superpowers.

They obviously have a certain ability to protect themselves.

What’s funny is that more than a dozen people are actually divided into three factions...

Wang Mingyang was too lazy to pay attention to them, and lived with Xiao Huanyan in a remote corner of the town.

As night fell, some mutant rats really crawled out from the ground.

These rats are huge, basically at the second or third level.

But the number is not so exaggerated, only seven or eight.

It looks like a small family.

Wang Mingyang released some breath a little, and scared away the mutant rats nearby.

Strangely, these mutant rats did not approach the residences of the three waves of northern Myanmar superpowers.

Instead, they bypassed them and went straight to hunt the few remaining zombies.

"Hey, there is something going on!"

Wang Mingyang's mental power can completely cover the entire town.

He also saw this scene.

He carefully observed the location of the three waves of superpowers.

Wang Mingyang suddenly realized.

It turned out that there was a circle of feces of fourth-level mutant creatures around their residence.

There was even a lot of smears on the walls.

Northern Myanmar is located in the rainforest area, with a variety of creatures.

Among them are tigers, leopards, bears, elephants and other beasts.

There was also online news before, saying that a northern Myanmar Internet celebrity raised 12 bears.

The family lived and ate with these bears, and often posted some intimate photos with bears on the Internet, which caused a lot of heated discussion.

As a result, the Internet celebrity was eventually buried in the bear's mouth...

Among these northern Myanmar survivors, the strongest ones are only three third-level superpowers.

But they can find a way to find the feces of the fourth-level mutant creatures, and use this breath to mark out their territory to protect themselves.

It must be said that human potential is infinite, and they can always find a way out in a harsh environment.

Unfortunately, the strength of mutant creatures improves faster than humans.

Wang Mingyang found several third-level mutant creatures around.

Two mice, a big snake, and an owl.

The others are basically below the second level.

If these survivors do not improve their strength as soon as possible.

It is estimated that the feces of those fourth-level mutant creatures will not protect them for long.

However, all this has nothing to do with him.

Wang Mingyang is not good enough to help the survivors of other countries.

It is just a third-level crystal core, and the attraction is really general.

There was no conversation all night, and Wang Mingyang and Xiao Huanyan did not restrain their own breath.

It made this town quiet for a rare night.

When I got up in the morning, I didn’t find any mutant creatures.

Even a few zombies that were originally in the house broke through the wooden door and disappeared.

Those mutant rats and so on probably moved overnight.

The arrival of two fifth-level beings in the town really scared them.

Humans are not as sensitive to breath as these mutant creatures.

The dozen survivors carefully scanned the surroundings.

They were relieved when they found that there were no mutant creatures.

They still had a lot of food, and did not take the opportunity to go out.

Instead, they continued to hide in the cellar.

It seemed that they would not go out unless they used up all the food.

Wang Mingyang could only shake his head and did not express too much opinion.

This is the norm for survivors in the end of the world.

Like Yunding, who does not worry about food and goes out to hunt mutant creatures just to obtain crystal cores.

There are too few.

Anyway, it is far away, and these survivors cannot discover the existence of the two.

Wang Mingyang and Xiao Huanyan stayed there temporarily, reading books while waiting for the four spirits to clean up the jade veins.


Impa City, the capital of Manibang, Asan Kingdom.

The sky was overcast and it was drizzling.

Densely packed supernatural people gathered together.

Behind them was a city filled with green smoke.

There were still many unextinguished flames burning, and ancient angels were flying over the city.

"Buddha, what shall we do next... directly cross northern Myanmar and enter China, or continue to go south?"

Badara wiped the blood off his hands with the rain, walked to the Buddha and asked respectfully.

The city is located along the southeast road, which is the border of northern Myanmar.

At that time, you can choose to cross northern Myanmar and enter China.

You can also continue to go south and reach Naypyidaw, the capital of northern Myanmar.

"China... it's too early to go there now."

"There are still many Buddhists in northern Myanmar waiting to be saved, my Buddha is merciful..."

The Buddha raised his head and looked east, his eyes flashing.

That mysterious oriental country is indeed his final destination.

But now, the power around him is not enough.

Originally, he could gather more believers in Asan.

But the survivors in Asan are more Brahmanic, and they are extremely resistant to Buddhism.

The effect of Buddha's light is not very good.

In the city of Impa, there were only two to three thousand believers.

On the contrary, the wanton destruction by Buddhist believers caused resistance from many local supernatural beings.

It took a lot of killing to curb this trend.

Fortunately, the believers in Mengga have a solid foundation and have gathered a large number of supernatural believers.

Therefore, the Buddha is more willing to go to Neypyidaw, believing that the number of parasitic ancient angels will increase again at that time.

"Follow the Buddha's order!"

Badara clasped his hands together, bowed respectfully and slowly retreated.

Soon, a large number of supernaturals began to move southeast, aiming directly at Neypyidaw, the capital of northern Myanmar.

More than 200,000 supernaturals gathered together, including many fourth and fifth level beings.

There were also many mutant beasts accompanying them.

Wherever they passed, even the mutant creatures fled.

With the Buddha's palm country, these supernaturals had no shortage of food.

They were lightly equipped and moved forward at a very fast speed.

The cities encountered along the way were attacked one after another.

These multi-national supernatural teams had uneven strength.

But the leaders were extremely powerful.

Ordinary high-level mutant creatures were not their opponents at all.

What's more, there are a large number of superpowers following.

Even if hundreds of thousands of corpses were triggered in some cities, with the help of the Buddha, after paying some price, a large number of crystal cores were harvested.

Half a month later, when the entire superpower team approached Neibi City, although the number of people had been sharply reduced to 100,000.

But the overall strength of the superpowers has increased a lot.

And in the clouds, the number of ancient angels with golden light escaping was close to 700.

Among them, there were more than 100 fifth-level beings.

The Buddha sitting cross-legged on the mutant black tiger, the golden Buddha light actually revealed a faint white light.

If Wang Mingyang saw it, he would definitely find the strong power of faith in this Buddha.

Compared with Father Joseph at the beginning, it is even more powerful.

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